Page 477 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 477

452                          MANUF.1CTURES

         7-Principales statistiques des manufactures de la cité de Montréal,par groupes,
                                      en 1944 et 1945.
         7-Principal Statietics of Manufactul'ea of the City of Montreal, by groupa,
                                      in 1944 and 1945.
                                                        Cotit du
                                                        oombuetible  eoo.t des
                              Etabliue-         BalaSrel  et de   rnatièrell  Valeur brute
           GROUPBS D'INDtlB'I'BI.IIlll  menb  Emplo)'6s  I!lt gagea  l'électricité  premières  des produite
                  -             -        -        -        -       -        -
           Gao'tlPs 01' INDUBTllTIC8  EstabliBh-  EmployOês  Balariee  Coat of  Coat of  Gros!! value
                               ment8           and wBgee  fuel and  materials  of produets
                                No.      No.       •       •         •        •
         SubBtances végétales.••.•••••.  348  22,099  32,865,426  2,769,710  124,559,i21 208,714,Oag
         Produite animaux.••••••.•.•••  401  16,154  22,602,457  905,998  91,657,000 130,401,750
         Textiles et tissus.•.•••.••..•••  1,063  40,034  56,184,554  1,419,818  124,098,394 222,016,895
         Bois et papier•••• , , •• , • , • , • , •  527  15,585  25.1a6.a75  804,647  26,595,584  68,417,587
         Fer et J)l"oduits.... , •.• , ... , ..  257  58,439 118,303.346  5,517,458  184,295,197 377,801,099
         Métaux non·fe:rreux. , •.. ,. , •.•  119  16,605  28,436,109  891,963  52,088,789 101 ,434.,69-&
         Minéraux non.métaUique8.• , ••  52  2,074  3,57a.581  2.420,912  6,996,083  1~,83(,7(5
         p  roduitll chimiques.••.•••.•••  195  10,125  16.086,713  930,734  32,775,562  71.774,139
         IndUlltriu divenlell.•••••••• , ••  147  3,693  5.204,797  194,692  7,552,233  16,593.066
              TorAt.., ••••••••••••      185,708  308,396,358  15,855,932  650,618.563 1,21S,988,014
                                        No.       •        3       •        $
         Vegetable produotll., .•.. , ••• ,  No 353  1  22,465  34,337,221  2,809,033 132,823,266  225,365.773
         Animll.\ produçtEl.....•.•.•....  454  17 ,861  25,250,735  944,472  99,383,171  141,310,210
         Textiles and produd.a..•. , •...  1,218  43,096  61,330,149  1.445,010 127,207,687  235,812,759
         Wood and ))"per" ....... , •.. ,  576  16,936  28,098.549  822,565  30,863,939  77.008,487
         Iron and produçtEl....... , ..• ,  265  53,.1,.68 108.799,.";00  .5,300,406 133.710,388  292,473,120
         Non-fenou!:' meta] produl:ta... ,  125  14,059  24.590,179  85.j,828  32.590,1119  72,455,001
         Non·metatliç minerai products,  01  2,219  3,829.115  2.527,184  7.170,689  18,440,680
         Chemical products, •. ,', ....••  201  7,490  12,06(),064  694,107  28,616.691  61,954,439
         MiBcelIaneoulJ induElt.riell, •.••..  1S1  4,079  0.902,249  205.372  8, liS6, 242  19,354,619
              TOTAL••...•.•.••.••  ~,404  181,679  304.247,761  15,603,977  600.928,272 10144,175,108
         8-Principales statistiques des manufactures de la cité de Québec, par groupes.
                                     en 1944 et 1945.
          8-Principal Statistics of Manufactures of the City of Quebec, by groups,
                                     in 1944 and 1945.
                                                        C'Oùt du
                                                       cDmbu8tibie  CoClt des
                             Etablisse-         Sll.laireEl  et de  matiéres  Va!eurbrute
           Gaot!P1Il9 D'INDUSTRUUI  '""'ta  EmployéB  et gages  l'éleclriçité  premières  deEl prodllitB
                 -              -       -        -        -        -        -
           GBOOP"I 01' 11'lDUBTaIJCa  Employees  S8larle!!l  Cost of  Cost of  GroBEI value
                               ment.           and wagl'Jll  fuel and  materials  01 prodllctB
                               No.      No.       •       •        •        •
        Suhllf.anl'eav~ltétalea••••.••••• 1  84  2,E50  2,616,395  215,499  7,564,025  14,388,g79
        Produit.'l animaux•••••••••••• ,  80  ,3,919  4,234,238  150,716  14,745,267  21,729,036
        Te:ltiles et tissue.••.••••.••••.  15  1.862  1.651,771  29,930  3,261,595  7,190,344-
        Bols et c:pier•.••....•.•••••.  70  2,848  4,646,461  1,563,4.14  6,235,272  l."i.653,856
        Toutes es Autres indulltrle:a••••  5'  14.445  23,633,865  1.054,224  13,903,7Ç13  56,181,455
              TO'l'At...............  ..8  2'_  36,182,730  3,013,783  45,709,952  115,143.670
                               l'J~'    2~~69  2,90~,984.  21~,4171
        Vegetable products.                                      8,3:7,128  Hi ,82'5, 834
        AnImal products..............  83  4.051  4,634,979  151,435  10,005,894  23,769,715
        Te'rtilellBndprodllctll.........  17  1,949  1,844,182  29,475  3,703.993  8,039,269
        Wood and paper..............  81  2,961  5,125,144  1,659,481  6.824,970  16,995.059
        AIl other industries••••••••••• 1_-:~7~'__I_--:co~,~1~1~7_1_1=0=,7=0~7=,~"=1:-1_::-::6..=,~234=_1_~4~,~0~1.=,~5~5:-7115,351,237
              TOTAL...............  33S  11,U7  25,272,951  2.759,042  38,938,542  19,981,11.4
   472   473   474   475   476   477   478   479   480   481   482