Page 485 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 485

460                            MANUFACTURES
        ll-Statiatique manufacturière par citb, vi.llea et villages de la province de Québec,
                        ayant au moins trois 'tablill8emenb, 1945.
        lI-ManuEacturina: Industries by Cities, Town. and Villages in the Province of
               Quebec. having Three or More Establiahments.  1945.
                                                    CoCit du
                          Ets,bJis-       Sala,ires  combustible
                          sements  Em-      et       et de    Coi.'l.t df~  Valeur brute
         CITfe, HLI..E:S, VILLAGEB  ployés  .""~   l'électricité  mll.titlres  des produiœ
               -            -      -        -         -         -         -
                                                     Coat of
          CITIl!:S, TOWNS AND  Est:.o.blish.  Em_  Sal.a,ril.'s  Fuel ~d  Cast of  Gro~s Value
             VILLJLGEB     ments  ployees  and "'ages  Electricity  Materiais  of Producta
                           No.     No.      S                    S
        Acton Yale..... _.... ....  l·j  735  880,069  • 49,206  1,123,256  2,981
                                                                           • ,717
        Ado.rm;vil1e ..•...', .. ., ...  3  [2  9,054            44,548    55,148
        Alba.neL ..•.•..•..•. ., .. -  5  11  8,117     1,000    99,031    117,181
        Alma'fllle...• , ......  fi  22      18,136     1,882    28,804    69,916
        Amœ ...... "" ., .. .....  10  42    47,548    1,583    100.999   200,1.'51
        Amqui..... ,.,. .... .....  7  13    10,020    1.872    111,086    132,724
        Arthabll.8ka..... ..... -..  84     59,275     3.778    165,11'9  264,338
        A~bestos...... ...........  11 "  524  738,122  169,472  2,254,274  3,721.169
        Ayer's Cliff... ..... ......  4  55  59.s84    9,344    293,225   400.099
        Bagotville........ .......  9  75   80,342     4,911    392,346   509,S90
        Baie St.·Paul .... ... ......  15 ,  50  41,261  3,079  120,462    193,812
        Beauce\'iIIe...... ... .....  ,  10  24.436    1,141    108,783    160,354
        Beauee\'ille-E.... .. ......  178   156,282    3,Sa6    174,354   4.11, 468
        Beo.uh/l.Tnoi.3 .. .. ....., .  12  1,384  2,504,509  872,451  3,S96,694  9,663,7.14
        Beauport ...... ....... ...  • ,  176  211,011  5,241   495,726   857,884
        Béell.ncour..... ........ ..  10     7,433     1,390     8.1,329  101,183
        Bedford ...... ........ ..  10  651  743,191   32,490   334,OS3  2,215.3.J9
        Beebe Plain... .... ...  6  219     241,215    15,705   485,667   891,a!H.
        BelœiL ....... .......  5   69      107,988    4,095     51,636    199.763
        Berthier .•.... ....  16    728     829,859   141,479  1,831,567  4, 110~642
        Bic ....... .. .... ., .. .. .  •  15  11.715  1,906     58.711    81.177
        Bi&hop1oo ....  ....  3     48       63,351    3,537     86',841   177.022
        Boul'her\·ille. .. . ... ...  5  49  49,414    3,539    141,101   229,315
        Bourb.maQ.lle. ...... .....  3  20   26,S54    3,653    123,176    183,WS
        Bl'Own.3burg  ..  ....  6  1,091  1,921,666    70,62S  1,830.720  4,8.54,902
        Buekingham.•.  ......  13   935    1,589,016  017,079  4,192,854  0,062,895
        Cabano....... ' .... ......  6  306  339,307   3,423    744,733  1,569,250
        Campbell'!> Bay. ...... ...  3  2"  37.467     1,934    157.269   22.1,677
        Ca.p-Chll.t  '"  ..   6     118     167,480      466    409,353   737,941
        Cap--de-Ia-Madeleine.....  20  1,662  2.301,524  203,518  4,372,3·SfJ  10,429,925
