Page 455 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 455

438                           MANUFACTURES
         l-Principales statistiques des manufactures, province de Québec, 1917-1948 et
                            annéea de Recensernent, 1880-1915.
         I-Principal Statigtics of Manufactures J Province of Quebec. 1917-1948 and Censu8
                                      Years. 1880-1915.
                                              Salaire"   d~       Va.leur des produits
                 Rta,bljs;;e--  Capital         et     mati"'rea       -
          A~NtES   monta   engagé   Employé'!  ,gll./l,e~  pn,mières  Value of Productfl
            -       -       -         -        -         -
          YBARS  Eflta.bliBh~  Ca.pital  Emplo}'e€IlI  Salarieto  Coat  Nette  Brute
                   menti'!  Invcsted           and       of       (1)       -
                                              ~'ag(9   Mll.lerill.lli  Ket  GrollS
                   No.       S        No.       •        •         •        •
         1880 •••••.  15,'(54  59,216.992  85,673  18,333,162  62,51)3, Q67  42,098,29}  104,662,258
         1800 •.••..  23 ,034  116,111-t,615  116,753  30,481.315  496  66,147,087  147,459,583
         1900 (2), ••  4,S4~  142,40:'1,407  110,329  36,550.655  80,712,  1  71,608,215  158,287,994
         1910 •.•...  6,584  326,946,925  158,207  69,432,967  184,374,053  166,527.603  350.901,556
         HH5(2) ...  5.743  530,a12,464 .............  80.324,171  213,754,115  167,449,884  381,203 ,999
         1917 ......  7,032  662,01:2.,875  188,040  141,007,616  385,212,984  380,882,409  7B6,OD5,30a
         1918 ......  7,162  693,2&1,230  186,346  159,687,886  454,044,637  403,719,310  857.763.941
         1919 ......  1,355  774,791,428  H12,051  168,722,652  496,311,095  420,229,905  IH6,541,000
         1920 ••.•. ,  7.530  878,859,638  183,748  202,516.550  553,558,520  499,643,217 1,053,201,131
         1921 .... , .  6,970  812,880,159  142,638  141,021.956  389,110,618  339,833,6G8  729.544,286
         1922 ......  7.190  800 ,859 ,568  143,584  139,876.821  333,298,544  348,020,126  679,318,610
         1923 ••...•  6,916  844,249,173  1.58,997  159.610,469  392,547,189  381,121,825  780,214,814
         1924 ......  6,635  876,890,062  156,745  936  381,634,721  338,584,142  743,182,726
         1925 •.....  6,761  905,520,201  162,729  157'502'  1  409,462,139  352,943,817  785.141.369
         1926 ••.•..  6,919  967,453,188  174,988  182,867,362  439,344,919  399,990,947  865,719,634
         1921 ......  6,970 1,063,584,109  190,127  196,942,659  462,024,306  447,809,548  940,184,139
         1928 .... ,.  7,012 1,206,789,994  198,403  210,102,319  494,247,.574  489,963,727 1,016,162,158
         1929" ....  6,948 1,246,208,650  206,680  225,226,808  537,270,055  537,106,395 1,108,592,115
         1930 ......  7,195 1,275,067,529  197,207  207,438,809  461 , j05, 366  479,054,474  973,115,856
         1931 ....   7,287 1,159.982,849  113,fl05  178,389,417  368,.)30,24,5  i04,034,Oi3  801,64.1,172
         1932 ......  7,630 1,051,020,080  155,025  114,263,174  291,766,121  301,151,419  619,093,915
         1933 .... '.  '; ,856 1,03Jj,339,591  157,481  134.,696,386  292,.'i60,56E  288,504,782  604,49fl.078
         19~ ......  ~ ,952 1,023.~€2,268  175,248  154,225,040  257,3f1ô,911  330,153,916  715,513,642
         1935 .••...  7,727 1,014,479,736  182,987  165,833,586  398,110.681  342,615,835  769,094,602
         1936 ......  7,969 1,029,5·16,039  194,876  182,319,454  45.'';, 027,7.'>9  377 ,514,Q98  863,687,389
         1937 ... , ..  8,518 1,117,712,721  219,033  210,971,207  562,889.160  445.RF5,66611 ,046,470, 796
         1938, ..•..  8,655 1,146,23.5,084  214,397  213,390,084  518.430,815  428,614,079'  983,123,599
