Page 315 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 315
Par terres agricoles occupées on comprend The area of occupied land inc1udes oJllandB
toutes les terres (dans la municipalité) sur (in the municipality) on which lJle opemtor
lesquelles l'exploitant a exœuté des travaux conducted farming operations of any kind,
agricoles queloonques, qu'elles aient été mises whether they we~ cropped, used for pasture,
en culture, utilisées pour le pâturage, le bois
ou inexploitées. in woodland or idle.
lo--:ftat des terres agricoles occupées au Canada, par province•.
lO-Condition of occupied farm land in Canada, by province•.
An~1u Ile-du-P.-E. N.-tclOElBe
ttat-CondltioD 1 - - N. Brunswick Québeo Ontario
Y..~ P.E.I. N. Scott"
ao. ". ". ". .,.
SUPERFICIe TOTAL....-TOT.lLL AREA•• .94. 1,111,868 J,D',M' J,BU,t09 lI,O&2,5&C 22,117,981
1931 1,191,202 .t,IDZ,031 4,151,59& n.S....IM 22.&'&0,_
D'fricAl_Impro,ed . .....•..•.... 19~1 7S1,4f)O 9U,408 1 ,'~6.4,81 0,06B,811 1~,S8S,S81
lB31 785,1rB att··.. '" 1,z:?;::: 8,094,159 J3,B1B,986
En culture-Under cro))6....•. , . 1941 470,004 53 ,059 6,079,191 9,081,082
1931 494,6\J2 574,729 958,189 6,079,793 9,359,763
Pl\turage--Pa8ture...•. , •.. '" . 1941 237,062 175,236 296,776 2,519.3M 8,237,865
1931 242,195 168,303 292,687 2,600,757 2,943,567
En jacbêre--Sununer fallow •. , .. 1941 3,943 3,748 8,472 6,776 320,765
1931 8{723 9,229 16,292 28,151 344,634
Autre terre dl!frichlie--
Other improved land ......... 1941 20.,044 57,485 64,269 399,020 M3,105
1931 17,740 43,386 52,914 224,951 394,050
En Irich_Unimpro~~d." •.. , ..... 19,41 4,81,488 3,004,143 B,1'8,818 8,990,808 0,024,600
19:'Jl ft.25,4f1O 3,tf,'.3.a .,at1,3'~ 8,S10,fXJ6 0,567,01'
BoiBI!e-Woo.dland.........•.... 1941 315,780 2, 6,245 2,210,41 5,962,906 3,864,869
1931 339,076 2,502,773 2,432,570 6,035,594 4,702,459
l'raide ou pâturage naturel-
l'raide or natura! pasture..•..... 1941 80,604 731,801 364,493 2,090,823 3,879,182
1931 35,264 744,971 238,855 1,430,974 3,460,398
Ma.réoa~e---MarBbor waBte land . 1941 35,084 197.197 153,773 946,164 1,280,569
1931 51,090 209,655 149,939 843,438 1,40ô,055
1 1
Annéell 1 C.B.
ttat--Condition - Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta - Total
Years B.C.
.,. ." &O. &O• &O.
SUPERYlCIP: TOTIlLE-To'rAL AREA .. 1941 16,11'1,322 SI,'60,'27 .t3,277,295 4.031,570 17I,5G1,2f2
1931 15,U1,6115 55,671,460 !I,m,.u7 1.541.541 16!,U4,OI4
,.., 8,5Bl,930 17,748,518 704.,050 85,731J.17B
J)lfrich~_lm,"ro'ro. .......... , .. 19,41 9,810,174 ~5,577.3BO SO,lS5,IHJO 893,085 91,838,065
Hl ,765, 648
Eo eultu:re-Under crope... " , .. .941 6,323,037 33,548,088 12,278,873 537,998 55,938,636
1931 5,842,368 22,126,329 12,037,394 452,226 57,925,483
Pt\turage-Pa..ture....•....•.... 1941 455,487 783,901 625,578 171,614 8,502,873
1931 411,924 712,371 524,586 115,326 S,OI1,716
En ja~Mre--BummerfaUow ..•.. 1941 2,767,335 13,803,088 6,545,931 75,048 23,535,106
1931 2,069,944 9.941,357 4,547,187 41,761 17,007,278
Autre tene défriobée--
Other improved land.•..•• , , •. llHl 278.385 1,222,990 669,588 57,290 8,318,176
1931 194.032 766,308 637,435 42,414 2,373,230
En fr*h_Ufl,if1lpr01l~d.• " •. " •... 1941 7,089,11,8 f4,SBj,607 B3,152,075 3,1,40.485 81,917,157
1931 6,809, M5 ef,194·472 el,9f8,OSO 2,838.685 77,381,88S
Boiel-e-WoodIand.............. 1941 1,520,648 2,566,115 2,727,375 1,013,732 22,266,082
1931 2,018,520 3,508,480 3,893,680 1,212,129 26,645,281
Prairie ou pê.tur~ l1aturel-
Prairie or Datura] paeture , .... '94' 4,823,515 19.815,940 18,745,520 1,846,358 52,378,236
Maricqe-Mareb or wute land, 1931 3,601,644 15,755,179 15,960,38S 1,347,377 42, 574, Q97
1931 989,691 2,860,813 1,374_,924 277,079 8,1~1,584