Page 403 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 403

378                         FOR1§TS--FORESTS

                17~Boi.. utilisé dans la fabrication de la pulpe dana la Province.
                  I7-Wood Used in the Manufacture of Pulp in the Province.

                                tpiJ:lette et
                               Sapin bll.umiet  Pin gris  Autres eS<lel:lcee
            ANNÉES-YEAB.S          -            -            -           Total
                                Spruce and Pice  Other 8pecies
                                Balsarn Fir
                            QUANTITÉ (EN CoRDEs)-Q'CANTITY  (IN CORDS)
        Moy.-Avc. 11'135-39..    2,604,574      99,535       14,977    2,719,086
        1940..                   3,616,256      9] ,04.2     24,953    3,732,851
        1941 ..                  3,888,709      96,088       62,27,}    4,047,070
        1942    .                3,874,289     132,877       59,]80     4,006,346
        1943   .                 3,423,887     210,585       51,903     3,680,375
        1'J44  .                 3,583,390     184.607       58,786     3,826,783
        1945  .                  3,586,031     250,316       57,102    3,893,449
        1946.•..                 4,181,589     233,1oi87     47,500    4,462,976
         Moy.-Ave.1935-39.        95.8          3.7          0.5        100.0
        1940..                    96.9          2.4          0.7        100.0
        1941. ..                  96.1          24           l.5        100.0
        1942  .                   95.3          3.3          1.4        100.0
        1943   .                  92.9          5.1          1.4        100.0
        1944    .                 93.7          4.8          1.5        100.0
        1945               .      92.1          6.4          1.5        100.0
        1946   .                  93.7          5.2          1.1        100.0
                                    VALEUR (1)-VALUE (l)
        , loy.-Ave. 1935-39.  $ 20,360,597    • 681,958   •  125,011  $21,167,573

        19 40. ... ... ".- .. ...  32,540,790  812,425      21P,420    33,572,635
        19 41. .... ,........... .....  37,403,958  918,842  512,624   38,835,424
        194 2. .... ...... .......... ..  41,802.241  1, 4Q.'i, 560  531,423  4.1,739,224
        1 94.1. ... ... .......... .. ....  42.056,705  2,628,445  414,130  45,159,280
        1 944 ................. .. ....  50,784,314  2,586.802  00'2,9M  53,974,070
        19 45... , ... ,........ .......  51,764,244  3,987,586  639,195  62,391.025
        1 946........... .... ........  14.699,13.1  4,160,704-  607,487  79,467,324

        Moy.-Ave.I035-.19.      $  7.89      $  6.99      $  7.92      $  7.87
        1940  _       .            9.00         8.86        8.79          8.99
        1941   .                   9.62        9.56         8.23          9.60
        1942..                    10.78        10.57        8.97         10.75
        1943.        '1"          12.28        12.48         9.13        12.25
        1944 ..                   14.17        14.01        10.26        14.10
        1945,                     lB. Il       15.93        11.19        10.02
        1946.                     17.86        17.78        12.78        17.80
          (1) Valeur du bois livré au moulin.  (1) Value of wood delivered at milllS.
          Le tableau suivant indique la production  The following table shows apparent produc-
        apparente de bois à pulpe de la province de  tion of pulpwood in the Province of Quebec.
        Québec.  Jusqu'en 1927. on obtenait ces chif-  Until 1927, the figure.g were obtaîned hy adding
        fres en additionnant les Quantités consommées  the consumption in the Province and the
        dans hlPnwinee et les Quantités exportées aux
                                              Quantity exported to the 'l'nited States or
        Etats-Unis ou dans les autres provinces cana-
                                              to  the other Canadian proYÎllces.  Since
        diennes.  Cependant, depuis 1928 on soustrait
                                              1928, the importations from other cOllntries
        du total amsi obtenu les Quantités rtnportées
        d'autres pays ou des  autre~ provinces du  or from other Canadian provinces are deducted
        Cana,da,                             fram tms total.
   398   399   400   401   402   403   404   405   406   407   408