Page 291 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 291
250 FIN,4.1\~CES
Le tableau suivl\nt indique la valeur des The foUowing table shows the value of prop-
biens et l'étendue des dettes des munieipalités erty and extent of indebtedness of the city
de cité, en 19H. Au tableau 16, le lecteur municipalities in lM\. The reader will find in
trouvera une récapitulation depuis 1931 de Table 16, a summary of assets l\nd liabilities
l'actif et du pu.ssif de toutes les municipalités, of aU municipaliLies since 1931. They (Ire first
d'abord réunies, puis groupées par genres. givcn in total, then grouped by kinds.
15 - Bilan des cités de la province, en 1941.
15 - Balance Sheet of the CHies of the Province, in 1941.
Actif-AMeta PasaiC-Liabilities
CITÉS Compte de Compte de Compte de Compte Je
capital re,renu capital revenu
CITIES Talai Telal
Capital Revonue Capital Revenue
Account Account Amouot. AmouDt
ArvidA. . $ Of.9,~29 $ 98.502 S 767,931 S 546.8116 S 88.751 .$ 635,647
Cap-d&la-Madeleiuc . 1,291.884 132.667 1,124,551 1,246,397 167,4"1 1,413,848
C hlcoutimi , . 3,4-14.426 274.506 3.718,932 2.547,228 92.223 2.639,451
Drummondl'ille. . . 2,106,074 108.713 2,305,387 2,210,084 10.3,957 2,316,641
Granby , . \,367,351 69,737 1,437,088 994,0813 ·i8,434 1,042,522
Grand·Mère.. .. . 3,517,871 118,912 3,630,783 2,044,678 89,113 2,733,79]
Hull . 6,379,938 702,170 7,082,108 7,798,616 1,027,215 8,825,831
Joliette . 2,.'E;4,225 139,851 2,694,076 1,443,811 40,807 1,484,018
Lachine , . ]0,808.580 701,915 JI ,570,495 10,615,465 559,190 1I,174,655
L,hi•...................... 2,261,37', 248,528 2,509,903 2.224,090 224,783 2,448,873
Longueuil. . 2,216,228 108,215 2,:l24,H3 2,091,449 113,722 2,205,171
Montréal. , . 346,917,·157 56,097,654 403,01';,111 322.748,959 78,624.495 401,373,454
Outremont . 8,820.340 972,496 9,792,836 8.820,340 906,464 9,720,804
Québec . 46,153.463 6,279,56(\ 52,433,029 '11,907,947 6,213,226 '18,121,173
Riviior&du-Louil . 2.403,878 283.40., 2,687,283 2,403.878 291.225 2,695.103
Salabcrry-de-Valleyfietd . 2.067,476 219.442 2,286,918 1,835,918 27,668 ) ,86:\,586
Sbs"inigan Falls . 6,017,il32 2.0;9,025 6,277 ,457 5,516,072 251,504 5,767,636
Sberbrooke . 1.1,088,588 843,212 13,9.11,800 8,209,557 750,494 8.960,051
Sorel . 1,631,297 115,609 1,746,906 1,584,618 217,413 1,802,031
St-Hy..cintlle , . 3,533,883 463.902 3,997,785 1,971,159 286,ô13 2,257,772
St-Jean-St. John . 2,576,209 208.416 2,844.625 2.009.375 79.5~8 2,148.973
St-Lambert . .\771,142 750,850 4,528.292 3,901,2~ 733.184 4,634,413
Thetford Mines . 1,285,909 156,:)88 1,442,497 732.251 168,227 900,478
Trois-Rivi<}re 1'h ree Rive",. .. 12,393.705 1,937.830 14.331,535 ]5.958.231 1.187,417 17,145,648
Verdun . 14,399,563 1.235,713 15,635.270 H,258,879 1.2oo.30r, 15,465,245
Westmount . 14.(\15.880 1.708,123 16,324,003 ]3,863,407 \,571,943 15,43.';,3.30
TOTAL. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. 516,444,903 14,102,1A1 590,141,050 480,145.222 95,013,543 515,218,165
16 - Bilan des corporations municipales de la province, 1931-41. (1)
16 - Balance Sheet of Municipal Corporations of the Province, 1931-41. (1)
ActiI-Asseta PaaaiC-LiabUj~iea
ANNÉES Comp~e Compte Compte Compte
- Je capitn' de revenu de capi~al de re"'enu
YEARS - - Total (3) - To~al
C"I,ital Revonue C"pi~RI Revenue
ACCOUDt Accouot Aecoun~ Account
s 5 S $ S $
194L .......... 622,591.178 1 81'>.784,498 708,375,676 551,271.947 114,818,414 006.090,361
]940 .. ....... ... 011,981,580 88,000,274 099,981,854 5M,916.G8l 103,927.722 658,844.403
1939 ...... ... fi99,184,785 83,695,598 082,880 ,383 .54.6,798,298 '94,529,032 641.327 ,330
1938 .. .. , (2) 588,545,64 ! 2)68,514,943 6.37,060,584 539.605,848 77,948,917 617,554.765
1937 .......... - 536,437,39-1 t04.613.269 640.950,663 534,924,238 66,512,795 601,437,033
1936.. . . . .. .. .. . 623,169,085 119,163.883 642.332,968 616,844.828 79,036,017 695,880.845
1935... .... ..... '.l98,702.212 115,817,283 614.519,495 49\,963.130 89,207,372 581.170,502
1934.. .......... 492,522,618 1\1'>.948.048 008,476,666 488,802,8M8 89,389,657 578,192,44 5
_._--- ------ ------ ------ -----
1933 ........... 48.388,136 110,524.118 418,945,513 408,161,625 131,784,610 539,(H6,235
1932 ........... ~g:gn:t$~ 1 41.658,899 93,025,506 403,360,977 392,222,534 105,463,872 497.076.100
1931 ........... 208,208,330 1 40,348,804 83,229.468 331,786.602 362,]32,334 82,680,759 444,813,0&1
(1) Dn 1931 il 1933, les en-lit•• des colonnes ci-d","us (l) From 1931 10 1933. t.hc heacLnll-' for the ..bave
doivent ~e lire comme .suit: :Mcubles ct IInmeublp.s: Fonds columns .hould he rend a~ follows: Movabl... and lm-
d'amorti~erncnt: En CQi8~e.• Arrëragcs de t.flX'':">, et.c: movables; Sinb:mg Fund. C:'\.;h on Ha.nd. Tax Arrcnre,
Actif t.OwJ; Bons non rncbel":~; Aut.rcs e.m.pruntll cl. ù; eLc.: Talai Asscts; Bood& UJH·.deemed; Olher Lono. and total. Deut": Tata! Lillbilillcs.
(2) Voir noie (2). ps"e 2';1. (2) See fool-not., (2). page 251.
(3) En 1941. la dell.e obligataire ""t nomme suit· (3) ln 1941, bonded indcbtedness is ss ralla"",: citi""
cité•. $364.397,610. viII.. "'39,1.4.1,516, HlItr" SI 1,304.861 $3&(397,610. tOWlIS $39,443,516, others Sll,304 ,8!lI.