Page 488 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 488

MMV UFACT URES                           463

          11-Stati-tique m.anufacturière par cités, villes et villagea de l~ province de Qu'bec,
                      ayant au m.oina trois établissem.ents, 1945 (Fin).
          1t-Manufacturing Industries by Cilies. Towns and Villages in the Province of
                 Quebec, having Three or More Establishments, 1945 (Concluded).
                                                      Cofit du
                            Etablis-        8alo.ires  combustible
                            sements  Ern_     e.       ,t d,    Coo.t des  Valeur brute
          CITÉIl, nLL'I!:~, V[LL...OI~S  plo}"és  gages  l'électrieité  matières  des produitB
                 -           -       -        -         -         -         -
                                                      Cost of
           CITIEB, TOWNtl AND  E~tll.b1ish-  Ern_  Salaries  Fuelll.nd  Cost of  Gross Value
               VILL!I.<lES  ments  ployeeB  and ""!I.ges  Electricity  Materials  of Produeta
                             No. ,  Ko.       S                              •
          St-Pa.côme... ... .. .. .....  55   65,179    • 307     • 87,905  251,555
          Bt~Pll.Bcal..,.. .....  10  .'0     37,704     2,953    134,582   }92,744
          St-Paulin ..... .........  8  50    72,108     5,404    210.163   317,949
          St-Pie ... .... .. .... ...  12  186  203,341  ]4,893   704 .179  l ,00.'i, 715
          St-Pierro .... ...  .....  9  2,H15  4,552.8-10  554,301  3,555,453  13.309,984
          St_Polyearpe. .....   5     14      101.510    2,1395    94.803   117,054
          St-Prime ......       5     H       12.007     2.041     69,492    94,420
          St-Rapbael ...        9     21  1   15.8.58    1.-103    81,.)69  114,017
          St-Raymond.          la     123     100,82~    3.45r,   250,OfiO  428.007
          St-Rémi. ....        12     :124    328,799    27.387  1,2!}4,395  2.057,802
          Ste-Rose........      6     100     09,810     5,18S    170,928   360.463
          8te-Scholll.stique. .....  6  16    12,595     1.050     2".301    52,027
          St-Séba~ticn.         3      8       6,700       83.~    55,800    74,493
          St-Siméon.            4     11      13,950     2,500     4~, 716   74,110
          St-Sylvêre ....  .....  3    0       9,075     1,332    101, (l.37  124.565
          Ste-Thècle ..        la     60      53.437     3,354    158,5.')0  279,745
          S (,e-Thérêse-de-Blainville..  26  3,215  4,901,983  291,855  12,382.0.'ï4  18,383,880
          St-Thimotbée.         3      6       4.86!1    1, 515    38.35\1   46,578
          St-Tite..... ....    21     310     332,730    9,272    881,029  1,500,061
          St-L'"blLld ...       6     3i'l    24,589     1,690    122,547   180,J85
          St-Ulric ...........  6     16       9,632     1,834     58.801    89,643
          St-Victor-de-Tring .. .. ....  3  7  5,170     1, 429    5O,fiOS   74,505
          Sawyervillp. ........  S    103     106,477    4,.398   204,220   358,084
          Sayabec (Saindon).    6     "170    206,779    3,094   1,.3.32"j21  1,707,791
          Shawinigan Falls ..  <J   5,220   9,488,H13  5,772,619  20,802,010  48,216,143
          Sbaw...·ille ....... ..... ....  9  107,024    8,630    606,229   941,079
          Sbefford-O.-W.        4     " 20    18.920     1.558    nO,91IJ   141,196
          Sberbl'ooke.         87   8,050   11.226.070  18ô, 06~1  19,096,132  42,572,728
          SoreL ....  ......   33   2,534   4,954,7!H   625,(153  3,8,32,116  13,527,329
          8t.a.nsteud Plain.    3     11       8,840     3,734    130,010   l~i:~~
          Stukely~S,.  ...      4      8       6,6'16    2,542     81,388
          Sutton. ...           7     133     134,925    8,850    247,,oi9,')  598,838
          Terreb'J1lne......   17    577      824,210    21,036  1,305,407  2,691,941
          Thetford Mines.      20     214     331,061    21,190   265,897   830,241
          Thnrso .........     10     194     265,514    5,198    616.174   963,125
          Trois~Pistoles..     11     111     155,075    8,963    888,,'l:33  1,229,662
          Troi&-Riv1ères .     73   6,980   Il,150,109  4,334,301  25,039,851  51,430,644
          Upton... .......  ......  10  69    46,448     7,724    418,131   551,189
         . Valcourt..           6     92      163,9i9    6,214    350,861   713,545
          Vul~d'Or.. .. ....   16     106     12i,030    8,498    314,524   565,501
          Valley6eld. .... .......  40  3,724  4,597,988  418,015  6,882,946  14,309,583
          VarenDff<.            7     25      12,461     3,418     23,685    43,548
          Vandreuil. ....       S     10       5,875     1,598     48,159    00,495
          Yerebèrp.B ..  .......  28  '23     84 ,917    31,132   414,752   542.071
          Verdun..             33   1,813   2,844.493    65, l309  3,481,754  5,818,792
          Vic1eria...ille .. ..  3< ,  1,910  2,256,834  17,811  3,965,824  7,812,84\1
          Yille-Marie,                12      13,335     2,650     69,296    101,1;54
          Wakefield...          4      9       9,263     1,315     52,390    131,975
          V\'lLrdeu.            4              3,030       989     69,216    89,048
          Wurwick.             12     314     411,993    44,596  1,146,.223  2,010,738
          V\'aterloo.          16     776     948,159    68,991  1,345,783  3,315,113
          WatervilLe .......    6     79      88,324     1,936     83,504   209,734
          Wee<ion-Centt'C, .    6     19      16,388     1,561     39,192    63,448
          Westmount......           1,753   3,102,986   219,139  4,441,834  10,713.687
          Wickh3m-O.-W. ..     " 3     7       4,8iO     1,432     60,401    69,951
          W-indsor MilIll. .....  8   82(1  1,368,385   544.708  3,554,508  6,0413,436
          Wot.tonnUc .. ,...    7     47      34,591     1,015    122,861    174,970
          Ysrnachiche .... " .• ' .....  9  68  54,894   4,909    121,330   265,522
          Autres urbaines--Otber
           urban ... , ,.,. ... . , , ., .  261  29,285  55,948,030  21,233,039  135,564,552  271,697,305
          TOTAL {;RHA(N"t;S--URBAN",  .,910  358,513  575,890,384  70,214,481  1,220,144,7BO  2,369,483,642
          TOTAL RlJRALEs--RuRAL..  3,U8  25,518  31,583,059  4,764,.237  B7,389,413  162,42:0,188
            GRAND TOTAL•• , •. ,  10,038  384,031  607,473,443  74,978,718  1,307,534,193  2,5n,903,830
   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490   491   492   493