Page 404 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 404

PULPE ET PAPlEHr-PULP AND PAPER                     379

           La valeur du bois l\ pulpe importé et exporté  The value of imporwd or exported pulpwood
         Mt établie d'après la valeur au point d/expédi-  is established according ta the nlue at the
         tion; celle du bois à pulpe cOCBommé par les  point of shipmentj that of pulpwood use<! in
         fa.briques de la province est basée sur la valeur  the mills of the Pravine-€> i5 ba::led on the vaJ.ue
         l\ l'utJine qui comprend bien souvent les frais  at the mill which often includes transportation
         de transport.                        costs.

                  lB-Production apparente de boia à pulpe dans la Province.
                    lB-Apparent Production in PuJpwood in the Province.

                                     Boia il. t1ulpe
                                      consommé   Boia il pulpe  Bois il pulpe  Produe\ioD
                                    dane 16 provinca  exporté  import.é  apparente
                                     J'8~T~Otge  Pulpwood    Pulpwood   P~~~~~:fo~
                             QUANTIT:G: (!IN COBOBs)-QUANTITY (IN CORDa)
         Moy.-Aye.1935-39, .•         2,719,08ô   1.091,801    14,335    3,796,552
         1940    ,      ,. '          3,732,851   1,118,224    ZO,836    4,840,230
         1941. .. ,  .                4,047,070   1,245,620     6,839    ,5,285,860
         1942  .                      4,066,3{6   1,224,579    19,047    5,271,878
         1943    ..                   3.686,375   1 OSO 501    53,844    4,713,032
         1944      .                  3,826,783   1:233:263    21,820    5,0·38,226
         1945.,  " '                  3,893,449   1,344.526    35,110    5,202,865
         1946  .                      4,462.976   1,206,901    98,245    5,661,()32
         Moy.-A~·e. 1935-39,  "  .  li 21.167,573  $  8,387,942  S  119,320  S 29,436,195
         1940  " " ' . , . , , .....  33,572,635  9,939.63..1.  83,218  43,429,050
         1941.   ..                  38,835.424  11,757,243    57,154   50,535,513
         1942..........  .       ,.  43,739,224  14,256,501    303,754  57,691,971
         1943  .                     4,j,1,~9,280  14,168,472  684,792  58,642,960
         1944  .                     "'3,974,070  18.099.279   308,180  72,365,169
         1945      ,  .              62.391,025  21.999,366    624,392  83,765,999
         1946.                       79,467,324  22,820,7&4  1,957,302  100.330,786
                    19-Produetion du papier dans la province de Québec.
                      19-Paper Production in the Province of Quebec.

                                        Variétés da papier-Kindl!l of Paper
            ANNtEB-YEARB                                          :ll~~~~:
                              A journal 1f.~:~~~oe~ 1D·em~aJ.lagc 1  Carton
                             NewBprint  Book and  Wrapping  Paper  Other
         __________---'            c--'--~W~,~it"i»g"'--!  __'_=B=o=·c"~I.~_=P~.~p=.='__~  _
                            QUAKTIT.E': (EX ToNNEs)--QUANTITY  (lN TONS)
         Moy.-Ave. 1935-39...  1,624,332  27,834  60,636  125,221  24,739  1,862,168
         1940." .... , .      1,954,046  36,631   84,100  118,366  32,647  2,285,196
         1941. ....... .............  1,906,53.j  45,004  98,821  273,415  31,712  2,361,487
         ]942......... ....... ....  1,171,057  45.252  98,270  225,574  39,641  2,119,800
         1943...............  1,601, 969  43,468  93,960  204,526  42,942  1,986,865
         1944 ...........     1,1a3,856  5S,194   95,916  201,69·t  51,296  2,152,956
         1945.       ..........  1,862.223  61,543  90.984  208,804  62, i98  2,292,442
         1946..               2,401,882  10,681  105,264  214.171  15.596  2,861,5P4
                                       VALE1:R.-y ALUE
                                '1           1    •        •       •        •
         Mo}'.-Ave. 1935.39....  57,111,320  1  5,2,')2,496  6,080,880  6.412,263  1,937,006  77,393,965
         1940    .           88,511,17.')  0.933,100  9,031,906  11,479,198  2,i24,645  118,680,624
         1941  ,     '  .    85,863,172  8.031,110  1O,18i),771  17,048,8'!6  3,255,384  124,975,283
         1942    .           SO,111,172  8,146,628  20,206,140  14,841,731  3.950,089  117,921, 760
         2943    .           80,279,852  8,649,610  9,735,471  14 ,243,828  4,403,006  117,311,173
         1944   .         ...  94,090,142  1O,43I.051  9,919,771  14.702,2:'\6  5,473.43!i  134,617.241
         1945..             106,134,216  l1,03S,fJ33  10.]21,698  15,127,29]  5,768,553  148,180,691
         1946..             1113,065,992  13,365,'180  12. :301,129  16,888,927  7,424.405  213,04-5,6.:~3
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