Page 460 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 460

MANUFACTURES                             443

          6--Principales statistiques des manufactures, cités de Montréal et Québec, par
                                       groupes, 1947.
         6-Principal Statistic8 of Manufacture&, Cities of Montreal and Quebec, by groups,

                                                         Coût du !
                                  1llt.bLi,.1    Sal"ürüg  e,ombus.tible 1 Coût des  Valeur bmte
                                                          ",t dp.
               Gnoul'r.s P'IUDUS'rRIES  ,,()lll~Dt6  et ~;).ge.5  l'~lectl1Cit6  premiàree  d<'>1 produite
              GROUPi> OF INDU81'R11<1>    Em-    8,1la:ries  Cost of  Gost oE  Groi;l~alue
                                          ple,rees  and W!lges  fuel IIlJd  of produt.1:-lI
                                     No.   :'l'o.
         Al~~=~6.,s,t. ~.().~B.O.~.~~~~ .a.~~ .~~\:~r~ 1  386  19,530  3ü,a25,026  3,8~:,407 195.0:6,walz8S,13:,lJ29
         Tabac et PJ'(,duitt. du tl't~~Toh"'~"ol
           and tobaccl> productFl.... . . . . . .. ...  32  5,907  9,572,089  1Bll,728  :'12,726,292  61,559,275
         Produits du eiJ.Qutchoue---Rubber prod-  .,
           ucts                   .         153  1  2,398,1397  23$,324  4.232,983  8,945,781
         Produih du cuir-Leath,"1" product8  .  218  11,137  1  15,7<l7,S155  280'2%127'45°'797  51,2i4,620
         T.."tî!<'set til;"Stts (vê~Ulent non compris)
           -Textile produets (ex~ept cluthi.n)!;) ..  lGG  9,0,'),'>  15,910,860  996.124  39,761010 166.4.')4'854
         Vêteme~t (t.i~slls et foutTure)---elothing
           (t;m,:til" Rn<! fur)...........  .. .. "  1,560  40,842  65,745,501  (loo,S07 132275,202 257,778.,i28
         Pwduita du bols-Wood producta  .  252  6,186  lO,,'i20,593  351,661  19,445,348  38,008.377
         Produito. du papier-Paper produ<'ts  .  6G  4,833  9,613,005  341),081  1iL0ü4,6()<J  20.211,.';2:;
         Jmprh~"ion, ~ditioll ",t mMier conne:'!es--
           Prillting, Publishing and Allied prod.  352  9,708  20,296,248  413,936  16,453,160  52,On ,909
         Dér[vûs du fcor e~ de l'acier--Iron and
         É;~;~rn~~~1IC1~'.ka~po;~Tran~l;ort,~  256  16,320  32,470,576  2,316,38-1  37,298,007  [l6,448,07B
           atiull éqlliprnen;;  ,  .     22,272  '19,419,558  2,255,712  J6.V30,'142 1 12 ,j,5?9,07{J
         D~riYés d"i< 1116taux llc,o.,f",rnmx-NOll_
           fenous metal pl"oduct~... , ' .. "  .... 1  102  3,40,  0,126,130  2&-1,1'.1:1  13,132,845  24.,078,400
         Applèreils  l'l, fon-nitures  él,;,ctriqtles-
           .Electrj{)aJ aj)J.lalatll~ a,nd "upplie~  52  l'L463  28,346,501  719,8\15  33,303,311  80,31)4, 120
         Dérivés  de5 métalloïdes-l\on-metallic
           minera.! voduct.~  "  ,  ,  6412'5M 1 50')7,018  :l,Ia6,f15D  9,19r',736  Za,UlO,597
         Prodllits cbimiqllcs-Clclllica.l product~.  212  fi 937  12, Oï4, 163  818,277  42,042,355  81,200.236
         Diverses  industries  manuflieturières-
           Mj~eel1!lneotu, mllndacturing inciUJ>-  t  1
                                    3,::: Il;:~;: _.C:C~.C~C54C,C.:C:C:CI'_--':':":':"=-1  6,136.050  13,914.258
           trie~ .. ~~.~~~: :: ..                                -
                                                         17,075,063  682,056,090 1,298,oU,.2G6
                                                   •       •
                                                3,120,ï79  319,628  18.5~.",O126,,:5,110
                                                 991, 598  30,6B5  4,119,o381  7,400,270
                                                4,252,054  121,178  1O,~71,992  17,6,">5,268
                                                  fi0.412   1,008   77,862  140,780
                                                2,768,387  61,189  5,23~,646  10,259,891
                                                 64,~,74!l  29,122  1, 14,'),389  2,250,:;87
                                                2,005,145  54,250          5,53fl,a79
                                                 839,952   44,407  1,:::~:~ Il  2,214,312
                                                    706     ;I,aG3  45,919   98,543
                                                  35'  1
                                                  150.202  14,394  320,050  l'>33.D83
                                                 327,39;]  !.i1,Q4'J  863,755  1, 700,944
   455   456   457   458   459   460   461   462   463   464   465