         1939 ......  8,373 1,182,03<S.441  220,321  223,7.57,767  536,823,0:19  410,3$5,279 1,045,757,585
         1940 ......  8,381 1,345.92ï,9H  252,492  277,639.816  713,132,575  595,552,909 1,357,375,776
         19H ......  8,711 1,700•.527,405  327,591  393,819,671  961,162,209  815,o.~6,832 1,841,088,523
         1942 " ....  9,342 1,8.'l3.353,6tl8  3{l9,Olï  1';36,329,170 1,193, 44.5,432il ,059,873,943 2,333,303,012
         HI43 ......  9,372 2,230.620,386  437,247  658,323,620 1,483,627,79711,280,097,615 2,852,191,863
         1944 •.....  9,857  ~3)      424,115  668.151:,0(\3 1,494,253,05311,350,519,134 2,929,685,183
         1945 ......  10,038  3)         031  607,473,443 1,30;.534,191',149,390,919 2,531,903,830
         1946 ... , ..  10,818        357,216  1 56g. \)1;(1,105, l, 297 ,OQ~ ,099 1,125,991,848 2,497,971,521
         1947       11,223  f" 3)     379,449  6(L.S37.t3141,60l,Oolo,840 1,324,397,690 3,017,049.422
         1948. :::::  11,122  (3)     383,966  756,2IG, 13411, D54, 111,943 1,534,214,660 3,599,306,033
           (1) Depuis 1924, 011 III déduit de la valeur brute,  (1) Binee 1924. the COI;t ol fuel II.lld eleetricity as weIl
         outre le coQt des matiàre:!l premiêree, le coo.t du eombu.&-  as the co~t of materialB baB been dedueted from tbe
         ttbLe llt de l'éleetricité.          gros!:! ....alue ol produ~t&,
           (2) De 1900 A. HIl5 inoluaivement, Iee Iltatilltfques ne  (2) From 1000 to 1915 inclu!Uve, !:!tatiatic!:l refer {Joly
         se rapport.ent llu'aux: industries employant einq personnes  to establil;hmenta having five em~,lol·ee5 and over.
         et plus,
           (3) Ce renseÎgnll1uent n'a pail tHé recueilli depuis 1944.  (3) Data not oollected since 1944.
           NOTE.-Lee: statistiques dee travaux faits à la IDain,  NOTE.-Statistics of hand trades.  repait sheps,
         des boutiquee dl'! r6p8l'8.tioDIJ, des atelier!! de vêtements  dot.hing and other oustom mops are not compiled /linoe
         et autres confeotions sur commande ne Ilont pal'l compi-  H121.  Therefore, these industries ha....e been omitted
         lées depuis l'année 1921,  Conséquemment, <leS indulI-  from t.he above table for the year!! 1911 to 1921.
         tries ont été exolues du tableau ci~deBliull pour les années
         1917 A 1921.
                      NORMALE                          CLASSIFICATION
           Autrefois, on les industries Inanu-  Formerly manufacturing industries were
         factuIières de trois façons di:ff~rent€s: a-selon classified in tillee ditferent wa.ys: a-according
         la mati~re principale du produit;  b-selon to chief oomponPDt material; b--aC'.,cording to
         l'usage du produit;  c-selon l'origine de la purpose of the produet;  ~a.coordingto origin
         matière première.  La classification "selon la of the raw mateIiaI. The classification based
         matière principale du produit" était la plus on "chief component material" was the most
         fréquemment utilisée; d'une façon générale, widely used as jt proved most useful for generaI
         elle répondait à t.ous les besoins.  pmposes.
           En 1945, un comité fédéra.l interdéparte-  In 1945, a federal interdepartmental working
         mental fut constitué pour lîtudier la cIassifi- committee was set up to study industrial c1a.ssi-
         cs,tion des industries li la lumière des progrès fica.tioD in the Iight of the considerable deve1op-
         considérables accomplis au cours des années ment industry had undergone in the few pre-
         antérieures.  En examinant la question le ooding yeara. On examining the question the
         Comité jugea opportun de combiner les no- committee judged it expedient to oombin€ the
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