Page 441 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 441


         3-Pul•••nce d•• turbine. au Canada, par province., au 31 décembre, 1919-49.
          3--Capacity of Turbines in Canada, by Province., on 31st December, 1919-49.

                                             1                   Autres
                                              Colom"" 1       1
                                              B:rito.~nique     pravinolNI
           ANNtEB-YEARS       Qu6bl!lO  Ontario        MaDikiba  1  -    Canada
                                               Britisb           Oth'lf
                                              Columbia          ProvinC4ll
                              h. p.    b. p.    h. p.    b. p.    b. p.   b·t·
        1919.••••••. , •. , .•••••••••••  9SB,9OS  1,036,550  308,364  811,32!\  102,908  2,47 ,060
        1920••••••••••••••••••••••••  9.55,090  1,057,422  300,634  S/5,3ZI1  108,188  2,.51.5,M9
        1921 .•••• " .•••••••••.•.•• _•  1,050,338  1,IM,94-0  310.262  99,1211  128,492  2,754,11l7
        1~2...........•.•..........  1,099,404  1,3011,.536  329,557  134.,02.5  139,823  3.008,345
        1923••• , ••• , ••••••••••••••••  1,135,481  l,a96,166  356,118  162,02.5  142,062  3,191,8112
        1924........................  1,312,600  1,1l9l5,39t.  360,492  162,0211  160,133  3,.59û,.5116
        19211........................  1,749,976  1.802,1l62  443.8112  183,92li  1.57,948  1  4.338,262
        1926........................  1,886,042  1.808,24t.  ~3,8112  227,925  163,318  1  4,549,388
        1927........................  2,069,.518  1.832,61111  47&,282  21l11,9211  1615,587  4,798,917
        1928••••••••••••••.•.•••••••  2,387,118  1,003,7011  Il.54,792  311,9211  191,692  Il.349.232
        1929........................  2,1l911,430  1.9!'i2,066  Il.59,792  311,925  318,960  Il.727.162
        1980........................  2,718,130  2.088.0~  630,792  31l,9Zri  376,110  6.12ri.OI2
        1981. .......................  3,100,330  2,14ri,2011  61l!'i,992  390,921l  377,88.5  6.666,337
        1932........................  3.3117,320  713,7QZ  390,925  37.5,118  7,043,260
        1933.•••••••••••.•••••••••.•  3.493,3Z0  2,3111l,IOll  717,t10Z  300,9211  3n,Il8  7,332.070
        lQ34••••• ,           3,703.320  2,3rill,71l1l  717,711  390,9211  319,318  7,1I47,03!'i
        lQ31l•••••• , :::::::::::::::::  3,853,320  2,1l60,1!'i6  7l8,""~1  392.8211  384,318  7,909.l1ri
        U~33.•••••••••••.•••••••••..  3,883,320  2,IlIU,90ll  718,922  392.826  388,618  1,94Il,390
        1937••••.••••••••••••••••..•  3,999,686  2,.577,&80  719,912  toll,821l  410,388  8,112,1111
        1938........................  4,lJ31,M3  2,1582,9159  738,013  420,9ZIl  417,812  8,190,172
        lQ39••....••••••••.•.....••.  ',084,7t13  2,!'i96,799  738,013  420,92.5  448,112  8,289,212
        HKO.•••••••••••.•..•.•.••••  4,320,9~3  2,1l91,!'i911  788.163  420,925  448,712  8,1l84,438
        1941. .......................  4,.5ri6,943  2,617.491l  788,763  420,921l  ~60,912  8,845,038
        1942 ••.•••......••.•••......  4.839,.543  2,684.3911  792,563  420,925  488,U2  9,225,838
        1943........         5,847,,322  2,673,443  796,024  422,825  474,899  1O.214,Ji13
       1944.•.•..••• :::::::::::::: :  .5,848,672  2,673,443  864,024  422,825  474,899  10.283,763
       1945........................  1l,848,.572  2,673.290  864.021  422,82.5  474,899  10,283,610
        1946.•....• , .........•..•.•.  5,848,.512  2,679,740  864,024  446,825  472,962  10.312,123
       1941...• , .......•... " .... , .  .5,878,872  2,749,740  917,024  458.825  486,462  10.490,923
       1948 .. , .•. " ....•.  .....  5,939,697  2,894,240  1,009,700  50~,700  523,312  10.870,718
        1lt49.. , . ... .. .. .............  6,130,097  2.896,&40  1,238,069  551,700  (l) 700,927 1) 11,613,333
         (l) y compris Terre--Neuve.          (1) Including ~ewfonndland.
          4-Utill.ation de. forces hydraulique. captées au Canadal par provinces, 1949.
             4-Utilization of Developed Water Power in Canada, by Provinces, 1949.
                                    puissance dei hrbinee instan~eIJ en h. p, daMI  Nombre
                                                  -                       ~h.p,
                                    I    Turbine Insta.llation in b. p. in  jPOPUlll.tion d6veloppéI
                                    I-cc-,----·,-                  au 1er  par 1,000
                                      Usines  Ulines à            juin 1949  personnes
                 PROVINCES           centraleB  pulpe et à  Autre!!'  --
                                    électrique!!  papier  induBtriel  IPOPUlation  A\'erage
                                       (a)    (b)    (e)    Tot1lo1  June lst lnet!lltation
                                     Central  Pulp  ether           1949  per 1.000
                                     E100tric  a.nd Paper Indulltries    Population
                                     fo\tll.tioDP  Mill~
        De-du-Pc&J~::douard, .•• P. Edward I8I&nd....  579..........  1  2,6171  94.0001  28
        NouveUe-l!:IlO8l!le...•.•• Nova Bcotia, .•••••.  119,539  Il ,884  ,2 ·,Og38, 1  145.384  645,000  ""'5
        N.·BroDl!lwÎck .••.••••••• ; ••••••• , •••• ' •••  104,710  20,694  7,9431  J33.347  51f1,9QQ  258
        8~::~','::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :  5,771,987  271,521  86,589 6.130,097,3,587,000:  1,577
                                                      84,351 2,896,540 ~,411'0001
        M&nit.oba, •••••.•••••••• , •••••••••.. , •.•  556,800..  1.900  557,700  1  778,000  717              .  108.500 .       3.335  111.835  861,000  130
        Alberta ....•••.••••••••••....• , .••. , ••.•  105.16&  2,050  107.225  871,000  123
        COl.-Brit     BrU. Col..   .  1,045.812 "135;fjào  56,7f>7 1,238.069 1,114,000  1 111
        Yukon et Ten. N.-o  Yukon and N. W, T.  8,750  19.719  28,469  24,000  l,lM
                                       39.110" '2i9:900  3.040  262.0;;'0  348,000  753
             CANA.D..\. • . . • . •• •• •• •• • .• •• •• ••• 10."-48,449  883,191  857
         (a) Comprend .eulement les usines hydro-électriques  (a) Include'l  only  hytiro-electric  .tatioTl8  whieh
        qui produiBent l'énergie pour la. vente.  develop power for Baie.
         (b) Outre leUl' production, elles achètent des uBinell  (b) their production, they purchase from
        61ectriques centrales plUB de 1,760,000 h.p.  central ..lectric Btation.B more thlln 1,750,000. h.p.
         (c) EU. IItcbatent AUllllti de i'lJner,ie de.. uainell électri·  (1:) They BIao purehOlle power from centn.l electric
        ques centrlll•.                      etat.ionll.
   436   437   438   439   440   441   442   443   444   445   446