Page 459 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 459

442                         MANUFACTURES

             5-----Principales statistiques des manufactures de la Province, par groupes.
               S-Principal Statbtics of the Manufactures of the Province, by Groups.

                              Employé.!! à salaire  Emplo},ts à gllge~  Coo.t
                      \ Et!l.blis-  -              -             cl"      VIlI'lUl:
            GROt,;"PES  gements  Employees on S",luties  Employees on Wllg~  nlll.tières  brute des
          D'Il\TDUSTnIES  -                                    "pr~m~èrel>  produit:.
               -       Estab-                                    -         --
           GROUPS OF    Iish~  Nombre  Sl\lll.;u~  Nombre  üage.!!  Cost  Gro.~f
           INDUSTRIES  roCDts  -       -       -       -         of      Value 01
                             NunJber  SIl.1ariœ  1\umber  Wnge..  l\fa.terials  r~oduet8
                        No.            •               •         •         •
         Su"".no.. V"'''J".I  1 ,l'55  6,83-1  1.5,237,009  33,75.'>  44,293,257  210,709,596  370,615,035
         ProdmtB anImaux ...  1,866  5,60S  10,62.5,304  29,191  35,414,565  203,331,SOO  1 282,790,238
         Textiles et tisSUE.....  1,745  10,939  29,271,882  79,373  95.703,107  253,3[,2,836  ~~~:~~i:~~g
         Baia et papiel'. .  . .. \  3, ll4<)  13,2\J1  27 ,SHi, 181  58,868  90,61)1'.,967  243,345,019
         Fel' et produita......  :j33  10,276  24,148,195  55,160  100,670,225  137,907,257  330,375,759
         Métaux non-ferreux.  193  5,235  12,62t'i,Z,')Ô  19,301  30,824,074  IHl,954,:H9  213,677,920
         !i!linémul< Don-métal.·
          li~ues.............  240  1,444  3,320,897  8,062  13,187,751  65,1l4,M7  120,049,031
         Pra uit~ chimiques,.  327  3,708  8,1157.036  1O.18a  14,00',.67  ,o"","71 122.7S','2'
         Indu",yil'~ diverses...  219  1,096  2,550,639  4,940  6,125.063  15,649,089  32,726,747
              TOTAL••••••  10.818  ..·..·1  134,254,7'9  298,845  431,7S1,3CI6 \ - 2,497.971,521

         vegetable p roduCb •. \1,850  7,022:  16,o24,992135,829  61,9:i6,988 1 262,700,52°1  443,438,491
         Auimalpl'Oduets.....  1,827  5,753  11,826,404  'P,925  36,823,029  231.487,535  319,833,537
         Textiles aud textile                                         1
          pI'oducts..... .....  1,826  11,45.5  33,392,5~  85,666  111,9Bl,8941  307,590,659  582,389,476
         Wood  and  paperl
          proollcts     4.124  13,822  31,527.117  64-,~22  112,372,654  305,3C14,8!J4  U63,213,157
         IronrtnditSflroduots.  ,';43  10,229  27,294,465  57,709  1111'223'8231  158,980,041  382.727,426
         ~ cm-ferroua  metal
          prodœts.. ,.......  221  5,987  15,017.023  23,670  4.3,-H7,736  li!7,550,617  301,522.697
         Non-lfleta.11ic Juilleral
          products..... .....  242  1,473  3,716,111  8,?16  16.7H,3871  8~,4.02,1g.t  lS6,û03,642
         CLemica-ls ar::d chem·
          lcal p,·odUÜi;... ..  334  3,646  10,010,4.8li 110,Z8li  16,976,0171  63 ,809 ,2Z2  139,413,967
         Mi.5celianeol.lJ3 indust-
          ries.. ,    ~1--=lO,~1=8<l=-I._O.2=-,'~2.>=-,'~3~'_:C~4~,~5~5::-4 _::-:5.~,S~5~'~,9=24=-I-:-::J2~.~2~,.~,~'~'~'+:-:'~7~,OO=7c,~029cc-
             TOl'AL••••• , •.  U.223  60,57)  152.455.062 (31I,87G  510,382,552\1,601,055,840  3.017,D49,422
         SubstaUCf!!1 vé~étll.I~!I.  1.821  6,782  11,558,164  35,088  f',O_I73,260  302,051>,908  515,278,288
         Produits animall~ .  1,750  5,935  13,959,690  28,563  42,304,852  312,372,096  416,393.351
         Tertill';; et tilleUll •.••  1,79~  12,039  31,238,889  88,71.5  135,252,814  359,ô4(i, 177  690.501),576
         Boia et papier....•..  4,111  14,515  35,439,503  ô3,705  126,497.593  340,413,(l'J9  733,686,171
         Fflr et produ:ît.a..•..  003  9,49~  26,533,021  56,741  128,433,374  206,006, 108  467,904,862
         Mélaux non-ferreux..  '16  0.302  17,881,505  24,490  51,831,5211  215,000,72::1.  373,737,350
         MinéraUl Don métal-
          l~:r-.lt8...,.... ... .  '68  1.(i04  4,334,393  8,828  18,661,616  125,670,614  202,715,051\
         Pr  ults chiIIli:f]Uetl '.  337  4,228  12,027,634  10,287  19,201,340  79,100,014  170,377,188
         IndUdtrie;; djvmses ...  250  1,150  2,790,{\97\  4,337  6,036,070  12,546,274  28,708,1&5
             TOT"'••••••• ,.  11,122  02,... [  157,764,1086 321,814  ssa.,451,448  1,954,111,943  I,599,3I06,OU
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