Page 489 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 489

4M                          MANUFACTURES
         En 1945, les 'fi.lles ou villages suivants ont  In 1945, the followiDg tOVr'D.S or ,,-illages had
        eu une production de plus de $l,OOO,OOO~ a production eatîmated at mOTe than $1,000,000
       Anida,. La Tuque, Kénogami, Mont-Ro;yal  -Arvida, La Tuque, Kenogami, Mont Royal,
        Côte So-Lue,  Port  Al!red,  East  Angus  Cote St. Luc, Port Alfred, East Angus,
        Chandler  Gatineau,  Dolbeau, Riverbend,  Chandler. Gatineau,  Dolbeau, Rivel'bend,
        Delson, Lauzon Mac :Mastervills, Priceville,  DelsaD, Lauzon, Mac Masterv111e, Priceville,
        Cowansvllle,  Donnaeona,  Bromptonville,  Cowansville, Donnaoona, Brompton'ville, Baie
       Baie, J.,[agog. ~oranda. Témiscamin-  Carneau, Magog, Koranda, Temiscamingue.
       gue, Ile-Maligne et St-Joseph (Richelieu); mais  Ile Maligne and St, Joseph (Richelieu); but,
       les statistiques nianufactunères de ces localitéE-  manufacturing statistics of thcse localities may
        ne peuvent être publiées sanS divulguer des  not be shown without dJsclosing individual
        opérations individuelles.           operations.

                12-Princ:ipales induatrilll8 de la provinc:e de QuEbec en 1945.
                 12-Leadinr Industries of the Provinc:e of Quebec: in 1945.

