Page 487 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 487

462                          MANUFACTURES

         tt-Statistique manufacturillre par citée, villes et village. de la province de Qu'bec,
                     ayant au moins trois 6tabli.aaementa, 1945 (Suite).
         lt-Manufacturing Industries by Cities, Town. and Villages ln the Province of
                Quebec, having Three or More Eaitablbhmenta, 1945 (Cont'd).
                                                     Cant du
                           Etablis.        Salaire>  combusUble
                           5'emente  Em.              et de    eoo.t des  Va.leur brute
         CITlliS, VILLES, VILLAlJJ;6  ployés  pses  j'éleetricité  matières  des produits
                -           -       -        -         -         -         -
                                                     Cast of
          CI'l'I8B, TOW:SEl AND  EstabUsh.  Em.  Salaries  Fuelll.nd  Cost ol  Gr09s Vo.\ue
              VILLA.OES    mentll  ployee!!  and Wages  Elootricity  Mo.terials  of Produets
                            N •.   N•.       1         •         •
         Québee....... .. ...  333  17,M7  25,272,950  2,759,042  38,938,542  79,981,
                                                                            • 114
         Quyon. .... .....,.. .....  4  16   12,659     2,114    106,393   133,887
         Rll.wdon... .... .... ......  7  16  9,135     1,184     52,450    75,471
         Richmond, "., ... , ...  10  568    593,830    25,710  1,275,288  2,302,093
         Rigaud ... ..... ... .. .  10  47   f33,377    8,600    213,517   334,096
         RimouBki .......     21     679     918,205    25,112  2,907,796  4,860,173
         Ripon.... , ...... ... ....  S  8    7,515     1,897     52,013    67,493
         Rjyiêre--du-Loup....... ...  19  391  580,762  80,609   442,240  1,199,827
         Rivièrc--du-1faulin.. " .  0  83    101,643    5,859    157.146   311.44,j
         RobertElOnville,.", ... ...  5  40  37,654     3,800    100,498   152,050
         Roberyal. .......... ....  9  276   193,630    13,263   678,415  1,192,280
         Rock Island..........  11   699   1,192,209    63,224   822.695  3,741,429
         Rougemont .. , ...... " ..  6  68   ,j8,780    5,228    131,592   239.857
         Rouyn ...... , ..... ....  13  114  163,713    13,642   229,,539  517,937
         Roxton Falls.. ....  4      14      14,909     3,283    226.0S4   260,877
         Ste-Adèle........ , .......  5  17  21,058     2.209     67,077    98,444
         St-Agapitville..  . ... ....  0  48  50,003    22,286   494.078   540,48.1
         Ste~Agathe...... , , ..  3  16      14,716     '1,215    82.94.5  107,,'509
         Ste-Agathe~des~Mont~ .,  13  127    157.150    13,276   498,330   804,15'J
         St-Alban ........... ,·,· ,  6  14  11,762       639     4J.986    77,OlG
         St-Alexis-de-lo.-Grande-Baie  3  10  5,392     1,506     21,895    34,564
         St-Ambroi~e.         7      14       7,594     1,8S2     34,144    51,994
         St-Andrt~~Avellin.,.,.. ,  4  24    18.499     5,735    192,('\38  225,962
         Ste-Anne-de-Chicoutimi ..  4  8      1,975       51'     8,771     14,201
         St-Anselm",.  ...    4      80      102,882    6,693    129,607   348,509
         St-Ailgulltin...... '...  4  7       5,,j35    1,245     29,884    42,002
         St-Benoît.... ,. , .. , , . , ...  3  10  8.614  2,716   37,122    53,426
         St~Boniface-de-SIw.winigan  •  16   10,021     1,536     50,OG5    60,016
         St-Callimir ......   10     118     88,163     6,559    145,314   286,173
         St-Céf;aire ..............  28  335  398,953   20,506   739,4lG  1,302,987
         St-Charlell (Bcllecha~l3e)...  10  26  16.901  2,309    113,15.5  157,250
