Page 405 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 405

380                         FDRfZTS-FDRESTS

        20-Production du papier au Canada, par variêth et par provinces, en 19.(5 et 1946.
           2G--Paper Production in Canada, by Kinds and by Provinces, in 1945 ..nd 1946.

                                      Qu~bee    , Autrœ-.Other prOvince9!  Canada
                                                l  1945  1  1946  ,  1945  1946
                                   IM5     1946
                            QUANTI'I't (EN TONI'II::s)-QUANTITY (IN TONl'I)
                                                     -  1
        A journal...•.••... Nell.'sprint•••....  1,862,223  2,401,882  1.461,810  145  3,324,033  4,162,158
        D'~criture M  Book and                            ',073.  1
         d'imgr6llsion ..... , writing..•......  61,543  70.681  100.655  }18,&l9  162,198  189,318
        D'em .......  96,984  105,264  65,191  41,269  162,175  175,369
        Carton......•.... ,Psber boards.....  208,894  214,171  386,237  309,895  595,131  1iS3.643
        Autres pB.pie:ra ..... Ot er paper .....  62,798  75,596  53,241  36.619  116,039  136,630
            TOTAL ..........•...... , ....  2,292,4421  2,887,594  2,K7,!34-  1,579,531  4,359,576  5,J47,118
                                    $   1   $               $
        A jouroll.l... , , .... Ne'Wl!print, ..... 106,134,216 163,065,992 82.889,520 n.840,616 189,023,736280,809,610
        D'écrit,ure et  Book and                    •   1
         d'im~res9ion" .... writing ..• " .•..  11 ,038,933 13,365,180 13,429,416 16,627.644 24,468,400 29,995,156
        D'cm ll.llage, .. ,., .Wrll.pping ...... ,  10,121,698 12,301.129  7,436.854  5,650.880 17.5.'i8,552 20,797,070
        Carton ... , .....• , .Pll.~ board9... , , Hi, 117,291 16,888,927 24.983,581 21,331,683 40,100,872 50,213,833
        Autretl papieTll ... , .Ot er pa.per......  5,768,553  7,424,405  5,917,492  5,478,946 11,686,045 15,140,721
              TOTAL., •.... ............ 148,180,691 213,045,633 134,656,9» 120,929,7G9 1 282,IJ7,614 396,95&,390
          Il ressort clairement du tableau ci-dessous  H appears clearly from the t,able belowthat
        que 58.0 pour cent do la production canadienne  58,0 per cent of the Canadian production of
        de papier à jOUl'nal vient de la promee de  newsprint paper cornes from the Province of
        Québec.                               Quebec.
                 21-Production de papier à journal au Canada, par province•.
                  2.1-Prod uction of New.print Paper in Canada, by Provinces.
                           Québec        Ontario          (l)          Ca,nada
            ANNltE8  1                               Other Provinces
              -                                    1
            YEARS      QUll.ntité  Vll.leur  Quantité  1  Valeur  Qua,ntité  Valeur  Qu~tité  Valeur
                                -      -       -      -       -          1  -
                     1 Qua.ntity  Vll.lue  Que.ntity  Value  Quantity  Value  Quantity  Value
                      M tonnefi      M tonnes       .M tonne.'3    M tonnetl
                        -      1'000   -      1'000   -      1'000   -      $'oro
                       M tona         M tons         M tonil        M tons
         Moy.-Aye. 1935--39 .  1,624.  57,046  881  32,585  54'  19.1J66  3,051  109.591
        1940...... .........  1,954  88,511  '47  42,945  1\03  26,991  3 ..504  158,441
        1941 ........... , ...  1,901  85,85.3  978  44,653  '35  28,419  3,520  158,92.')
        1942........... ....  1,711  80,117  033  42,890  5r,a  24,007  3,257  147,074
        1943 ...............  1,602  80,280  897  45.!H9  547  26,134  3,048  152,963
        1944, ......•.......  1,734  94,091  7'7  42.31\0  589  29,214  3,090  1&5,655
        1945, , •... , ........  1,862  106,134  857  49,745  595  33.145  3,324  189,024
        1946 ........ .......  2,402  llS3.066  1,013  71,841  687  45,903  4,162  280,810
         Moy.-Aye. 1935-39 .  53.2  52.0  28.9  29.7  11.9   18.3   100.0   100.0
        1940.... , ..... .....  55.8  55.9  21.0  27.1  17.2  17.0   100.0  100.0
         1941 ..•• , ..... .....  54.2  54.0  27.8  18.1  18.0  11. !:l  100.0  100.0
         1942 ......... .....  54.4  54.5  28.6  29.1  17.0  16.4   100.0   100.0
         1943 .......... .....  52.6  52.5  29.4  30.0  18.0  17.5  100.0   100.0
         1944 .......... .....  56.1  56.8  24.8  25.6  19.1  17.6  100.0   100.0
         194.'i. ....... .......  56.0  56.2  26.l  26.3  17.9  17 .5  lOO.O  100.0
         1946. ............  57.7  58,1  25.8  25.6   16.5   16.3   100.0   100.0
          (1) Colombie BritanniQue, Nouvelle-.Ec06BC, Nouveau~  (1) British Columbia., Nova Scotia, New BmDSwiok
        Brnnsw:ick et Manitoba.               and Mll.n.itobo..
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