                                              Et..               CoOt dei
                                              hllMe-  Em-  Balairel  m.tière.  Valeur brute
                                              monts  ploy&.  et gagell  prMD.ièrel dea ptodui~
                     INDUSTRIES                -    -      -       -       -
                                              Estal>-  Em-  8ala.r!elI  C06t of  Grollavlllue
                                              lish-  ployees and Wllges  rnateriale  of produate
                                                           •       •       •
                                               No,  No,
        Pulpe 'et p/l.pier-Pulp and Daper  ,  .  49 1"9,824 38,934,914  88,056,690199,112,142
        Réduction et affinage des métaux non-fe:rreux-Non-ferrous
         metal smelting and re6ning. ,  ,   .    8  6,234 12,519,068  19,769,166131,570,344
        Confection pour femmes-:-Clothing, women's, factory  .  611  18,427 25,225,844  53,483,921 100,420,.111
        Produits chimiques divers, n,a.é.-J\'!iscellaneous chernir-sls.  76  19,105 33,331,370  37,866,981 98,958,463
        Matériel roulant de chemin de fer-RaHway rolling stork  .  10  14,833 31,086,850  43,102,775 95,360,595
        }'il~s et tissus de coton-Gotton yarn and clotb  .  16  14,905 19,525,386  .'50,83.'5,478 85,187,647
        Confection pom hommes-Clothing, men's, factory  .  266  14,848 19.433,697  47,4fo!J,461 83,2.'52.216
        Aéroplanes--Aircrait              "  .   16  17,354 38,322,9.'58  22,070,104 77,090,011
        Abattoirs et salaison~laughteringand meatpacking  .  32  3,361  5,155,421  65,206,046 71';.9'53,490
        Tabac. cigare.~ et dgarettes~Tobaooo,ciga,ra and cigarettes.  46  !1,:2.43 12,110,295  39,448,456 73,166,256
        Appareils et fournitures électriques-Electrioalapparatus and    1
         supplies..                  .     .     43 12,0691 21,132-1,.';46  26,311,135,62.741,255
        Coustructions na'·ales------shipbuiLdiIlg  .  12 15,496 33..507,488  27,222,759 62.564,111
        Produits du fer et de j'acier, o.n.é.-Iron and st.eel products,  ,
         n.e.B                      ·····  .     58  872  12,467.016  32,758,441 61,030,104
        Bel<rre et fromaJl:e--Butter Md oheese.  .  ,  .  \,012  5,  1  5,222,713  47,498,413 57,915,964
        Scieries-8awmills....... . . . . . . . .  .  1,873  10,774  10.147,205  34,122,053 56,109,217
        Chau~Bureg eu cuir-Boots and shoes .. ,  .  16~1  13,4011  15,674,940  30,13,9,894 55,127,621
        Produits du pétrole-Petroleum product  , '"  .  1,2981  2,650,621  41,B91,685 51,23.'5,894
        :f\.lachines-1'vlll.cniner.J{    ,  .    45      13,180,813  15,07R,724 45,613,301
        Soie et soie artificiette-Silk and artificiAl Bilk goodl3  .  ~t!  ~:~!  10.392,527  13,697,721 36,8.15.222
        Produits du bronze ct du cuivre--Brll.SB and copper produllts  3,932  7,370,931  19,710,899 35,0t\7,505
        Bonneterie et trioot-Ho;;iery and knitted goods .... , ....  83  9.370  10, 7118, 100  16,077,442 34,877,258
        Pain et autres produits des boulll.Dg8ries-Bread and other
         ba.kery pro<iucts    ..,    ,    .    1,051  1,621  9,802,309'  16,012,070 33,568,292
        Sidérurgie--Primary iron and ~t-eel....•...•.....••....•.  16  5,145  11,348,835  10,301,898 32.797,360
        Brasseries-Breweries  ,             .    8  2,979  6,049,955  7.532,493 29,619",118
        Tôlerie-Sheet metal produe-h .. , , .. ,  , ..  40  5,394  8,570,744  14,314,118 21.838.520
        Articles cn caolltchouc-Rubber goods, includiog footwear ..  17  6,014  8,016,565  13,611,606 21,271,995
        Préparations médidnaJes et pharmaceutique-e.-Medicinal and
         pharmaceutical preparations  ""  ,  .   84  3,620  5.839,515  10.620,892 25,B.'j9,846
        Produits a.1imentaire3 divere-Foods, mi3cella.neous  .  72  1,531  2,26S,9n  15,990,458 24,114,3.'59
        Raffineries de sucre--Sugat' refineries  ,  , .• ,  .  3  772  1,422,668  18,998,103 24,017, 3U
        Confection des fourruTes.-Fur goods  , , ,  ,  241  2,729  4,231,779  11,046,775 23,863,379
        Minoteries-Flour and feed mills  ""  .  165  1,022  1,712,994  18,530,177 23,621,541
        Quincaillerie, outils et coutellerie--Hardware,  tool~ and
         cutler~  , ............................• "  :......  53  4.528  1,622,391  6,168,962  22,951,221
        Biscuits, confi9l3rie, eta.-Bil'lcuits, confedionery, COCOllo etc.  62  3,548  4,144,199  12,191,934  21,868,339
        Impression et âdition-Printing and publishing.... , ... , . .  75  4,857  8,639,592  4,822,726  21,643,692
        Nourriture pour le bétail ct la. volaille--Food5, stock and
         poultry     ,     ,  ,    "...........  53  114  1,131,111  18,619,369  21. 260, 565
        Moulages en fonte-CaBtings. iron ,., .. , .. " .. , ... , ... ,.  53  4,011  7, 37ij, 449  9,430,299  20,126,506
        Meuble_Furniture      "." .. ,..............  HI8  5,241  1,064,666  9,475,452  20,596,930
        Acides, alcalis et sels-Aoide, alklL1ies, seJts, etc.. , , " ,... .  10  2,516  4, B81 ,888  9,921,273  20,228,837
        Distillerie_Distilleries  " .. ,'"  " .. ".,..  7  1,414  2,483,3G31  8,624,4\l9  19,928,203
        Fabriques de portee et cbâssis, etc,-PIlI.niog mills, sash and
         door1aetories  ,., .. ,.,   ".", .. "..  422  3,763  4,511,047 ll,88iJ,707 10,196,818
                                             ---        -----
         TOTAL, LEADING l''·DUBTRms•.•• , , •.••••.•••..• , • • • • .  7,124 298.406 48G.372,OOO 1,06G.SJG.6S7 20041,307,71'
         TOTAL, ALL INDUSTBlES ...••••• ' ••• , •••• " , .  . •• .•  10,038 384,031 607,473.443 ;UU7,m.,193 2,531,.903,830
         % 01' L:E,o. DINa INDUSTRIEl:! '1'0 ALL INDUSTRIES •• ,., , ••  n .•  77.7  st.•  80.6
   484   485   486   487   488   489   490   491   492   493   494