Page 453 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 453


          Les usines centrales électriques de la Provinoo  There was a remarkable development of
         ont progressé de façon remarquable de 1945 à  Central Electric Stations in the Provînoo
         1948: le nombre total de leurB abonnés s'est  (rom 1945 to 1948: the totalnumber of custom-
         accru de 143,150, la longueur des lignes sur po-  ers was increased by 143,150, pole line mileago
         teaux a augmenté de 7,656 milles et les ventes  by 7,636 miles and salef,l of electrieity amounted
         d'énergie êleetrique se sont élovées à $96,312,283  ta $!I6,312,283 in 1948 compll1'€d to $8O,4!M.022
         en 1(}48comparativement à $80,494,022 en 1945.  in 1945.

                  14-- Recette. des ulinelll électriquea centralelll de la Province.
                   14-Revenue of Central Electl'ic Stations in the Province.

                         RECETTE&-REVENUE                  1  1946   '94'   1948

                                                              $       •      •
         Recett911 (vente d'électricité) ••••.•....... Revenue (eaLe of electric energy).",. 84,894,929 93,904,672 96,312,283
           Eclaira.e eammercial, •••••.• " .. •• •  CommerdalliJ:!:ht.• , •••• , ,. " ., .  10,144,503 1O,800,6W 11,205,749
           Service domestique.••.•.•• , .••.. " .  Domestic servlCfI, •. , •••..•.....  1.1,401,463 15,156,347 17,531,147
           Petite force motrice.. . .. .. •• •. .....  Power (small) ..................  2,736,846 2,806.539 2,868.427
           Groese forCle motrke.•• ,. •• •• .• .. •• .  Power (large) ..•••••••.......•.  56.540,241 63,006,496 62,491.221
           Eclairage des ruee. , ••.••••• , •• •. .• .  Street lighting .....•.•. , , •.•...  1,213,504 1,254,867 1,SHI,OZ7
           Pouvoir municipaL .. , ...............  Municipal power. .. .... .. .......  858,372  879,794  890,706
         Recettell des ueines commercwfll!I ..• , .•. , ,Revenue of commeroiallltationa ...... 56,735,273 63.764,036·64,178,976
          N on·glinératricl'lll ...••.• , ..•••..•.••••  Non-generat.iDa.•...•, ...........  166,108  227,SOP  311.137
          G4int!ratrice.\l ...•••.•••••• , •..•.•••. , •  Generati~....••, , ..••••.•.•. , ..  56,569,165 63,536,221 ()3 ,867 ,839
           Hydrauliques••• , .•...•••.••.••••••  r~~~..'~:::::::::::::::::::::  56,525,754 63,489,254 63,719,934
           A combustible .....................                43,411  46,973  147,005
         RllIcettf!l des ueinf!l!l munieipalee .... , .•• , .ReveDue of municipaistationlll ...•...  28,159,656 30,140,636 32,133,307
                                                              720.536  859,958  g99,SOl
          ~g:~~fr~~~~~.c~::::::::::::::::::::: ~~:;~~:.~~~:::::::::::::::::: 27,439,12U 29 ,280,1\7~ 31.133,506
           Hydraulique!!. ,... .• •• •. •. .. •• .• •• •  Hydraulie ...••.. , •..•.•• , •..•.  27.317,988 29,255,694 31.098,716
           AcombUfltihle ..•••. , .•... ,........  Fuel ..•.••• , •••..... , •.• , ••••.  121,132  24,984  34,700
        .Reve~u moyen par h. p. de machineriepri_ Average revenue per h. p. of prime.ry
          m&lnl•..•.. , .••.•..•.•...••....... ,.  power........................ , ..  11S.73  17.31  17.37
        Rev~nu. moyen p~. b;. p, de mschinerio Aver8f1:~ revenue per b.p. in main and
          pnnCllpale et aUllJhwre ...• , .. , . . . . . . . .  auxilllu'y planh ............. , ....  15.62  17.17  17.24
        Bevemu moyen PlU' k. v. Il. de la capacité Aver6&'e revenueper k. v, a. oC d)'llamo
          dœ dynarnoo dee woinel princ .•. , .... ,.  OBpadty. , ..........•.. , •... , ....  18.58  20.42  20.46
        Revenu mayen par k. v. a. de la cap. dee Average revenue per k. v. a. in main
        . dyn. dei winesprinc. et auxil.... ,.. . . ..  lUld aurilia.ry plants ..............  18.48  20.25  20.30
        Revenu moyen par Ic.. w. heurfll!l de toutea Average reVl"nue pet kilowatt bour
          1. Ulinee .•••.••••••••••••••• ,.... ...  eollllumed (cents) ..•.....••.•.. , ..  0.36  0.46  0.50
                 15 -  Dépenses des usines électriques centrales de la Province.
                   15--Expenses of Central Electric Stations in the Province.

                       DEPENSEB-EXPENBES                   1946    1947    HJ48
                                                            •       •       •
         Total dee d~pt'!nses.......•••... , •..•. Total e;zpeUllfll!l .••• , • , ..•••.••.•..  40,753,336 48,128,323 49,905,183
          Pourc:entaae du total du Canada.....  Per cent of total far Canada.....  26.00  26.43  27.69
          Sallliru et gaaes .. ' ........ ,. .. .• ...  Salaries and 'luges ... " .........  13,100,755 15,138,979 17,721,694
          CODlbwtible ....••.•• , .•• , .•••••.• ,  Fuel ..•.• , •••• , .. , •.•..••.••..  64 ,464  33,9201  123.4M
          Ta:l4l11 (1) .•.•.....••• , •••.•.••••••  TlIJ:l!8 (1) ..•.•••••••••.•••.••..  12.ûf.fJ,ISI  17,541,443 16,448,564
          Aob,at d'éneraie 4ilectrique...........  Co.t of power ..••• ,. ,." .•.•..  15.488,936 Hi,408,981  15,611,461
         Uainu eomm~1lIe8.. ,••.• , ••..•••••. Comrnemlll eta1ioD.8 ..•••••.•.••..  29,952,510 23,974,546 34,870,7.';3
          UllinlE'llI DOD-productricelll.. ,. •••• •••••  Non-.reneratiq statiOM.••••••..  165.723  23'J,553  307.005
          UIlli.Dea produot.:rices...... •••• .. •• ...  Generatin~stBtioWl .............  29,786,787 23,734,\\93 34.563,658
           UsiDeli h.ydrsu)Jquell. , •.• ,. •• •• .••  Hydrau '0 IIh,tions, ,••••• , ••..  29,761,233 33,705,160 34,399,165
           UllÎ.nea l comburtible .•. , .•••• , •• •  Fuel IlItBt.i.oDI. , ...............  25,554  29,833  164,493
        U1lÎ1I" munidpalee•••••• ' •••••••••••• Municipal Btatiolle ..•.•••••••.••..  10,800,826 14,153,177 15,034.430
 l!I~roductri.ces.......••• •••  NOIl.-aeueratilll Mationa••••.•. , .  644,560  803,502  800,04.5
          Utrinee pr  UlCtr1('e....... •• .• .• •• •• •  Generating sh.tioDs .•••.•.•.•• , .  10,156,266 13.350,275 14,144,385
           Vu.. hydJ'auliQueli••••.•• '... •••  Hydraulic etationa..•••.•••• , .  10,088,677 13,338,398 14,131,209
           Uai•• l coll:lbu.tible.. •••• •• •• •••  Fuellitationa...•••••.••••••..  67,.589  11,871  13,176
                                               (l) Bal. lu atIt ill.oluded.
   448   449   450   451   452   453   454   455   456   457   458