Page 238 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 238

220                             JUSTICE

                 B-CRIMINALITt                  B-CRIMINAL 5TATI5TIC5
                     l-ADULTES                            l-ADULTS
           l-Condamnationa pour crime., d'lita et contravention.., en 1947 et 1948.
          l-Convictiona for Indictable and Non-Indictable Offence8, in 194.7 and 1948.
                                            1947 (1)              1948 (1)
                                     Crime.                CrimM /Délite idm-
                                           pie. et coD-
                                     et dêlit.  Dm••m-I    et déUt.a  pies et con_
                 PROVINCES           gra.\"es  trRv~ti{)nll  1  graves  traventionl
                                       -            TobJ     -      -      Total
                                    Indictable  ~on·      lndicl:able  Non.
                                     Of[eacu  Indictable   Offencetl  [ndictabla
                                            Offencell             Offences
        Ile-du-P.-Édouard•••. Prince Edward hland.  177  2,806  2,98~  127  2,6'<16  2,823
        Nouvelle-&olse...... Nova Scotin. ... ' .....  l,M3  12,019  13,862  1,550  13. B'3'3  15,249
        N .•BrunBwick...••..•• , •• , ., •• , ••..••.••.  1,468  14,01/7  15.565  1,170  12,18!)  13,359
       Quflbec...••••••• , .•.•..••• , .•.. ""0' •••  7,279  188,835  196,114  8.176  228.502  230,678
        Ontario .•.••.....•• , •.•..........• , •• , ..  20.178  407,334  427.512  17.70b  445.911  41>3.616
        "'1anitoba ....•.•..•..•.....••••• , ..••. , .  2,808  47.170  49.Q78  3,207  52.783  55.000
       Sa~katcbew!l.Il..•••... ,.. .. .. ....,... .....  2,172  }.'5.263  17.435  1,737  15,488  17,225
        Alberta .........••....... , .. ' ..•. , ••••. ,  3,800  18.696  22,546  3.462  19,748  23,210
       Col-Britannique .. _.. BritiBh Columbia., ....  4,125  45,585  49.710  4,369  85.000  89.375
        Yukon et Territoir~.. Yukon & Territories..  '53  ,0<1  12{1  623    752
             CANADA.    ... .... ......  44,056  752,458  1  796,514  41,632  816,645  1  918,2n
          (1) L'aDnée Be termjne le 30 seprembre.  (1) Yearend~ 30th Sl'ptember.
        2-Condamnation. pour crime. et délits llravet, par caté&,ories, dans la province de
         2-Convictions for Indictable Offence., by Clanu, in the Province of Quebec.
                                       Cond&tnnation~ pOllr-Con'lrictions for  i
                                      Dêliu  D~lit.ll  1    FauI           total
                      Nombre  Attfontau  ront,re la.  ('ontre la  Attenta~a  ,t  dee COD-
           ANtmES     deIJ II.CCU-  eontre lel!l  propriêté,  propriêtê, 1 criminels  f.~  Dtilit6  dtlmll..
                       sation~  per-  a.\·ee  sans  contre la  mon-        tionl
             -                ~onnes  violell.OE'  violence  propriêU,  Day~  divers
                        -                                                   -
            YEARS              -       -      -      -       -      -
                      NumbE'.r                                             Tota.l
                        of  1 Offencea  Offenl)f'6  01ien,'Ii"~  Malkious  Forger)'  \'ll.rlouB  Number
                      Chll.rii:ee  Il,gainst  aii:8 iolt  OffenC611  and other  01
                               th,   PropMty        agflÎnst  OfTences  OfTences  Convic-
                              Per/IQn  wit.b  ;:i~~~tr  PropE'rty  agll.illo'Jl  tiOD.f
                                     Violflnee  Violence ,  Currellcy
                                    1                            ---,----
         Hlü5-1909. .. " ...  1  ,.  .36  1  195  1.083       27     203   1,9ù7
         1910-1914...• , •.. ,. ......  524  i  220  1,305  "  21    101   2, l~B
         1915-HI19..•. ....  " " .  40J  285  1.175    27     32     009   2,827
        1920. ..... ....  3,411  408   280   1,172     2.     45     588   2,517
        Hl21. .... " .  ....  3,006  371  251  1,183   10     37  !  783   2.55i
        1922 ........  . "  1  3,779  374  '07  1  1,420  48         590   2.885
        1923.  ..... "  "  ,  3,.'i01  2ti7  250  L068  60    "      9:-5  2,R55
        1924. ......  "  ,  3,440  338  250  1.2~4     56     11     774   2.7::m
        1925. ...... " . "  4,233  354  36(1  1,455           '7     852   ,3,084
                       5,469 ...
        1926. ......   3,957    340    357   1,484     "      36     796   :l,05:3
        Ht'27 ...  ....  4.582  403    281   1,766     76           1,043  3.621
        1928.  ....                    423   1,859     78     " 62  1,428  4,2\olll
        1929........ ....  5.1)19  486  432  2,178     95           1.532  4,780
        1930........ " .  7,407  401   770   2,600  ,  f>8    159   1.462  1  5.540
                       7,25,:;  545
        H132. ........ ..... ,  8,616  556  969  2,620        116   2,733  7.086
        1931. ..... " . " . "          756   2,675     87     105   1.569  5.737
        H133. ........ ... .,  9,048  558  811  2.761  "      98    3,334  7.71:l
        1934..... .... .....  8,953  47F;  870  2.632  85     49    a.fin  7,687
        1935. .... ......  10,058  559  1,023  2,m     90     77    4,515  9,354
        1936. .............  10,626  523  1, 103  3,342  93   64    4,372  9,497
        1937. ...........  11,879  515  753  3,086     69     83   3.275   7,781
        1938.......•..•...  11,549  Srl6  959  4,133   66     141  4,352  10,277
        1939......•.... , ..  11.8R4  55~  1,1:23  4,IH7  93  170   4.646  10.804
        1940 ......•.•.. ,-,  13.112  616  1,165  J,SN  98    17:'1  6.210  12,152
        1~1 .....•.•...  " -  12,433  66'  96J  2,836  120    10:2  6,R26  II ,514
        1942., •....... ....  11,167  803  768  2,821  117    106   5,6.14  10.269
        194.l .....• " .. , " -  [2,581  IHO  1,073  3,002  1:24  120  fl.:lloiO  11.669
        1944 .• , .•....•.  11.468  S6!i  1,.'130  3,0.34  148  189  4.10120  10.386
        1\H.'}. ... ,., ...  lû,7I8  1.0.'J6  1,411  2.987  149  70  3.939  9.592
        !rH6...•.•.. , .  "  ,  9,850  1,22a  1,427  2,915  163  172  2,n75  8,578
        1947.........  8,44~  1  1,292  LIS2  2.907   189     129   1 HI"  7.279
        1948.....    1 9,336  1  1.291  1  1. 574  3,226  1  165  214  1,676  8,176
         Source: SI~ti~liq1J.u d.e Ill. crim-inaJil~, Ottawa.  Source: $t!lli.~lic8 (Jf Crim-inal and. other Off~Tl-Ce8, OttaWB,
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