        Causapseal. ........ ......  15      12.519    2.331    105,15(;   128,210
        ChambI.y-Bassin .... ....  "  69    71,995     4,169    216,551   364,052
        Chambly-Canton.. .. .....  6  432   506,404    68,381   804,763  1,855,636
        Chambord ..•....... ....  4  28      31, 980   4,198     135,172  119,316
        Champlain...•...... .....  4  9      7,473     1,511     19,329    34,386
        Chal'lema.gne .... .. , .....  4  29  39,244   2,592     47,630    195,295
        Chal'lesbollrg. ..... ......  7  40  44,904    1.968     88,319    184,944
        Charny ........ .........  4  48    59,628     5,117     25,980    125,716
        Chil.teauguey... ... ......  3  8    9,175     2,152     31,414    47,428
        Chieoutimi ... , ...... ....  23  357  454.143  34,442  764,223  1,610,350
        Clarencevillc.... ... ....  3  12    8,787     2,321     60,705    83,121
        Coaticook ... ...... ...  23  935  1,020,025   13,070  2,772,597  4,884,548
        Compton ....... ... ....  4  9       8,609     2,028     90.926   115,919
        Contrecœur ..... .. ...  B  269     290,290    9,476    563,541   890,827
        Coobhire........... .....  7  47    56,879     4.131    193,8;47  309,881
        CotefLu-du-La.c.... ...  3   5       2,335       866     15,005    23,206
        Dan\'ille.  ... .. ....  11  166    193,762    66,623   698,721  1,030.970
        Daveluy~i1!e.... ........  5  61     60.180     1,893   199,422   2-69.586
        Deliale   .... ....   4     17       lil,692   5.384     65,324    117.535
        Descha.inon~. .....  10     58      55,321     20,333    64,225    15R,542
        Disraéli ... .. .... .. ...  33      27,076    2,882     60,888    104,567
        Dorion .... .... ... .....  " 4      13,118    3,713      7,911    42.077
        DorvaL ........ .. ....  3  " 43    110,678      450    104.543   250,650
        Drummondville. ... ... ..  31  6,768  S,933,747  1,00t3,28fJ  11 206,342  31,847,944
        Dllnham..... ...... ....  5  32      34,676    8.144    160.896   309,741
        Durlmm-8. ... ....    5     23      ~2. 656    9.745    236,776   305,218
        Eastman. .. .. ......  5    12       10,238     1,412    49,312    64,087
        Farnham..... .. ... ...  17  769    977,666   112,803  2,112,288  4,307.491
        Ferme-::-leuve. .. ..... ...  8  30  23, 1.54   1,703   216,615    287,332
        Fort-Coulonge..       4     37       39,006      592    110, PIS  206.815
        Fortierville.  ... .., ..  3  19     5,650       280     16,520    27.405
        Frelighaburg...       3              6,615      1,457    99,018    118,554
        Gent.i1\y... ...... .. ....  11  44  34,742    4,143     41.890    130,179
        Giffard .....  ..... ....  4  21     23,180    2,921    110.353    172,226
        Gra.cefield.          5     20       23,131    3,568    139,915    196,966
        Gra.nby..... ....    50   4,603   5,743,330   312,814  13,919,039  27.471,333
        Grand l"'lêre  ... ... .  19  2,035  2,6S8,749  908,209  0,289,667  14,7138,594
        Grande-Rivière:: ........  10  las  101,346    7,956    366,568   53.1,480
        Grande1l-Betgeronnes ...•.  3  6     2.740       370     20,215    26,169
        Grenville......•.........  3  72    104,890    12,267   279,061    422,280
        Hat.ley-N..........•• , •..  5  44  46,453     2.736     44 ,028   10:'),245
        H,§rn-,rtville,.8tatioll ..•••••  7  14  7,367  1,051    05,814    84,776
        Hemmingford .........•..  5  19      14,755    2,472    100,793    136,643
        Henr}-v:ille.••••... , •.• '"  5  26  24,625   5,248     84,541    151, 942
   480   481   482   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490