Page 491 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 491

466                         MANUFACTURES

                  13--Principales ind uatries de la province de Québec en 1946.
                   13-Leading Industries of the Province of Quebec in 1946.

                                                Ela-               Col1t deI.'
                                                bli9se·  Em-  Salaires  matières  Valeur brute
                                                ments  ployéB  et gages  premières  des produits
                                                 -    -              -
                        INDUSTRIES                           -               -
                                                Estab-  Em-  Salairel!  Coat of  Groes value
                                                lillh-  ployees and wages  mll.teri!Ùs  of produotB
                                                                     •       8
                                                No.  1\-0.
         Pulpe et. papier-Pulp and paper  _   .   50 21,695 48,412,554 nO,153,483 265,980,952
         Réduction et Ilffllla,!!"C: des rné~aux n'm-ferreux-:'\'an-rerrou~
  6meltiug Iuid re!loing      .  ..
         Confl'ct ion pa'Jr femmes-CLothing, wamen's, factory  .  702 19,785  28:484:879 '62:386:74i iiS.I9:3:625
         Produits chimiques di"eœ, n.ll..é.--1I..[i~cell8.neOLl5 cheminais.  76  3,477  5,562,126 10,510,472 25,135,5.'15
         Jvla1ériel roullUlcde cll<Jmin de f"'r~RaiLw9.Y roUing stock.  10 13,385 27,770,157 49,563,606 87,188,385
         Filé~ et th·HIS de coton-CottAln ~'arn and cloth.  16 13,726 20,062,866 45,882,620 78,418,260
         Confection pour bonunel;-Clothin.l!;. men'", iElCtory.  334 14,820 20,578,282 49,685,063 89,033,365
         Aéroplane~-Aircraft                .      8  8,935 19,129,503  4,702.362 29,486,360
         Abattoirs ct sRlaisons---Bla'Jghtet'ing and meatpRcking.  33  3,340  5,939,938 66,896,722 76.749,913
         TabaC'., cigarE'!' el· ciga.rl'tteE:<-Toba(~('(}, cï!!;aB and cigarettes.  51  8,370 11,238,413 41,036,289 72,515,400
         ApPll.n:iJE:< et fournit.ure", électrique~-ElcdricaltlPparatusand
          6upplie~              .                 50 12,809 22,738,340 25,796,463 59,193.5\)5
         COlL9tructions naYllle~-8hipbuilding  .  10  6,785 13,505,617 14,559,194 31,382,338
         Produih du fer et de l'ader, l:I.a.é.-Irou and "tee! prociucts,
          Il.a~                        .                 ...
         Beurre et frornage----Butter a.nd dJee.~6.  ····974  . ·4;224  5,277,863  '4s;sis;i79 ·s9:6ii;ig3
         Scieri~-Ss:wmilJs     . ..             1,989  11,581 12,309.305 41,,541,973  66.160,934
         Chau&f'.urel.' en cuir-Bouti; and f'.hl)E:~.....  195  14.707 18,286.224 34,675,039 62.555,915
         Produits du pHrole--Petroleum produde.    6  1.465  3,076,642 42,101,046 63,510,289
         Macbines-ll,:la.chinery. ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..  58  8,758 15,687,098 15,721,623 44,139,292
         Soie et soie artiticiell8-Silk snd artifitial silk goOdB  .  27  9,105 12,814,308 17,245,790 44,451,338
         Produits du bron.z;e ct du éuivre-Brw>~and copper product~  39  3,111  5,350,872 12,629,530 21,589,982
         Bonnl'terie et tri('ot-Hosier~'and knitted goods. .. . .....  103  10,283 12,790,198 19,126.820 43.372,805
         Pain et autres produits des boutangerieJs-Bread and other  1,016  8,064 10,980,494 18.354.823 37,742,11l8
          bllkery products      .
         Sid6rurgil'-----"Primary irou and st.eel.  .  14  3,691  6,978.934  5,217,082 19,097.200
         BraE;l;E:ries-Breweries  .                8  3.216  6.889,682    31.94ij ,882
         T6lerie-Shect metal produets        .    51  4,825  7,611.196  .i6:o04:ri74 29,032,473
         Articles en caoutchouc-Rubber goods, including footwear ..  20  6.142  S,ij74,774  10,839,402 28.356,599
         Préparations médicinales et pharmaceutiqueJs-Medidnal and
          p!lAfmaceutical preparations        .   86  3,450  6,0.56,294 1O,:H8,1l4 31 ..344.798
         Prod'ûth alimentaires divers--Foods, miscellaneous.  75  1,464  2,2.58,127 18,852,519 28.074,228
         Ra..ffine-ries de sucre-Sugar refineries ....
         Confection des fourrures-Fur goods.  .  "  .  ····26i .'3:064' '4:942;500 "i9;039:426 'i7:~30::i49
         Minoteries--Flour and feerl mills  .    164  1,059  1.865,087 22,lijO.667 27.350.744
         Quincaillerie, outils et,· t~~l~' ·Md
          entlery..............................................  60  4,636  7.568.832  6.0i'i5,806 22,344,Q65
         Biscuits. confiserie, etc.-BiBcuits, confectionery, cocoa, etc.  63  3,312  J.93G.761  12,SH,743' 22.883,494
         Impression et édition-Printing and publishing. . . . . . . . ..  . ...
         Nourriture pour le bétail et la volaille-Foods, 5tock and
          poultry. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .  .  .
         1foulages en fonte-Castings, il'On ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...  . .
         Meubles--Furniture..... . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .  ·254  6,465" g; 286:4io 13,ÏS.<4.95 .28, 007, 2Ù,5
         Acides, alcalis et sels-Acide, Il1kalies, salts, etc  .  .. ... ...  ... ....  . ..
         Distilleries--Distilleries          .      ......                .....
         Fabriques de portes et châssis, etc.·-Plllning mills, sash and
          door factorie.s                    .   490  4,868  0.462 279 17,118,086 26,849,328
         Préparations des fruits et légumes-Fruits and vegetablel'
          preparations.,... . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . ..  .  174  2.725  2.828.438 13,532.828 20,670,677
         Tissus de laine--Woolen cloth       .    41  3.090  4.278.601  Il,534.00ù 20,070,990
         Peinture, pigments et vernis--Paints, pigments and varnishe.s  27  2.157  3.5DI'.596 10,849.403 21,712,052
         Boites et sacs en papier-Paper boxes and baga.  47  3,951  4,862,810 12,234.358 21,872.736
                                              --1---1----1---- ----
              TOUTES INDUSTRIE&--ALL I::oIDUS'I'RIE5.  10,818 357,276 5&5,984,1051,297,009,0992,497,971,521
   486   487   488   489   490   491   492   493   494   495   496