Page 408 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 408

1l'iDUSTRIE DU BOIS-LUMBER INDUSTRY                   383

          La. valeur blUte de la production de cette  The gross value of production ID this industry
         industrie en 1946 se chiffre 8. $66,160,934 com-  in 1946 arnounted 1.0 $66,160,934, lUi compared
         p&l:ativement à $56,109,21ï en 1945, Boit une  to $56,109,217 in 194';5, that lB an increase of
         augmentation d'environ 18.0 pour cent,  La
                                              about 18.0 per cent.  The 194ô production
         production de 1946 a att,eÎnt un sommet; en
         valeur, elle est quatre fois plus considérable  reached a new l*,ak; in value it ie four times
         que la production moyenne quinquennale  greater than the 1935-39 fiye-yearly a,"erage
         1935-39.  De 1940 à 1946, elle a plus que  produotton  From 1940 to 1946, it more tOOn
         doublé.  Cette production représente environ  doubled.  This production represent~ about
         25 pour ce!1t de la production canadienne.  25 per cent, of the Canadian production.

         23-Principales statistiques de l'indulltrie du bois, province de Québec, 1945 et 1946.
         23-Principal Statisticll in the Lum.ber Industry, Province of Quebec, 1945 and 1946.
                  8tati.'Jtiques principales.-Principal 8tati8tiGS  -  1945  1""
         Scieriez; actives faisant rapport. .... ....  Active- miLla re-porting ..  ....  No.  I,I'73  1,98~
         EmployéB à salaire ...    EmplOYIJOO on salariea.  .. ...  No.  2,132  2,27G
         Salaires pa:\:és........ .........  Salaries paid.........  ........  S  1,359,245  1,534,450
         Employés 11 gages.  ......  Employ()eB on wages.  . ......  No.  8,642  9,304
         Gage..~ payt'is ..........  Wage.3 paid ......      S   8,787,960  10,774,455
         Foree mott'Îce utilisée.......  Power emplDYcd.......  H.P.  115,757  126,791
         Co()t du combu'ltible acheté.  Cast al purcha"ed fuel ..........  S  287,737  319,265
         CoClt de l'électricit.é achetée.  '" .. ....  COllt of purcha~ed eleetrieily ..  ....  S  71,&55  96,924
         Cont des matières dépensées .. ..... ....  C~t of materials used ... ...  S  34,122,053  41,541.973
         Valeur brute deB produit:; ...... ....  Gro>lS value of prDducr.s. ..  S  56,109,217  66,100,934
         Valeur nette des produits.......  Net value of products ... .... ...  S  21,627,572  24,202.7n
         24-Principaux produits de l'industrie du bois, province de Québec, 1945 et 1946.
         24-Principal Products of the Lum.ber Industry, Province of Quebec, 1945 and 1946.

                                             Quantlté--Quallty      Valeur-Value
          Principaux produitll-Principal products  1
                                         Unité-t'Dit       1946    1945     1946
         -                                           194'  1
         Epinette.   .. .Spruee ......... ....  M ~',m,p.-1f ft;~.m.  576,5135 603,252 $25,157,755 $28,043,600
         1-ferisier.. ....... . ... Yt>llow bireh..  ..  ..  98,200 113,835  5,059,487  6,145,663
         Pin. blan.c ......  · .White pine .••. ,...  ..  ..  77 ,431  89,373  4,123,070  5,164,144
         Sapin. baumier.. .. .. .. &l.-.amfir .....  ..  ..  57,876  73,435  ~,405,750  .'1.230,000
         Pin g:t'is••••..  ... · .Jack pine.. ... ....  ..  ..  63,381  S6.578  2,374,647  3.487,115
         Pruche..  ...  · .Hemlonk...  ....  ..  ..  41,251  46,219  1,679,631  1,1172,955
         Bouleau .•...  "'hite birch. .. ....  ..  ..  27,249  33,745  1,234,14.2  1. 657,871
         Erable.....  ...... lo.Iaple..  .......  ..  ..  20. 091  33.236  1,023.80:'\  1,725,693
         Trembll!. ...  · .Aspen ....... .....  ..  ..  22,665  1  23,215  708,753  823,585
         Tilloul ...•...... .. · . Basswood... ... ...  ..  ..  12,952  17,,529  683,9::12  960.553
         Pin l·OUge•. .. .. ...  .lied pin.e•.... .....  ..  ..  9,237  13,04.8  435,517  690,&39
         Cèdre.. ...... ... · ... CedaT..... ..  ..  ..  8,772  10,022  327,652  400,ôl.'i
         Orme. ..  .. .... Elm....•....  ..     ..    3,739  5, ,371  163,555  25:2,343
         Peuplier..  · ... PopLar....... .....  ..  ..  4,391  7,392  J.52,917  278,029
         Autr~ ee;;ences ... · ... Ot.her species. ......  5,3191.  8,105  260,189  416,273
          BOIS D'OEUVRE ... · .S.'l.WW LUMnER........ .M p.m.p... :M ft.b.m. 1,.029,313 1,164,305  45,1$0,905  55,249,378
          Bors A P,["Ll'1I: (1).  PULPWOOD (1) ... ,  Corde-Cold  213,513 187,498  4,555,960  4,472,222
          Rors A F17S11AlfX .. : .SPOOL'I\OOD •••  M p.m.p.-M ft.b.m.  21,196  27,396  1,593,068  2,:121,722
          BARDR:.-\.UX ••••••••• SHINGLl!:S..•. ........  Carre--Bqua:re  278,558  239,796  1,170,418  1,OU,631
          TRAl'ERSES ....• , ... TI:ES..... ... ... ....  No.  479,443 ,(48,931  500,927  491,411
          DOt.'VES .... ..... · .STAV:r:........ ..... ..  19,216  19,333  342.013  437,440
          LATTF.8 ....•....... LATBS ..••.•. ." .. ' .  "  32,275  41.468  17.9.611  241,42J
            BoITD;S ......... · .Box SROCKE!. ......... 11 p.m.p.-M ft.b.m.  1,542  1,42'  96,121  94,151
          BILLES l')!:!'.OUEE!          ..      ..
            POUR LlO: rLACAOE Vl!lNEERLOOS &oLD•...   1,798  2,833  164,532  196,227
          COrEAC'x A PULPE .. P'CLP CHIP6..........  "Unité"-"Unit.,,"  34,918  33,936  319,101  289,961
          DOSSES l''l' DÉLIGNU- SL.\.BS  AND  EDQ)NG-8
            R:E6 VE:"<DUES .... 60LD.... ....  Corde-Cord.  167.232 152,983  742,470  588,418
          MO:"<TANT  EEC'C  A:lfOU"NT  RECEIVJ;V
            POUR  LA  PRt~  FOR CUSTOM PLAS-
            l"A.R.'I.TION  EN  Il'i"G OR  MA~'C'BI:"<O.
            TRANlilT  ou  A
            l/'.e.cox •• ......       1\1 p.m.p.-1-t: ft.b.m.  40,843  31,461  154.291  137.411
          (1) Tronçonné et éaoloé.              (1) Cut-up aud barked.
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