Page 473 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 473

448                          MANUFACTURES

         I-Principale8 statistique. des  manufactures. province de  Québec,  1928-1946
                           et quelques années choisies. 1880-1925.
         I-Principal Statistic8 of the Manufactures, Province of Quebec. 1928..1946 and
                               a few Typical Years, 1880-1925.
                                             Salaires   GofH     Va.leur des produits
                 Etabli~se-  Capital  1        ,t       cl"            -
         ANNÉES   ments  1  eDg~~é  Employé,~  gllges  matières   Value of Produob
            -      -        -         -        -        -
          YBARS  EBtabliiÙl-  Clt.pHa!  Emplo)"eelt  8alll.riel:l  Co~t  Nl!tte  Brute
                  mIJota  Invested             .ncl      of       (f)       -
                                              Wll.gfB  Matcriall'l  Net    GrOliB
                   No.      S        No.       S         •        •         S
                    15,'154  59,216,992  85,673  18,333,162  62,563,967  42,098,291  104,662,258
         f880 •••• 1
         1800 ......  23,034  116,974.,615  116,753  30,481,315  80,712,496  66,747,087  14;,459,583
         1900 (2) ••.  4,84.5  142,403,407  110,329  36,550,655  86,679,779  71.608,215  158,287,994
         1910 ...•..  6.584  326.946,925  158,207  69,432,967  184.374.053  166,527,603  350,901.656
         lInS (2) ...  5,743  530.312,464    80,324,171  213.754,115  167,449,884  381,2lJ3.999
         1917 ......  7,193  792,589.489  ·····'i9i:969  143.291,802  385,4.86,685  396.539,787  i8:?,026,472
         1920 ......  7,677 1,028,226,105  186,308  205,829.155  553,558,520  617,693,125 1,071,251,645
         1925 ...•..  6.995 1,136,033,133  168.215  169,686.055  412,460,003  408,103,754  820,563,757
         192B ......  7,231 1,583,350,8~  204.959  217,887,481  503,i21,164  I:62 .581,41911,066,302,583
         1929 .....  6,942 1,243,376,484  206,074  224,735,061  536,647,357  536,440.9671,106,475,248
         1930 ......  7,191 1,272,813,248  196,862  207 ,094 ,865  461,381,893  478,062,f55  97t,781,525
         1931 .... _.  7,287 1,159,982,849  In,f10.';  178,389,417  368,530,24,">  404.,034,013  801,643,772
         1932 .• , ...  7,630 1.051,020,080  155,025  1-14,263,174  291,766,121  301,757,419  619,093,915
         1933 .....  7.856 1.03-'5,339,591  157,481  134.,696,386  292,560.568  288,504,782  ô04,49B,078
         1934 ......  , ,952 I,023,H12,268  175,248  154,225,040  257,3f!6,D11  ~O,I53.916  715,513.642
         1935 , .....  7,727 1,014,479,';'36  182,987  165,8:~3,586  .'W8,110,6S1  342,615,835  769,094,602
         1936 , •.•..  7,969 1.029,546,039  194.,876  182,319,454  455,027,759  377,514,998  863,687.389
         1937 ......  8,518 1,117,772,721  219,033  216.971 ,207  562,889,160  445,885,666 1,046,470,796
         1938 ......  8,655 1,146.23,5,084  214,397  213,390,084  518,430,815  428,614,079  983,123,599
         1939 ......  8,373 1,182,538.441  220,321  223,757,767  536,823,039  470,385,279 1,045,757,585
         1940 ......  8,381 1.345.927,911  252,492  277,039,876  713,132,575  595,552,900 1,357,375,776
         1941 ......  8.711 1,700•.~i21.405  327,591  393,819,671  961,162,209  815,O!:'6,832 1,841,088,523
         lf)42 ......  9,342 l,883.35.1,6t!8  399.017  536,329,170 1.193,445,432 1,059,S73.943 2,333,303,012
         Hl43 ......  9,3n 2,230(:)20,386  437,247  658,323,620 1,483,627,797 1.280,097,615 2,852,191,853
         1944., ....  9.657           424.115  668,1156,053 1.494,253,053 1,350,519,134 2,929,685.183
         1945 .. , ..  10,038  (3)    384,031  607,473,443,1,307,534,193 1,149,390,919 2,531,903.830
         1946 ......  10,818  (3)     357,276  565,986, 105l1,297,000,099 1,125,991,848 2,497,971,521
          (1) Depuis 1929, on a déduit de 1.:J, vaLeur brute,  (1) Sinee 1929. the cast of fuel and electl'icity as weil
         outra le (loCH. des matiMes p!cmières, le eoQ.t du combu5-  as the cast aI materiail; bas been deducted fram thc
         tible et de j'électricité,           gros.~ '..alue of productl;.
