Page 480 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 480

MANUFACTURES                              455
         de Québec, par groupes d'industries, en 1945.
         of Quebec, by Groups of Industries, in 1945.
            Emp!oyéB lIlalaires  Employés è gagœ        CoÛt  1  Valeur des produits
                 -                 -         1 eombus-  I:OAtières   -        U
           Employees on 8allll'ies  Employees on WageB  et de \'élee-  Value of Produet.
                                               tricité  -                     p;
                                                -      Colt of
        Ho~mt~"1     Salaires  IWmmt=mœ[  0 ....  Gost of Fuel  Mater_  Nette  Brute  H
          Male  Fems.le  SaJaries  Male Female  W....  ity      N.t     Om"
          No.  1  No.  •    Ko \  No.    1       1   1   1       1       1
            390  115 1,143,025  1.361  114  1,973,455  278,399  5,222,401 W,024,137 15,524.937  1
            448  160 1,423,793  1.333  1, 607  2,720,406  323,709 12,191,934  9,352,696 21,868.339  2
           1,101  2," 1,938,044  5,US  1,126  7,864,265  1,175,452 16,012,070 16,380,770 33,568,292  2
            487  110 1,744,909  2,229  153  4,305,046  544,164  7,532,493 21,543.061 29,619, 'i'18  4
            225   68  Ç127.834  674  447  1,555,469  524,979  8,624,499 10,778,725 19,928,203  5
            26S   75  702,686  643  36  1,010,308  220,175 18,530,177  4,877,189 23,627,541  6
            158   46  361,669  5œ   4   769,502  129,171 18,019,369  2,512,02.'i 21,260,565  7
            394  147 1,108,060  532  458  1,160,851  209,817 15,990,458  8,514,084 24,714,359  8
            327   84  676,019  1,160  1,046  1,93g,80S  247,831  9,723,509  .5,684,850 15,656,190  •
             20   19  100,996  195  133  371,549  58,321  1,201,:196  li57,872  2,117,689  10
             2û   11  79,529  108   5   191,758  137,627  2,797,111  1,218,921  4,153,659  11
            605  223 1,499,820  3,362  1,884  0.516.745  475,076 13,671,606 13,131,313 27,277,995  12
            106   32  415,930  550  84  1, 006, 738  524,775 18,998,103  4,494.433 24,017,311  13
            936  616 3,350,616  2,487  5,204  8,759,679  253,8m) 39,448,456 33,4&3.931 73,166,256  14
             16    2  34,785  160  180  265,312  12,519  1,871,114  573,773  2,457,406  15
             19    9  57,461  182   6   2,35,2.38  38,741  3,60&.563  874.078  4,579,382  16
             76   36  287,019  43   4    65,649   9,162  1,231.979  231,108  1,478,249  17
           5,596  2,009 15,852,195 20,663 12,491  40,731,798  5,163,787 195,333,338 144,518,966 345,016,091  18
             29   12  90,647   74   2    97,960   9,128  456,932  284,087  750,147  1.
             42   22  140,882  328  216  707,167  91, 793  945,504  1,281,365  2,324.662  20
           1,078  437 3,312,504  6,754  5,132 12,362,436  250,031 30. 6g9, 894 24,787,696 55,727,621  21
           1,467  202 1,704,199  2,711  66  3,518,514  1,071,240 47,498,415  9,346,309 57,915,964  22
             64   42  205,338  168  115  2.59,242  22,015  4.287,356  1,761,261  6,070,63  23
             39   11  87,466  205   40  323,411  146,662  5,189,188  1,148,982  6,484,832  24
             34   11  67,624        12  111,346  2S,129  577. S91  566,407  1,172,427  25
            129   11  166,569  X~~I  190  6R2,072  60,588  4'~6j:~~~  2,358,363  6,733,551  26
             69   24  265,688      194  1, 162,Otl5  42,409    1,993,856  2,540,003  27
            5.'32  151 1,411,145  1,022  1,024  2,820,634.  56,649 17,046,775  6,759,955 23,863,379  28
            135   62  37D,oU1  503  1,169  1,486,[)79  20,164  3,109,702  2,960,886  (l,1.'i0,752  2.
