Page 458 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 458

MANUFACTURE8                            441

          3-Principalea IItatistiques des manufactures au Canada. par provinces, 1947_48.

           3--Princ:iplll Statiatic8 of the ManufactureR in Canada, by Provinces, 1947-48.

                               Enlpl.  •  tlaitl.ire  Empl.  •  1  Co«
                                   -               -            d..   1   Valeur
                      Eta.blill-  Erepl. on So.lIPiee.  Empl. on l\'lloges  mp,tih".  brute deR
                      !lamento.                               pTemiêTes  produiœ
           PROVINCES    -                                        -         -
                       Esta.b~  Nombre  Sa.laires  Nombre  Gagell  CORt  1  Gross
                       li6h-  -       -       -       -          of      "",lue of
                       meDh  Numher  Salariel!  1Numher  "'!logea  Ma.terials  Products
                       Nu.                             •         •         •
         Ile-du·P.-E.. P,E.1,  260  474  • &11, Il':;  1  1.4;;~  1,397,3:12  8,610,332  J2,6:,;3,451
         N.-Ecol'l8e '. ,N. s..  1,480  4.249  8,065.301  26,1136  38,027.735  111,354,221  204.219,433
         N.-Brunswlck ... ...
         8 uébec•.•...... ..  Il.223  r-.o,573  1  1!)2,4,)5,062  3HL876  510.382,552  1,601 ,0nS,MO  3,017,049,422
                                     6 ,9::l9 , 126120.789
          ntario, ."."., ... u,seo
         M8.n.jt"ÙIi, ..... ...  1,413  04,423  243,676,598 443,158  704.300,1l6  2,651.697,57'3  4,903,472,526
         S8.skBtchewp.n.... ..  1,001  2,912  1  5.18~,(j67  8,811  14,470.303  lfil,44g.021  1913.452,199
         Albertll.., .. , .... ,.  1,382  4,607  9,21/0,133  19,334  32,046,038  202,324,0.36  ~96,O;'4,129
         Cul.-Brit.•... B. C ..  3,040  13.689  32,8110.569  59,472  134,392.098  453,570.677  858,284,592
         Yukon &; Terr......  14  26   :)7,174  119  1  256.1n1  6i10,533  1,3H.IO{i
           C.l.lor,lDJ. .••.•..  32.734 )191.100  474.&93,&00 1940,650 . 1,GU,2l:l,t6G  5,5U,280,Ot9 10,081,026,580
                                                            1        -
         Ile-du_P._E.". P.E.I.        !}80,421  1,:300  1,493,[:I64!  12.G34.ï851  17.07.1,084-
         N.~:f':co8se... ,.N. S.. 1.~~61 :g~ 1  8,972,5\12  25,940  43,580,6081140.761,593  2±t>,1l1,G83
         N.-Brunswick,  .  1,0'J7  3A03  7 ..501.7!iR  20,922  36,416,88!1  1:i4,410,.5291  2.14.579,&..><4
         Quf1bec   .   Il.122 1 62.1521  167,71:'4,686
         dntlnio., .. ,  .  12,127  98.321  :276.827,306 in:~ii  ~~:~~i:~6~ ~ in:JM:~:~ E:~~~:î~3:~~y
         M8.oiwb8.  .   1,400  6,811  17,4@,496  33.746  61,844,380  295.606.269  462,201.180
         Sa~k8tchew!loD  .  g26  2,818  5,4,'57,306  8,13:?  15,581,GOG  1 172,423,2751  221.363,603
         Albert8.     .              1O,811,1.Qg  2O,J97  38.926,.)63  253,7,)4.967  3fi6,mm,OS2
         Col.·"Brit  Re ..  1.'58 1 5.0[;5 1  ~7 .249. 702  71.844  156,731, 103 t  549.275,003  985, 5H2. 702
         Yukon & 1'eIT, . ,  17  42    77,tl7I
                                            ==-=u~ô=-:.-=-=~2~O~B~.'~4~'_ ~--:cc:--"~'~"~.'~J~'1  1. 331}, ll~O_
           CA:X,lll~..• , ... ,  33.441 )19l,279 1  5]2,702,476 1957,727 Il,sn,101,l15  6,632,S81,G28 .11.,876,nJO,012
          4-Nombre d'employés dans les manufactures du Canada, par province.., 1947-48.
           4-Number or Employees in Manufactures of Canada, by Provinces, 1947_48.
                                       Emplu)'éb à .,aJ~.i:rc-  1
                                      Eillployeel' ·Jll S_·'c:ac,_i'_'  +_=c-_E_m_'_-'lOYBeS on ""-nifes
                 PROVu.;CES         Ho~m€'s  i  Fe~_e:s  1  Ho~me:3  l'  Fe~"le"
                                     ::\-1ule  'r...nm\e     1'1ale      I!em.'J.le
                                  1::' i ::" : :::' i '::8  1  ::' ::8 Il':: i ::
         ~:·~:;fie:~è~"s:,~·.:::ko~~I8~~·ti~::::.: j a'~~~.1 3,~TI 1 ~\g31 9~:~ !2à:gg& 122,~§g! 3.~i~ 3.;1i
         Nouv.·Brnoswick •. Ntlw nru~wick,.  2.522  2.593  370  810  17170  16 &'>8 1 3,6lH 1 4,004
         Québeo•••••••••••••.•..•..•••.•••. 144'08814:;,216  lIJ,4~51 Hi,û~6 229 IN; 231 551 1 S9 (81)  flO :293
         Cintario,    , •. ,  ,   63,~~~  66,\l7C, 130'~3?  31,~4~ 342,9~8135~ ()'H  lOO 170  \l2 2~3
         Manltelba..........................  4 ..1110  5,005  \,,\12  1,80~  1 24 8~ti 12J 1i7I  7,797  , 8,5
         8asklitllbewan., ••..•..•.....•......i 2.157  2,080  755  708 1 7612  701';1Il 16[1  1 113
         Albertà•.•. ,.: .•..••. , ',.............  3,4~~ 1 3' 936 1 1 '121  1,159  16,203  17.462  3131  3 1,~5
         Co!orn!:J1t·Rnt. .•.. 'Brrtü,hCol  10,42;,,'  11,-133  3207  .3 337  6Ü 046  62 P03  9 421)  1 8941
         Yukon & Terr............ ...•.....  24  30  2  1  12  112  R21  ' 1   13
              C,lW~D.I.       , .•. 11i5,2481141,D821 ss.852rS7.197j72i:407j~SG 2i9.2~ 218,7n
   453   454   455   456   457   458   459   460   461   462   463