Page 299 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 299
Les corporations scoLa,ires doivent tro.ns- The school corporations arc obliged to
mettre au gouvernement un rapport annuel de an annual report to the Government eoncern-
leurs opérations fi nn,ncières, Si ce rapport n'est ing their fiMncial transactions. "Thcn the
pas tra.nsmis dans le délai déterminé, la loi information is not forwarded within tbe proper
autorise l'inspecteur d'écoles du district il aller delay, the school inspector of the district is
nuprès du secrétaire-trésorier retardataire et auLhorized by law to call upon the secretary-
ses frais de déplacement sont remboursables trelLElurer at fault and his travelling expenses
par la corporation, Ces rapports sont compilés are borne by the school corporation. Tbese
d'après des formules uniformes par le Burea1~ statements are compiled on uniform formulas
de.s SI,alisliques. Ils indiquent les revenus et dé- by the Burea,u ofSltJ.tislic8. They show revenue
penses, les recettes et les paiements ainsi que le and expenditure, reeeipts and disbursements
biLa,n détaillé des eorporatioM, Les cotisations and the balance sheet of the eorporations. The
imposées Sur la propriété et la rétribution men- ordinary revenue is made up from the taxes
suelle exigible pour tout enfant d'âge scolaire levied on property and from the monthly fee
constituent le revenu ordinaire. Certaines mu- payable for ail cbildren of Bchool age. In
nicipnlités imposent en outre une cotisation certain municipalities a special assessment is
spéciale. On a aussi recours à l'emprunt à long addcd to the nnnual tax. Recourse is often had
ou ù court terme pour solder le coût des cons- to long or short term loans to meet the cost of
tructions et des réparations, Cependant, le buildings and repairs, The credit of the school
crédit dc ces corporations n'est pas compromis corporations has not, bowever, been im})ll.ired
comme le démontrent les états suivants, as may be noted by the following statements.
En 1942, il y avait 1,614 corporations scolai· In 1942, there were 1,614 Catholie and 341
res catholiqueset341 corporations protestantes. Protestant scLool corporations.
21- Valeur des propriétés imposables et bilan des corporations scolaires.
21 - Value of Taxable Property and Balance Sheet of School Corporations.
Fonds de eapi~al e~ d'emprunt Fonda d 'administration bud~taire
ÉvallUltion - -
des propriétés Capital and Loan Funds Revenue Fund
ANNJJ:ES - P"'''''if-LiabiJ ities Actif-Assets
- Value Dl
YEARS Ta<nble Actil Oblign~ions Arrénl,ge. l?assit
Propel"ty - - Total - -
A..e~. Bond. Arrears Liabilities
S ,$ li li S $ $
1941-42 ......... 2,311,840,748 136,775,137 83,777,922 103,803,282 3,829,290 9,375,410 11,213,273
1940-·H ........ , 2,269,718,453 136,321,176 84,504,637 104,714,212 4,398,077 8,824,855 11,336,139
1939-40 ......... 2,243,998,875 131,727,872 82,726,220 101,384,1,12 4.79'1,881 8,855,489 12,039,206
1938-39 .... " , .. 2,264,429,321 128,156,873 79,lii4,!l76 05,177,589 4,978,812 8,148,668 13,978,276
1937-38" .. ..... 2,241,059,751 123,692,430 78,353,452, 93,042,292 4,970,728 8,987,051 10.800,637
1936-37 .. , . .. .. , Z, 183 ,081 ,326 121,828,227 78,499, 1701 92,628,146 5,108,477 8,276,933 8,405,885
1!l35·35 ...... 2,2l7,082,023 118,741,840 78,999,165 92.937,037 5,731,845 10,897.332 7,288,251
11134-35 ... . ,. 2,274,224.303 116,448,496 78,969,292 86,680,550 6,120,753 9,344,996 6,702,320
22 -Revenus et dépenses des corporations scolaires.
22 - Revenue and Expenditure of School Corporations,
Revenus-Revenuo Dépense.-Expendi turo
Coti8t~t..ion8et. Salaires
ANNÉES rétl'ibuLiona SubventiollEl dos Sorvice ConstructioDs
- mensuelles du instit uteurs dela Ameuble-
YEARS - gouverDernent Total .- dette ment Total
~sessmentf3 - Salarie. - -
and montbly Goveroroent of Debt. New Bu.ildinrol
Fe.. Cra.nts Teachers Service FlUnit~lfe
1911-42... ...... 24,3.12,929 3,399,170 28,419,593 14.178,492 6,476,9!l7 948,680 28,40'1,231
10·10-41, ........ 23,I:j2,80S 2,7LL,650 2G,42G,566 13.882,18,; 0,203,338 725,51O 26,877,5,;6
19:)\1-40 ... , ... , . 21,170,338 2,203,188 23.',J.l3,537 ]3.511,691 G,161,24!l 737,738 26,063,OOG
1938-39.... , •.. , 20,663.737 2,386,955 23,G76,121 13,239,562 5,769,060 1.129,359 25.852,157
1937-38...... , , . 20,000,297 2,012,683 22.883,592 12,70B,nO 5,627,120 90·1.l92 24,521,%1
1930-37 .. .... ,- 19,261,88! 1,190,328 21,427,688 11,662,04!l 5,64!,!l16 534,402 22,885.628
1935.36.. ....... 19,221,,;90 1,3J8,248 21,799,511 1O,821,H14 5,667,474 1,067,500 22.folO.836
1934-35. o ••• ... 18,955,433 1,059,101 21,048,496 10.785,597 5,721,884 526,683 21,777,906
E",trait de l'Êtal. ji.nuncier dCij COl'pOral"onù ~·cola,~res. E.xtract frorn the Fillancùd St.aü,:m,rJ};l of School CorporG.-
Québec. tton., Quebec.