          (2) Do 1900 à 1915 inc]u5il'ontent. les statistiques ne  (2) From 1900 ta 1915 iuclusive, statistiM refer only
         Be rappo!tent qu'au): industries employant cinq pereonnœ  ta e8tabli~hmeutsho.l'ing five employees and over.
         et plus.
           (3) Ce rense4,>nement n'a pas éUl recueilli depuis 1944.  (3) Data noc coUeeted sinee 1944.
          NOTE.-Lea ~tati8tiquetl des travaux fait!! i\ la main,  ).l"OTE.-Statit;tics of h.a.nd trades,  rl:lpair  sho~,
         des boutique:;l de réparations, des Il.teliers de vétement.a  clothing and otber custom shops are not compiled sinee
         et autres conIectiofl8 eur commande ne sont pas compi-  1921.  Thel'efore. these industriea have been ornitted
         lées depuu; l'année 1921,  Conséquemmen.t, ces indus-  from the abo.e table for the :rears HIl7 ta Hl21,
         tries ont êté exclues du tableau ci-dessus pOUl' les années
         1917 à 1921,
         2-Principale.l!l .I!Itatistique.l!l des manufactures au Canada, par province.l!l, en 1945.
           2-Principal Statistics of the Manufactures in Canada, by Provinces, in 1945.
                               Empl.  •  s,.,mire  Empl. i gages
                                    -               -            Gol.l.t  Yaleur
                       Etabli3-  Empl. on Salaries  EmpL on Wagee  cl"   brute des
                       sements                                  matièrea  produits
            PROVI).l"ÇES  -                                      -          -
                       Estab·  Nombre  Salaires  Nombre  Gages   Gast      Groes
                        lish·  -       -       -       -          of      Value of
                       ments  Number  Salarie.'!  Number  "Wages  :Ma.t.erÎt,ts  Products
                       ~-~- -~~
                        No.            S                S          •         S
         Ile-du-P.-E. ,P .E.I.  362    363,407  1,489  1,315,805  8,242,949  11,592,753
         N.·Ecosse ...K. S..  1,297  4,042  7,059,034  29,381  44,644.211  107,860,539  199,77.3,177
         N .-Bruns\t·ick .. ....  689  3.225  6,142,204  19,278  26,265,844  87,235,347  15(1,623,378
         Québec•...•.....•.  10,008  62,678  137,286,894 321,353  470.1S6,549 1,307,53-LI93  2.531,9O:~,830
         Ontario•...•.......  10,869  94,287  214,287,800  423,769  668,195,407 2,148,290.603 3,96,5,069,021
         Manitoba., .......•  1,302  6,498  13,166,228  31, 869  46,647,881  216,114,5713  339,821,283
         &lakatehewan" ....  925  2,740  4,344,729  8.577  12,5130,877  126,279,202  Id7, 688, 133
         Alberta... , .........  1,157  4,129  7,550,914  17,357  25,209,412  Hie, 198, 136  248,287, riJ4
         CoL-Erit...... B. C ..  2,326  12, 72~  27,6Hi,891  75,249  132,803,242  30.5.759,836  628,903,124
         Yukon & Ten......  1  12  '1   40,428   4'     86,512    153,4M    704,6û3
            C..lN..lDA •• , • • • •  29,050 190,707  417,157,619  1  928,665  1,427,915,830  4,473,668.847  8,250,3&8,866
                                                   1                   1
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