Page 460 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 460


         2-Pui••ances installées aux principaux harnachements de forces hydrauliques,
                              dans la province de Québec, 1948.
                  2-Turbine Installation of Principal Central Electric Stations,
                               in the Province of Quebec, 1948.
                                                          Site ou nom de  Imtalllltlon
                 COMPAGNIE                Rivi~re            l'uBine      on HP.
                  COMPANY                  River         Situation or name  Installation
                                                           of the station  in HP.
         Alumlnum Company..•..•............  Saguenay ..•. , ••........... ChUte-A.-CarOD no 2.......  1,200,000
          Beauha.rnais  Light  Raat  &  P.  Co.
           (Hydro~Québec).,•..•..............  St~Laurent....•............ Beauharnais...••.....•...  705,000
         So.guenay Power Co..................• Saguenay  Ile Maligne   .  540,000
         Shawinigan Watel' & Power Co  .  St~Maurlce........ . . . . . . . .. Shawinigan Falls  , .  380 ,000, Company•••••••••••••••••• Saguenay  Cbute-à-Caron no 1.  .  280.000
         Sbawiniga.n Water & Power Co ..•....• St-Maurice  8hawiniga.n Falls  .  279.970
          Galoineau Power Co .•....•............ Gatineau ..........•.••.... Paugan•••. ,  .  238.000
         St_Maurice Power Corp.....••..•••... St-M·aurice  La Tuque    .  222.500
         Hydra-Québec     , .•....•....• St-Laureni.• , . • . . •• • • . . • • •. Lee Cêdree .••.......•....  206.400
          Sbawinigan Water &: Power Co ..•..... St-Maurioe ..•••••...•...... Grand·Mère..•.••..•..••.  201,000
         Sbawinigan Water &: Power Co  ,  . St-Maurice..... . . • • . . . . . . .. R.apide Blanc  .  200,000
         Sbawinigan Water & Power Co  . St-Mlluriee   La Gabelle       .  172,000
         Gatineau Power Co   .     Gatineau .....•....••..•... CbeIeea.....•............  170,000
          Maclaren-Quebec Power Co  ,  LièvNl (du) .......•••...•.. Maeeon..••.•.... , ..••...  136.000
          Maclaren-Quebeo Power Co..••..  Lièvre (du)  High Falls      .  120,000
         Ottawa Valley Power Co.•......  Outaouais    Lee Chats  .        112,000
          Gatineau Power Co ..•.•.......  Gatineau.•.....•..••...•.. Farmer's Rapids..•.•.....  96,000
          Quebeo Nortb Sbore Paper Co  . Outardes (aul:) .•..•••..•... Carneau .••..•..••...•....  77 .300
          Gatineau Power Co       . Outaouais...•.•........... , Bryson...............•..  51.400
          Gouvernement Provincial (1) ••••••...• Outaouais  Rapide No 7  .  48,000
          Hydro-Québec  , .........•. ,  . Prairies (des) .••••.••....... &ult-au·Réeollet.....•..•  45,000
          Nortbarn Quebec Power Co. Ltd......• Quinze (des) ..•....••..••• , Section no 3 ..•••.•.••....  40.000
          Gatineau Power Co...•......•..••...• Outaouais•. , •.•....•.. , .••. Chutes Chaudière•••••••..  36.600
          Bouthern Canada Power Co......••.... St-Françole  Hemmins Falls  .  33.600
          Sbawiniga.n Water &; Power Co ..••..•. St-LauNlnt  St-Timothée  .  28.800
          Gatineau Power Co       . Gordon .•..•............... Kipawa.....•.......•.. ,.  27.550
          Priee Bros. &; Co. Ltd  , . SahIe (au)... . • • . . . . • . . . . .. Kénogami. •....••...••.•.  26.200
          J. R. Bootb &; Co      .. Outaouais•.•.••......•...• , Lee Chats...•.•••..•.....  (3)