         St~Ch.arle8-des-Grondjnea.  3  8     3,4!H       220     9,875     21,112
         St_Chry~oBtôme.      •      13       9,720     2,287    101,495   129,106
         St-Clet ..... .... .. .  3  28      26,678     2,707     3.589    103,181
         Ste~CroiJ[. ........ ....  8  216   203,239    6,460    395,070   723,006
         St_Cyrille. ...... .....  5  40     36.611     1,398     64,634   125.965
         St-Denii\........    5      15      10,693     2,259    103,321   125,954
         St-Dominiquc.  .. " .  7    18      16,645     4,748     48,974    82,372
         St-Epbrem-de-Tring. ....  7  45     51,173     3,227     52,424   131,690
         St-Eustache.. , ........  13  121   101,625    11,2136  <366,407  579,764
         St-Evariste-8tation.. ,  9  40      24,560     2,876    119,952   170,177
         St-:Fll.ustin-Sto.tion, ..  6  16   14,625       956     44,422    79,997
         St~Félicien",.,....  19     136     195,224   19,104    693,929  1.002.060
         St-Félix-de-Valois,  l',    76      66.073     6,872    511,386   146,282
         St·Flavien .. , .. ,.", .. , ,  33  18.482     1,877     88,221   122,998
         St-Fran!,"oi~-du-Lac.....  9  23    18,249     3,39.1    94.571   130,651
         St-Gabnel-de-Brandon ...  22  340   279,48'3   12, .194  186,495  539,100
          fonds.   .......    4      10       6,740     1,844     U,733     29.560
         St-Georges-E ..      11    381      461, 578   38,415   (;97,565  1,316,460
         St-Guillaume.. .....  4      7       4,734       6tH     Il,907    23.713
         St-Henri. ...  ...    6     18      IL 778     2,376    140,479   174.103
         St·Hughes.  .... ....  7    18      14.037     3,553    135.086   165,815
         St-Hyacinthe. ........  70  5,064   9!)G.31:3  3W,897  14,872,895  25,690.358
         St-I~idore.. .... . ......  6  .1  • 60,044    7,827    248,037   411,367
         St-Jacque~.,....     9      176     132.545    8,251    637,624   848,875
         St-Jean .................  58  4,328  5,870,390  544,491  9.017,739  20,154.821
         St-Jérôme (Lac-St-Jean)  •          82.180     4,20.    102,167   239,850
         St-Jérôme (Terrebonne) ...  37  3,787  4.552,470  331,1395  O,6J0,331  18.161,900
         St-Joseph (St-Hyacinthe) ..  6  55  60,lSS     1,106     70,241   149,367
         St-Joseph (Beauce) .. ...  16  165  }''»,129   15,475   300,660   012,247
         St-Jooeph-d'Almo..  . ..  8  37     32.400     4,529     58,898   124.129
         St-Joseph·de-Grantham.  3    •       4.670       491      7,576    17,743
         St·Joseph-dtl-la~Rivière·  •        32,0}4               99,103
          Bleue. ... ....
         St-Jovite...............  6  28     12.505     l, ],54   69,196   149,795
         St-Lambext... , ...... ....  15  815  922,583  60,303  1,638,022  3,891,132
         St-Laurent ............ , .  16  2.473  4,1813,512  243,703  6,805,633  12,561,677
         St-Léonaxd d'AElton" •• , ..  6  38  32,116    4,437    137,388   178,870
         Bt-Liboire .• , . .........  4  10   9,317     2.473    142,896   162,02(}
         St-Ludger...........• , ..  •  24   21,362       914    134,705    173,735
         Ste_Madeleine............  4  18    14,003     2,982     55,783    74,170
         St-Marc-dee-CarrièreEl.•.•.  6  67  75,721     69,465    68,778   407,122
         Ste-Marie..... ...........  16  352  382,932   18,009   774,7.'>6  1,250,262
         Ste-Martbe........• , ....  4  28   20.625     2,818     78,909    144,148
         St·Mîchel-de-Laval .......  6  58   74,361     9,396    142,412   288,497
         St-Moise .......... " ... ,  6  12   6,326       448     21,305    31,586
         St-Ours ........ " .. ......  5  31  22,466    1,195     64,216    106,462
   482   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490   491   492