Page 478 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 478

MANUFACTURES                            453
         9-Valeur brute de la production manufacturière, province de Québec, par comtés
                                   municipaux, 1938-45.
         9--Gro8l!l Value of Production in Manufactures, Province of Quebec, by Municipal
                                    CountieB, 1938-45.

            COMTts      1938   1939    1940   1941    1942   1943    1944   1945
              -                                ,
           COUNTIES   1  •      •       •              •      •   1 •        •
                        '000    '000   'ODO   '000    '000   '000    '000   '000
         Ablt.ibi.....   1,597  1,400   1,834  2,B05  3,340   4,094  :;,345  5,584
         Argenr.euiL ..  6,269  7,262  11 ,993  15,883  18,84.1  19,187  14,683  13.995
        Arthabai>ka.     5,451  6,251   7,992  10,159  12,450  13,180  14,295  14,512
        Bagot.. ...      2,44(;  2,857  3,715  4,643  5,241   5,319  4,991   6,043
        Beauce......     2,881  2,815   :!,117  3,994  S,Ug   6,940  7,410   8,352
        Beauha.rnois....  10,085  12,148  18,073  34 ,302  46,939  46,263  45,991  31,575
        Bellechasse.      534     599    098    953   1,370   1,568  1,701   1,896
        Berthier.  .. ..  2,146  2,222  2,631  3,382  4,507   4,549  6,219   6,368
         Bonaventure.    1,381  1,108   1,43n  1,637  2,116   3,132  2,664   3,470
        Brbme... .. ...  1,049  1,083    6~)5   959   1,116   1,197  1,289   1,784
         Cha.mbly... .....  3.490  4,904  8,147  19,068  29,216  41,886  55,417  57,699
         Cha.mplain ..... .. .  12,052  15,310  22,513  26,296  30,988  46,292  Bl.ï71  44,685
         Cba.rlevoilt-F. .......  2.876  3,311  4,774  2,203  2,179  2,227  2.109  3,213
         Cba.rlevoilt-G.-W..  (I)  (1)  (1)     101     188    229     341    342
         Cbilteauguay.    &16    "9    1,066   1,482  2,223   1;820  2.590   2,062
         Chicoutimi. ...  38,459  47,117  67,364  69,258  140,721  179,982  142,034  90,112
         Compton.  ..    4,884  5,345  6,344   7,412  9,426   8,459  8,817   8,6()3
         Deult-Mont~gD.el;.  503  444    460    736     882   1,127  1,186   1,233
         Dorl'hester.. , , .  1,476  1,201  1,425  l,88O  2,422  2,26;')  2,96.'j  3,021
         Drummond.... ..  14,723  15,712  18,806  24,476  28,084  29,835  31,720  34,039
         Fronteoac . ......  1,377  1,429  1,661  2,488  2.997  3,183  3,2.'\0  3,292
         Ga.llpé-FL ..... ... .  2,076  2,377  4,343  3,971  5,148  5,850  E,168  6,987
         Gallpé-G.-\Y..         (I)     (ll     984   1,159   1,225  1,364   1,736
         Gatineau .... ..  ~" 1)  (1)   (1)     871     087   1,016  1,561   1,625
         Hull...   ...  19,472  20,825  31,307  36,280  38,049  39,018  41,337  42,323
         Huntingd~~:::.   913   1.105   2,176  2,864  i .19B  4,191  4,139   5.276
         Iberville............  513  716  810  1, 1{1:;  l,.'j.59  1,543  1,390  1.796
         Ilell-de-la-:'v1adeleine.  (1)  (I)  0)  450   fl26  1,018  1,253   2.120
         Joliette.·........  4,551  5.285  6,189  8,711  lO,~96  10,632  11,882  12.367
         Kamourallka..... ...  1,121  1,100  1,2156  1,594  1,938  1,959  2,242  2,130
         Labelle........ ..  997  m     1,276  1,458  1,908   1,1"88  2,376  2,345
         Lac St.-Jean-E ......  8,111  9,498  13,935  1'l,I26  9,:Z38  10,385  20,718  20.465
         Lac St·Jean-û.-W..  (ll  (I)   (1)    6,904  6,423   7,550  9,462  10,257
         LA'rlliri"'......  2 ,151  2.720  2,7E9  3.016  3,667  3,887  4,667  5,482
         I:  ~f!Omption.  921   1.229   1,454  10,875  38,747  105.675  88,2H'I  36,833
         Laval. .        ~')    (1)     (1)    1,001    8\6    775     900    900
         L!'!vis.        . ,88.'5  2,681  8,534  12,82.5  24.,220  2i~~~  28,511  19.436
         L'I~let.... . ...  BR.   848   1.053  1.37t'  1,775         2,271   2,623
         Lotbiniêre. ' ..  1,224  1,110  1.197  1.654.  2,Hi8  2,566  2,942  3,004
         Maskinongé.     3,47:<  3,792  4.241  5,657  6,128   6,144.  6,329  6,654
         Matane          3,495  3.032  4.530   3.:H5  3,710   4,101  4,224   5.210