             15    6   53.704  104  25  139,055   7,699  417,820  224,183  049,702  30
             77   14  204,080  628      923.331  121,86[1  3,987,427  1,733,341  5,842,631  31
            241   05  762,595  82D  1,076  1,728,085  42,740  4,255,478  3,905,957  8,204,175  32
             37    5  64,907   03   22  154,199  27,013  939,054  SIl,668  1,477.735  33
            552  132 1,551,603  2,178-  400  4,203,818  525,357 65,206,046 10,252,087 75,983,490  34
           ",540  1,237 10,465,362 17,025  9,811  10,GaO,344  2,523,486 189,485,820  69,882,403 261,&91,709  35
             00   27  286,110  265  304  613,367  15,117  2,801,012  1,365,586  4,181,715)  38
             58   28  255,499  93  303  443,070  29,260  7,329,071  1,781,159  9.139,490,  37
             16    6   53,257  07   11   143,907  29,279 ,  593,490  575,807  1.198,576  38
           1.384  583 5,387,387  3,677  9,204 14,046,310  229,391 47,483,461 35,539,364 83,252,216  30
           1,819  1 ,OÎ~ 7,469,955  2,920 12,610 17,755,889  209,097 53,483,921 46,127,353 100,420.311  40
            165   37  401,319  926  1,975  3,187,462  67,191  208,835  4,224,256  4,500,312  41
             72   28  211,O26  112  886  1,060,225  }4,175  38,558  1,666,140  1,718.873  42
            124  177     97   126  1,1~  983,158  21,499  2,293,414  3.593,326  5,908,239  43
             18    •  '  776. 1 75      142,145  19,136  927,140  446,073  1,392,3'19  44
            125   70  426,689  212 1  941  1,048,234  17,280  4,32ô.g-lQ  2,726,638  7,070,8,'i,IJ  45
             00   40  320,041  115  443  521,362  53,082  2,67.':.,083  1,627,03.5  4,350,110  46
            611  381 2,31::10,214  8,072  5,841 17,135,172  2,306,364 50,835,478 32,045.805 85.187,647  47
            105   48  380,9S1  687  149  1.006,684  327,403  858,268  3.057,616  4,243,347  48
             32    7   46,912  428   3  404,263  49.953 ...    1,228,3951  1,278,348  4'
             39   l'   92,068  64  302  200,SM    7,307  ,733:952  619,798  1,361,057  50
            292  147 1,093,018  757  1,406  2,456,892  76,236  5,075,003  5,695.842! 10,847,081  51
            511  354 },928,336  3,149  5,350  8,839,76-1  464,606 16,011,442 18,335,21Oi 34,877,258  52
            105   05  945,491  936  416  2,148,217  267,616  7,76~,360i  7.208.975115.242.951  53
            122  129  607,090  641  666  1,366,434  81,835  3,81. ,054,  3,460,880  7,359,769
             20    8  114,466  61  102   172,693  4,782  742,128  553.496  1,300,406  "
            .555  347 2,278.082  4,336  2,688  8,114,445  1,049,332 13,697,721 22,088,169 36,835,222  56
            150   94  649,990  1,354  1,173  2,938,955  3'12,470 10,365,009  7,425,965 18,133,444  57
             34   17  181,014  483  167  794,075  49,7.n  2,339,947  2,181,6-12  4,571,320  58
             28               421  224  695,760  61.804  2,693,899  1,347,115  4,102,8181  5.
             19   151 7  05.449  00  114  226,969  :21,617  1,011,952  810.760  1.913.329] 80
           ....·1  S,756 26,514,229 30, 099 1 46,597  86,62$,101 1  5,816,525 238,235,1" 2G6,341,.t35 .&50,391,106  61
   475   476   477   478   479   480   481   482   483   484   485