Page 486 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 486

M.1NUFACTURES                             461
         ll-Stathtique manufacturi~repar cit'•. villes et viUagea de la province de Québec,
                     ayant au moins trois établi8sements, 1945 (Suite).
         ll-Manufaeturing Induatriea by Cities, Town. an,d Village. in the Province of
                Quebec. having Three or More Eatabliahrnenta, 194& (Cont'd).
                         1                           CaM. du
                           Etablie-        Salaires  combu~tible        Valeur brute
                                                      ,t d.
                           semenh  1  Em-    .t                Cotit des  dell produih
         Oms, VILLES, VILLAGES     ploy~8   gages   l'électricité  matière<!
                -           -       -        -       Cast of     -         -
                                                               Cost of
                                                     Fuel and
          CITTES, TOWNS AND  Eetll.blish.  ployees  SB.Lariell  Electricity  Ma,teriaLs  GrOl!s Va.lul!I
                                                                        of Produots
              VILLAGES     menh           and WlIogell
                            No      No.      •         •         •          •
         HulL ................. ..  49  3,652  5,835,139  1,070,130  13,993,515  23,824,148
         Huntingdon ....•....... ..  10  547  870,783   54,263  2,548,396  4,609,519
         Iber'l7ille............... ..  17  257  317,532  27,962  666,961  1,314,657
         Joliette..•. , •..• ' ...... ..  47  1,703  2,031,902  199,925  3,882,130  7,464.117
         Jonquière ........... ,. ' ..  "  391  687,925  110.323  1,805,391  3,277,l;à25
         Kingsey Falls... , , .. , ....  4  80  107,811  64,739  248,686   459.988
         Knowlton....•• ,., .......  6  29   28,975     5,816
         Labelle...•...• , .........  5  33  37,436     1,583    120.207   218.005
         L'Abord~à-Ploutfe........  3  13    14,484       734    174,759   309,209
         Lac-au~Saumon...........  6  78     100,270    1.288  16,233,146  46,745,543
         Lachine. _...•...•...•...  39  6,667  12,813,387  779.985         "955,760
         Laahute.................  7  189    256,135    70,287   565.931
         Laoolle..................  4  9      9.017     3.346     84,711   149,264
         La•.. , ... , .• _..  10  "  39.143  5.504     45,000    75,019
         Lanlbtoll..... , , .........  6  14  13,299    1,805
         L'AllIlOllciation..........  •  Z8  21,502     3,385     88,656   130,491
         LB. Patrie ................  5  21  20,378     7.125   l, 6a5, 249  2,19,'j,239
         La Pé~~e (St&-Alllle) .....  10  265  280,303  67,124
         Lapralne ................  21  552  911,951   393,059   580,299  2,653,743
         La Providenee......•.....  4  107   106,043    4,007              292,989
         La Salle..... ..... ..... ..  18  1,857  2,982,065  549.162  12,973,000  27.962,148
         La Sarre.................  17  211  233,475    9,323    495,112   941,964
         L'A.'1somption...•.....  11  235    286,358    13,207   869,221  1,288, na
         Laterrière............. ..  6  29   30,837     3, 6134  236,671   272,510
         Laurierville..............  ,  16   12.015       598     49,121    80.960
         LBval-des-Rapidell........  19      14,614     1,443    115,441    197,844.
         Lavalt.rie..... , , .' ,. ... "  4  75  63,'120          59,883    75,400
         L'A~·enir...............  3  7       7,330     1,9138
         Lenllo1l:ville ..•......... ..  9  297  425,797  08,349  701,680  1,624,088
         L'Epipbanie .......... ...  15  357  364,265   15,927   376,957  1,05fJ,742
         Lévis............. ....  24  331    440,999    18,569  1 ,049,827  1,774,494
         Uniere ............... ...  5  33   27,550     1,467    131,265    179,572
         LongueuiL ............ ...  19  5,09-3  11,o.a2,5,'j5  334,221  14,818,235  51,194,326
         Lorette'l7ille., ............  27  729  664.045  17,544  1,492,152  2,699,622
         Lorrain~"'ille..............  3  6   7,226     1,906     69,598    90,747
         Lot.biniêre.............  4  8       4,800     1,745     74,781
         LouÎ'Ie'l7ille....•.... ......  1,012  1,093,538  121,188  2,271,728  6,307,771
         Luc.wiile.... .. ........  " 10  72  75,749    11 ,043  252,857   395,093
         Lyster .... _.. .......... ..  4  73  64,556   4,.598   213,206   335,381
         Macamic ................  5  22     21, 820    1,442    177 ,819  226,569
         1:1alartic.................  4  16  13,293     1,718     32,061    77,648
         1:1aniwaki... , ...........  1Z  04  78,929    7,346    322,142    513,296
         Maneeau ... " _.... , ....  4  78   73,954     1,353     51.629    146,049
         Marieville .......... , ....  lB  628  622,733  35,239  1,756,692  3,127,814
         ~::~~~~'.'::::::::::::  12 7  295   323,207    4,043    991,418  1,834,386
         M~gant}c.(Lac) ........•..  14  5Z1  547,520   13,421   553,290  1,266,673
         Mlstaselm ............•..  4  15    Iii ,950   8,745     95,300   126.592
         Mont-Joli. " .............  12  50  56,936     8,076    104,700   226,621
         Mont-Laurier............  •  47     38,64.5    5,244    311,734    405,817
         Montmagny.........•.. ,  32  1,187  1.3!H .845  68,747  2,649,648  5,077,087
         Montmoren(lY..•. , .......  4  1,698  2,200,846  176.733  4.769,251  9,666,838
         MOlltréal....•... ........  3,404  181, 679  304,247,761  15,603,977  600,919,272 1.144,175,108
         MOllt~-E...... ........  19  3,471  6,688,091  4,376.454  90,552,525  115,317,019
         Montréal-S...... ........  3  36    19,803     2,182     45,527    77,784
         Napierville...............  9  97   96,105     18,428   459,905    737,477
         Neuville......... _. ......  3  6    3,640       204     12,601    19,962
         Nicolet..................  12  424  410,129    15.707   755,902  1,830,278
         Norniningue, ..... ......  4  20    23,689     1.459     83,031   125.503
         Norrnandin..............  7  19     18,787     3.122     71 ,920  101.192
         Notre-Dame-dee~Ange.'l...  3  6      1,983       106     13,607    17,256
         Onnstown ............ , ..  7  35   42,850     4,329    301,361    346.741
         Outremont ............. ..  "  1,958  1,844,431  66,518  4,263,999  8,291,155
         PlLpineauillte. ......... ..  6  33  24,895    1,781    213,568   250,988
         Pierre'l7ille. _..... ..... ...  9  68  69,934  6.995    80,513    2O."i,803
         Plessisville...... ..... ...  13  775  933,218  47,210  1,348,002  2,694,857
         Pointe-fl.u~Pic............  6  14   16,157    1.339     61,136    130.712
         Pointe-aux-Trembles.. , ...  9  353  470,652   33,251  1,179,352  1,946,931
         Pointe-Claire.............  3  22   31,386     1,522     23,683    65,762
         Poot-RouA:e. , . _... ......  10  Z68  308,118  147,514  1,542,906  3,035,160
         Pot"tneuC-Station. ........  10  169  223.926  SO,44B   768,192  1,113,214
         Prince.ville....... .. ......  10  246  295,348  3B,285  2,175,925  2,608,868
   481   482   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490   491