         Mata.pédîa......  (l)  (l)     (1)    2.436  2,162   ~,227  3,243   3.610
         Mégantic..... ..  2,956  3,125  3.c.73  3,~87  4,218  4,456  4,836  5,164
         Missisquoi. ..  5,982  6,660  9.8fl4.  22,it'4  14,843  14 ,678  15,839  15,7iO
         Montcalm... ...  m       826    974   1,026  1,60.3  1,376  1,411   1,689
         Montmagny.......  2,602  2,618  3,344  4.745  5,607  5.9)'i6  5,889  6.116
         Montmorency, No 1.  252  258    "9    3.328  3,433   4,037  4,589   5.44,10;
         Montmorency, No 2.  (1)  (1)   (1)     128     401    !iB9    413    320
         Montréal Ue--Island  572.7:'10  597,99:'1  744,427  999.269 1,215,502 1,487,055 1,533,597 1 399,100
         Napierville.    1.590  1,626   1. 88g  2.611  2,037  1,726  2.697   2,f!36
         Nicolet... ....  1,7')6  1,783  2.270  3,077  4,119  4,518  5.0'16  5,094
         Papineau..... .  5.085  4,699  7,0,';8  8,143  10,815  10,979  14.] 59  11 ,618
         Pontiac..        7.').'  911    864    904   1,484   1,603  l.!H5   2,170
         Portnenf. .....  6 673  7,523  10,276  13.1.56  13,226  13,207  14, i50  16.491
         Québec... ..   41,924  40.630  53,238  72.146  93,056  115,828  129,533  96,620
         Richelieu. ........  .1,192  3,479  R.025  21.034  48,964  M?',44n  38,215  21,177
         Rkhmolld. .. ...  6.861  7,606  9,231  10.988  13,133  14,0:21  14.717  10.2i9
         Rimou~ki.       1.942  2,003   2,441  4,J!:l3  5.575  7,045  6.790  8,003
         Rouville... ...  .2,065  2.260  3,014  3.5(-6  5,ISD  4,6>18  6,435  6,289
         Ba,l!iuenn.y.. ...  5,911  6,42R  8.2043  9,2'99  9,291  10,907  10,822  12,101
        Shefford....    12,818  14,383  17,010  22,783  29,676  35,129  38,930  34,280
        Sherbrooke. ...  1f',847  17,229  26.171  37,742  43,486  41,640  41,879  44,604
        Soulanges . .....  1,029  82.'1  1,079  1,140  1,171  1.044    9M     070
        St.atlstead ....  13.?3i  14 ,973  21.üU)  32,476  44,523  39,428  33,12:0-  32,344
        St;...Hyudnthe. ......  10.704  13,121  J.".996  19,856  22, ~O7  24,176  25,8n  27. 5~jq
        St-Jean ......   9,836  9.J56  Il ,460  15,6CÇl  1~,481'.i  18,300  IS,8,1!7  21,157
        St;...Maurice.  .. ...  ~7 ,34;,  42.1'n  60.878  113,254  97,737  118,.298  IJ4,456  100.574
         Témi:lca.mingue ....  27,578  28,2.5t  33,178  36.341  38,2S7  39,513  60.905  37,238
         Rh"jêre-du-Loup .  (1\  (1)    (l)    2.841  2,950   4.045  4,242   4,Ml
         Tém.iseouata. ....  2,768  1  2,96.j  3,833  2,218  2.8fl9  ,'l, t67  2,973  3.90:.J6
         Terrebonne.    10,826  12.332  14,400  19,45~  42,697  83,437  9fj,451  43.520
         Vaudreuil ..     902   1, 1.')9  1,323  1.146  1,404  1,511  1,42.'1  l, t~l
         Verch~:res.     6,386  6.389   9,363  9,533  10,488  10,772  8,595  S.514
         Wolie ......  ...  8!i6  739    724   1,142  1,&51   1.716  .1.770  1.834
         Yamaska..        877     801    967   1.333  1,953   2.058  2.213   2.202
              TOTAL •.  1 ....12<  1,G45,758  1.357,376  1.841,089  2,:131,30:1  2.852,192  2,!t29,685  2,531,904
          (1) En 1941, Charlevoix a. été subdivisé en Charle\'oix-  (1) In 1941, Cha.:rlevoix was sub-divided into Cbarle-
        Est et Charlevoilt-ûuest; Gaspé, en G8Ilpé-Est, G8l'pé-  voilt ENlt and Charle\'oix West; Gaspé, into Gaspé Eallt,
         Oueat et Ilell·de-Ia-Madeleine; Hull, en Gatineau et Hull;  Gaspé West and Madeleine Islands; Hull, into Gatineau
         Lao St-Jean, en Lac et Lao SainWE'.aJl-  and Hnll: LM St. Jean, into Lac St. Jean East and Lac
         Ouest; Matane, EIIl Matane et Matapédia; Montmoreno.y,  St. Jean West; Matane, into Matane and Matapédia,;
         en Montmorency No. l et Montmorency No. 2 (Ile  Montmorency, inta Montmorency No 1 and Montmo-
         a'OrlésllIl)i Montréal, en Montréal et Laval (Ile Jéstul):  rency No. 2 (ne d'Orléans); Montréal, into Montreal
         TémiSIlDUSta, en Riviêre-du·Loup et TéJnÎ!couata.  and Laval (Jéllus Island). Térniscouata; into Riviêre-du-
                                              Loup and Té1DÎlloouata.
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