          Quebec Power Co. Ltd ..•....•..••....  Ste~Anne-de--Beaupré•.•...•. Sept Cbutee••..••...•••..  24.000
          Bhawinigan Water &: Power Co ..••.•.. BatiBCfln  St~Narcl6se  .  22,200
          Hydro-QuébeC'.            Richelieu.. . .. . . . . . .  Chambly  .  21,600
          Maclaren-Quebeo Power Co...•..•.....  Li~vre (du)... . • • . . • . • . . . •. Buckingham ...••...••.•.  19,250
          Southern Canada Power Co, .••••.••. , . St-Françolll...•.•...... , .•• Drummondville•.••...••..  18.400
          Price Bros, ok Co. Ltd  . 8hipebaw    , ...•... Lee Galeta   .   17,600
ébec ... , .•••..•...••....•.. St-Laurent.  Boulanges  .  16.050 (')
          Ottawa Eleclric Co •.•..••..•...•..... OutBouai3.....••.....•..... Chutes Chaudiêre•••••••..  (3)
          Hydro-Québec .•..•••.•.•.......•.•. , St-Laurent  Lacbine    .   15.800 (')
          E. B. Eddy Co. Ltd .•..••..•••••.••.. Outaouais...•..•••.•.•..•.. Chutes Chaudiêre•.••.••••  13.500
          Gull Pulp ok Paper Co. Ud  . Ste-J1.1argue,ite..••..•••.... Clarke Cit,y••••.•.•••..•.  12,850
          Quebec Pulp & Power Corp. Ltd•..••.. Chicoutimi  " ••.. Chicoutimi.  .  11,220 (2)
          Priee Bros.. & Co. Ltd.••.••.•.••••.... ShiplJha.w.••....••••.•••.•. Chute Murdock ......•.•.  10,800
          Maclaren-Quebeo Power Co.••••••..••. LièvNl (du) .••.•.•••..•••.. Buckingham.••...•.••...  10,050
          Cie de Pou,,'oir du Bas-St~Laurent  . Métis.  .  Priee  .        9,600
          Quebeo Pulp & Paper Corp. Ltod ••••••• Chieoutimi  Chieoutimi  .  9.450 (0)
          Donobue Bros            . MBlbo.i.e•....•.•••..•••.•. , Chutes Nairn  .  8,650
          Brompton Pulp &: Paper Co. Ltd  .  at-FraD~ols..•...••..•••••. Bromptouville••••••..•...  8,570
          Quebec Pulp ok Papel Co. Ltd....•..•. Chieoutirnl....... • • . • • • • . ..  Cb:icou~imi.•••••••.•..••.  8,500
          Brompton Pulp &: Paper Co. Ltd•••••.. St-François  Raet ADgue...•........•.  8,170
          Eledrio Reduction Co........•...•...  Li~vre (du).. .. .. • .. .. ..  Buckingbam  .  8,000
          Quebeo Pulp ok Paper Corp. Ltd •.•••.. OUiatehouan  VB1 Jalbelt  .  7,300 (:2)
          Quebec Pulp & Paper Corp. Ltd ••.•• , . Cbicoutimi  Chicoutimi••.•••••.••••.•  7,200 (2)
          Gatineau Power Co       . Rouas              Belle Falls     .    7,200
          Donnacona Papsr Co•.•.•.•..••..••.. JaoQue&-Cartier••••••••••••. DonnAoonA.••••••••••••..  .,000
          Cité de Sherbrooke      . St-Franeois        Weedon .••...•••.•.•••..  5,850
          Cité de Sherbrooke•••...••.•.•••.•... Bt-François .•.•....•••.•••. Ws!ltbury  .  ',800
          Pembroke Electric Lllht Co••••••••••.• Noire  WlI!IJ.tbam    .    ',800
          Quebeo Power Co. Ltd•••••.•.••••..•. Montmoreue7. •• . • . • •• • . . •. CbUt.ell MontmorenCIY•••. ,  6,600
          AywsLtd                 . Nord (du) ..•.•••.••••••••• LaClhute•.•.••••••••.•••.  6.370
          B1'OW'n Corporation.••.••••••••.•••••. Madeleine•••••••••.••••••• l Gœnde Chute  .  ',000 (0)
            1) Administre par Hydra-Québeo.      (1) Managed by Hydoo-Quebeo.
            2) 1000ctin.                         (2) Idlt'.
           \ 3) FlloullI.nt pe.rtie dell forcee bydrauliques de l'Ontario.  (3) Forming part of Ontario hydraulio pOwEll'll.
           Rtmsrignemenl,/fiW7t.ÎI par l, Dlpartlmlent de,  Re88our~  Data ,uppl,ed by Ihe Depar"n~l 01 Hydra.u~ R,._ce••
          CIJ hlldruvCiqtu•.
   455   456   457   458   459   460   461   462   463   464   465