Page 476 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 476

MANUFACTURES                            451

          5-Combuatibte et électricit' employé. dans les industries manufacturières
                                        de la Province.
         5-Fuel and Electricity Consumption in Manufacturing Industries of the Province.

                                           '94'           1944           1945
                      -               Quantit.é  Valeur  Quantité  Valeur  Quantité  Valeur
             FUEL AND ELECTRICITY       -      -       -      -      -       -
                                      Qualltity  Value  QU80tity  Value  Quantity  Value
         Charbcn butimineu:x:  Bituminous COlll'  •           •              •
          Canadien (tonnes) ..•.  Canadian (ton~)•. 1,015,977  9,424,904  7:37,883 7,240,242  446,826 4,231,5t=lO
          Importé (tonnes)... ..  Imported (toIlS) ..  2,Hi1,916 17,421,436  2,243,654 HI,885,lô9 1,895,972 17,082,107
         Anthracite (tonnes) •..•. Anthrll.cite (tODll) ••. .... .. .."'  1,089 ,982 .......,..  1,035,964 .... ......  944,215
         Coke (tonnl's) ....•..... Coke (toM) .••..... .... .. ....  582,173 .... -... ..  l,lB7.4t>9 .... ......  1,230,655
         Gazoline (gallon<l) ...... Ga.soline (saLioWl) .. ..........  1,896,014  '0' .....  1,994 .303  ..  1,992,793
         Huile (gallom) ......... Fuel oil (galLon:3) .. ..........  7,068,42.5  .. ....  6,971.183  '0'  6,356,526
         Bois (curde<l) •..•.•..... Wood (cords) .•••.. ..........  1,126,164 ... ......  1,115.087  '0' .. . ...  1,044,299
         GM......... _......... Gss ..........•.... .. ...... ..  2,579,555  ...... 2,698,857  ....  2,505,419
         Autres combustibles ....Otber fuel., .•• , .... ..........  675,069 "' ... ....  470,727 ..... .. ...  363,470
              TOTA.L •••••.•••• ,., ••• , ••• , .•••. .......... 41.863,882 .... .. ...  42,579,726 .  . ...... 35,758,372
         Elelltricité......•......Eleetricity..• , ..•. , ,..... _... 46.602.559 ..... .. ... [42,333.270 . . . ...,.. . 39,220,340
         OBA.NDTor&L••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••• .......... 88,466,441 ..... ... -. 1 84,912,996 ... '" .... 74,978,718

         6-Force motrice utilisée dans les manufactures de la Province, par groupes, en
                                        1944 et 1945.
         6-Power used in the Manufactures of the Province, by Groups, in 1944 and ]945.

                         i                ~       •               ~   ~]~
                           ~     <1 .~    0  ~  ~" .~    ••  b.  g';ï ~  ~ t ~  ~
              GROUPES      &  h  iîS .§ .S  "  0  "~  .~  o~  '3 0 .s'!J    0   e
                                                     " . ~
                                                                      '" Oll ~ ]"
            D'INDUSTRIES         'S -:  o ~  '" 0  ~  i ;.  .3 r:  00  -gQ, ..  g-g]  3
                                          ~ 1 c -.
                           " •
                          <  .~~  .e~  ,,-  ~ ~     ~,;; ';'E.  "' .~  "'0:'"  sM  :;:>i 0
                -          !  I~ :i  <  U 1  .,;~  ~ 'l .-  l ,~~~  ';~I~e  --~. 1.8 .. ~  O~  I~'È
                                                                'Oll .. ..:a
                                                                       Oll ....
                          .3  ~.  .~      ~     ;:; ,:; no' ]:5  Qf:l  ~$!J  ~~~  '"e
              GROUPS      ~      g~ ~Q       " .:J  ~~   00 :;  .$;~  .s:Po. o •
           OF INDUSTRIES   ~  ","  't;:.:::  g1  ~  ~  o.  r4~              ~ 0  ~
                          :>i             ~  Pl  :>id  ~  '"3  0  ~i~ Iii   8
                                 "= •     '"      8  0       '"
                            H.P.   H.P.   H.P.     H.P.    H.P.     H.P.  1  H.P.
         Substances \'égCitaleIJ. , ••.  10,295  5,8B6  6,316  68,786  91 ,263  9,662  78,448
         Procluit9, •• , , •.  7,666  1,904  M8  27,176  37,294  107  27,343
         Textile<l et ti~u...........  11,941  861  12.720  115,9&~  141,510  18, noo  134,488
         Boi.. et papier .....•.• , , .  131,89:3  35,992  243,174  868,837- 1,280,1!19  126,365  995,202
         Fer et produits........• ,  14,800  5,589  7~H 1  22E1 ,314  249,494  15,183  243,497
         Métaux non~ferreux.,. , ..  13,843  5,611  5!,150  1B7,221  2,'::7,925  3,078  170,399
         Minéraux non métalliques.  12,946  1.606 ..  87.910  102,462   40   87,050
         Produits chimiquel:l..• ,. ,.  11 ,011  3,791  ÏO;623'  llO,3rO  141,738  3,480  l19,790
         Industries diverses••... , .  260  188  1  5,850  6,299  .0 • • 0' ......  5.850
            TOTAL••••••••••••.  214,660  61,408  125,621  1,68$,492  2,288,183  176,415  1,862,967
         Vegetàble prOdUlltS•••••.•  1  9,944  4,763  5,038  70,200  89,945  1O,55B  80.756
         Animal products....•• , ••  7,561  1,886  531  29,922  39,900  714  30,6JB
         Tel"tilell and produds .••.  11,741  801  12,694  119,429  144,665  18,485  137,914
         Wood lIud paper.•...•..•  134.387  36,960  245,532  956.620 1,373.40;;19  124,285 1,080,905
         IroD and it.& products .•••.  12,998  5,438  788  224,045  243,869  9,907  234,552
         NOD-ferrolUl meta.l prad.•  13,793  5,426  42,107  168,129  22Q,454  2,G79  170,807
         NOD-meta.llic minerai pro.  12,194  1,340 ..  89,828  103,362 .......  89,828
         Cbemical products.. , ...•  9,495  1,771  'iO;070'  112,138  134,074  '3;002'  116,040
         Mhn:eUaneous industries•.  305  105  ... ....  6,2:31  6,061   40   6,291
            TOTAL •••••••••••••  212,418  58,490  317,360  :l.m,161  2,!65,429  170,568  1,947,729
   471   472   473   474   475   476   477   478   479   480   481