Page 475 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 475

450                         MANUFACTURES

          3----Nombre d'employé. dana les manufactures du Canada, par provinces, en 1945.
           3--Number of Employees in Manufactures of Canada, by Provinces, in 1945.

                                    Emplayê8 A. f1aTairo    Emplo)"68 A. iag~1
                  PROVINCES        Employees ou Salaries  Bal.....  Employees on Wage8  Gag...
                                   ~       F.mmœ    Salaires  Hommœ  1 -   w....
                                                            M ....
                                     No.     No.      1             No.      •
                                                             No.  1
          lle-du-P.-E.••.•••••P. E. I.............  273  80  363,407  ~20  560  1,315,80S
          NouveUe-EcoBse•••.Nova Scotla....••••  2,909  1,133  7,059,034  25,17&  4,205  44,644,211
          Nouv.-Brunawick •. New Brunswick ••.  2.330  895  6.142.204  15,·158  .1,820  26,2M,844
          Québec.•••••.•..••.•....•.•....•.•..  44,171  18.507 137,28B,SH4  0220, BU  94,742  470,186,549
          Ontario..•••..••••.•.•••••.•.•••.••••  50,389  3.':1,898 214,287,890  304,570  119,199  668,195,497
          MIUlJwba.••••••••••••••••••••.••••••  4,588  1,910  13,166,228  23,267  8,602  40,547,881
          Saskatchewan.•••.•••••.••.• , ..••..•.  1,946  704  4,344,729  7,216  1,661  12,560,877
          Alberta..............................  2.90<  1,225  7.550,914  13,692  3,1365  25,209,412
          Colombi.-B,it .....Bdt"b COl.. ......  1  9,072  3,653  27  63,664  11,585  132,803,242
          Yukon & Terr .•.•••••.••..•.•.•.•••.  1.  2  1  '615'891  37  6     86,512
               CUADA.•••••••••..•.•••••••.  128,601  62,106  417,857,619  680,620  248,045 1,427,915,830
                                          1                       1
              4-Principales statistiques dea manufactures de la Province, par groupes.
                4-PrincipaI Statistics of the Manufacture. of the Province, by Groups.
                        Etab\i~~  Employés li. salaire  Employés à. gages
             GROUPES    sements  1  Employees on Salaries  1  Employees on ",,'ages  CoClt  hrute des
           D'INDUSTRIES   -  ----                               matières  produits
                -       Estah-     1                              -         -
            GROUPS OF    lisb-     1  Salaires  Nomb~e  Gages    Cret      Gro"-,,
            INDrSTRIES   ments  No:".b"  1  -   -       -         0'      Value of
                              Number  Salaries  Number  WageE'l  Materials  Products
                         No.            •               s         1         •
          Substanclls v~gétales.  1.858  No  1  14,985,919  31,686 1  37,007,186  184, 13~, 98B  :J21.667.094
          Pro<hlits animaux ..  1,757  4,967  9.217.248  25,351  27,1;177,217  179,992,694  246,211,640
          Tertiles et tissus ....  1,319  9,8531  24,114,980  74,124  81,010,518  229,847,322  43C!,934,363
          Bois et papiE:l ..... ..  3,402  11 ,459  21,836,837  40,780  66,814,517  171,537,347  377,4B:=l,89fj
          Fer et produit.s....  453  14,257  32,129,470 100,416  194,290,224  274,554,737  648,480,258
          :Mt"h.u'll: non-ferreux ..  g~1  6,579  14,159,626  28.9.,'1 1  48,088, 749 1  226,970,120  404,055,401
          Minéraux oon métal-   1,257  2,949,286 1  6,473  10,464,5~3  62,,~62,018  lü~,627,258
          Pr~d~i:;~hj~i~·~~~"~  325  6,476  14,&52,512  3g .967  60,816,964  l:'i~,O?9, 527  370.363,933
          Industries di,"erse~...  209  1,037  2,299,202  212  4,740,955  10,652,302  23,859,443
                                                4,  1
              TOTAr......... 1  9,657  63,150  U6,34SwOaO  300,965  511,810,973  1,494,253,053  2,929,685,183
          V,,,t>bl, produ"•. '1  1,822  7,605  15,852.105  1 33,154  40,731. 798  195,333,338  345.016,091
          Animal product~.....  1,817  5,777  10,465,362  26,836  30,680,344  180,485,820  201,891,709
          Textiles and  te-xtile
           products..........  1.507  10,442  26..'514,229  76.696  86,62fi,308  238,235,148  450,393.10(',
          Wg~~uct:~... ~:~~I  3,510  12,329  23,860,448  52.554  73,135.791  195,261,91.)  412,696,850
          Iron and its products.  m  12,683  28,~08,619  76,699  151,~4,835  195,698,240  489,010,li69
          N on-ferrous  metal
           product9, .........  171  5,7i2  13,518,948  Hl,413  '32,285,229  138,400,136  ~51,066,230
          Kon-metallic mineraI
           pmducts ..........  198  1, '378  3,190,'314  6,848  10,970,672  62,338,579  105,'368,067
          Chemicals and o:hem-
           ical products ......  323  5',582  12,750,632  24,385  39,089,770  80,421,057  188,403, 100
          Miscellanoous indust-
           ries. ..... ......  216  1,110  2,526.147  1 4,768  5,581.802  , 1  12,353,960  28,057,990
              TOTA.L. ......  10.038  62,678  137,286,894  321,W  470,186,549  1.J01,5J4,193  2,531,905,831)
   470   471   472   473   474   475   476   477   478   479   480