Page 484 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 484

MANUFACTURES                              459

          de Quêbec, pal' groupes d'indu.tries, en 1945. (Fin).

          of Quebec, by Croups of Industries, in 1945, (ConcIuded).

                                                  du     Co"                   ••
             Employêe AB&.laiT68  Employés A gag61:1  oambus-  d..  Valeur dell produit.  'Ë •
                  -                 -            tibia  :matières     -        OA
            Employeœ on Salariee  Employees on Wagell  et de ['éleo-  Value of ProductB  ,,~
                                                 tricité  -                    ~Z
                                               CostofFuel  Coat or             1~
         Ho=t=mœl     SaJaiml  Ho=t=mœl  Geaœ   Eleotrio-  Mater_  Nette  Brute  ZJj
           Male  Female  6aJariea  Male Femo.1e  Wagee  ity              Grosa
           No.   No.    1    No. No.      1       •       •       1       •
              97   25  237,222  447  97  747,786  179.955  1,856,444  1,428,463  3,404,862 115
              85   1.  181'1,322  486  1  701,836  138,768  1,524.389  1, 707,681  3,370,848 Il5
              58   Il  159,314  532  12  952,086  610.4.95  78,3513  1,845,i79  2,534,6:{O Il7
              24   10.  77,661  225      418,657  1l7,32.'j  334,372  1,047, filS  1,499,315 118
             214   61  670,772  413  42~'  831,29fj,  2,043,618  5,679,227  5,116,888 12.&".7 33 Il'
             161   87  625,920  1, :)1)31  1  2,436,1361/  806,526  3,490,41.'i  6,534,969  9,831,il13 120
              22    3  47,234  261 . ..   370,107j  447,865  111,707  1,697,339  2,2.'>6,911 121
              83   24  227, M71  386'  52  706,438  163,809  3,898,254  2,640.885  6,702,948 122
             225   84 ,  575,846;  031  8  1,974,775  2,250,264 41,891,685  7, otI3, 94·'i1 51.235.894 123
              65          13  1' 1   II  <l15,782  53,261  488,045  755,701  1,297,007 124
              52   15  162,363  844   1  1,,515,248  2,0.5.1,234  2,985,682  5,295,090< 10,334,006 125
         ------        118.1  1                                                1
            1,08&  292  3,190,314  6,230  618  10,970,672  8.865,120  G2,3J&,57S  34,1&4,368 105,368,(167 125
             30.   96 1,157,25.5  2,073  41  3,724,633  2,579,289  9,921,273  7,728,275 20, 228,8371 127
              21   23  93,201   59   31  102,385  10,483  703,127  452, 592 1  1.166,202 12.
              62   37  243,262  255      441,077  34,(l9Z  4,033,381  1,366,406  5,434,479 129
              78   53  1  213,437  176  . . . . . . . 1  333, 746 1  87,354  383,194  1,8Jl,458  2,302,006 130
              22   13  81,982   47        96.512   S.045  321,906  415,312  751,2133  1 131
             842  623 3,285,037  1,008  1,147  2,554,478  241,265 10,620,892: 14,797,689 25.659,846 132
            1 213  i82 4,496,271 . Il ,502  5,608  28,8~5,()9'J  2,6.41,375 37,866, 981i 58,450,107 98,958,463 133
             ,540  273 1,812,202  1,013  1,6.6,909  181,401  !:l,444"S96  9,298,366 18,924,663 134
              59   24  167,348  Il5  ZIlI  215,96.3  16,40.']  1,758,252  1,015,OrHi  2,789,756 135
             151   51  389,286  228  " 79  412,291  66,189  1,444,148  2,168,749  3,669,086 136
             137  142  733,099  185  39S  488,311  21,945  2,564,922  4,000,210  6,587,077 137
              29    5  78,252  Il6 · ...  198,366  126,631  1,352,085  452, il2  1,931,428 138
                                 i                                     1&8•••3"i
            3,4611 2.122 12,750,&32;  7,&08  39,089,770  ',005,074  80,421,057 101,976,975  O  13.
         ---                 1&.ml
             36    23  144. 091  48  303  346,Oil  4,3ïO  611,441  979,043'  1,5!:l4,854 140
             73    21  168,470  1  263  IH!  372,933  19,019  813,373  848,000  1,mm,392 141
             73    16  246,745  2~gl  202  496,417  37,238  968,243  1,268,718  2,174,199 1'2
             45    27  157,1681      77  146,3::10  19,515  632,313  768,701  1,420,.')29 Ii'
             72    69  317,655'  140  187  3.17,764,  11 ,338  1,218,63.5  1,61.;8,670  2,918,643 144
             15    5   42,349:  120  2   202,9;)91  31,558  1.1,342  352,260  397,160 145
             21    8   76,400  121,  74            S.051  414.608  ))29.1'26  9.12,485 146
             108   46  486,134  1,000  158  1  ~6'i: ~g~!  94.103  4,825,869  3,956,07.:;  8,876,047' 147
             60    28  163, H57i  315,  2:  434.030!  ;W, J.55  372,403  1,009, lOI  1,418,259 148
              5    1    8,836  2ï'          803    1,5,7  15,171  65.279  i2,037; 14.
             23    20  76, 9651  105  24  1  180,557 1  ô,021  306. 804 1  423,361  736,180, 150
             34    4   67,514  99    2   15Q,482   6,2H   68,002  466,140  540,aJ6 151
             28    17  77,210  210  102  311,284  14,964  472,637  481,6S2  8!J9,333  162
             24    8   75,050  53    1    67,561  3,010   46,598  20S, J05  257,913 153
             JO    21  100,960  10.  76  277,711  8,979  2.')0,316  542,0,,)0  801,345 154
             20        30.688  44   89    92,786  2.520  245,930  208,849  517,299 155
             51    50 "  279,955  128  130  .J01,934  16,886  1,078,225  1,635,842  2,730,953 158
            73.  .  3711 2.526.147 3.1941  1.574 -----  322,128  12.,53..."1 .... . 902  28,057,980 157
           44,1n  18,5071117,286,1941226,611 94.742  470,186,549 1 74,978,718 1,307,534,1931,149,390.919 2,5.J1,901,UO 158
   479   480   481   482   483   484   485   486   487   488   489