Page 290 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 290


           14 -  Revenus et dépenses des corporations municipales de la province. (Fin). (1)
          14- Revenue and Expenditure of Municipal Corporations of the Province. (Concl.).
                               Reven us-Revenue             D~pcn.e.-E.<pen(liture
             ANNÉES     g~nértl-kl:\l
               -        gpéClal(>'~  Autrea           Service de  J\utres
             YEARS      et. A\I~r(:.:-  revenus        la doUe
                          -         -        Total      -         -         To~al
                        8pecial    O~ber                Deht     Other
                        a):ld other  Revenue           Sen'lce  Expendi tures
                           MU:\'ICIPALIT~S DE CITÉ-CITY MUNICIPALITIES
          1941. .... ....... S  40..144,gJ 5  S  23.00J ,6.51  $  63,'HO,56d  S  23,202,803  S  39,022,432  S 62,285,235
          1(140. .... '" ....  38,008,430  2,P,,5tt(~,250  64,17'1.680  28,765,:305  34,653,923  63,419.228
          1039 . .. ........  37,140,534  22,011,023  50,IS1,J77  27,770,779  .3 1.504 ,297  50,275,070
          1938... .........  33,.549,126  21,5:.?~j,90J  55,076,031  23,931,732  30.290.158  ':>4,221,890
          1937... .... . ... ,  33,755.759  19,528,74(1  53,284,508  22,807,510  30,427,027  53;234,537
          1936... " .......  33,444,199  18,377,425  51,822,624  21,811.057  29.920.4.21  61,731,478
          1935....... .....  27,818,(156  18,280,271  46,009,227  22,303,272  29,626,320  51.929,592
          1934, .. .. . . .. .. .  27,426,750  18,018,740  4,5,445.490  21.866,373  20,269,343  fil,135.716
          1933 (2).........  58.249,450  107,603,909  2,890,817  46,014,208  117,64.0,092  5,173,!)45
          1932....... , ....  50,187,861  110,341,123  3,412,960  30,050,5';1  136,968,917  :3,322,476
          1e31. ......... , •  52,138,776  93,449,470  3,719,805  38,430,930  107.447,838  3,429,383
                          MUNICIPALIT~S DE VILLE-TOWN Ml:NICIPALl1'IES
          1941 ....... ... , ,  $  4,76.'\,843  S  2,649.838  $  7,~ 15,681  $  3,145,367  S  4,712,013  S  7,857,380
          1940., " ........  -J.510.710  2,555,949  7,072,659  3,123,910  4,546,028  7,670,838
          1930............  4,265,614  2,410,026  0,67.3,6'10  3,049,937  4,210,840  7,200,777
          ]938 .. " ........  4,057,011  2,355,240  6,412,231  2,972,015  3,90ô,432  6,008,448
          1937.......... ,.  3,787,808  3,151,791  5,939,599  2,864,258  3,540,480  6,404,744
          1036............  3,400,578  2,072,332  5,562,910  2,829.615  3,333,219  6,162,804
          1035 . .... ..... , .  3,651,522  2,004,596  5.6G6,118  2,971,099  3,3:17,685  6,300,684
          1934. ...........  3,4.52,079  1,002,987  5,355,066  3,042,260  2,921,372  5,063,632
          1933 (2).........  4,683,212  3,545,603  431,043  2,665,073  5.542,372  4.';3,312
          ]!)32. .. .... .....  4,741,282  5,351,083  416,937  2,812,071  7,25J ,586  445,650
          193L. ...... .....  4,312,296  5,440,530  422,140  2,687,337  7,231,320  356,379
          11141. ........  $  4,186,556  S  1,548,821  S  5,735,377  $  1,161,380  $  4,487,46J  li  5,6-18,841
          1940 .. .......  3,868,803  1.620.110  5,498,213  1,248,460  4,332,847  5,481,307
          1939 ... ...... ..  3,825,540  1,777,(i51  5,603, L91  1,225,574  4,409,43:l  5,635,007
          11l38... ...... . ..  3,77I,64J  1,834,1'10  5,605,77)  1,246,288  4,571,752  5,818,040
          1037... .........  3,.'i99,292  1,546,735  ,~.146,027  1,362,4:'7  4,051,495  5,413,922
          1936............  3,56.1,430  1,868,545  5,432,081  1.3 L8,9J7  3,984.407  5,303,314
          1935.... , .' .....  3.606,537  1,957,733  5,564,270  1,330,707  4,233,949  6,572,656
          ]934. " ., .... '"  3,MO,580  1,626,697  5,173,286  1,480,978  3,HO,3H  4,927,292
          1933 .......... , .  4,61.3,879  2,896,3,;0  1,153.420  4,020,214  3,392,456  1,250,988
          1932... """ ,.,  4,737,613  6,188,723  1,163.227  4,205,621  6,762,021  1,121,031
          1931. ..........  5,692,178  8,820.2]8  1,170,M3  4,7'19,024  9,710,448  1.133,567
          1941. ........ , ..  $  '12,542  $  7,303  S  49,845  $  220  .S  4[>,427  S  45,647
          1\140.......... , ,  11.349  3,150   14,499      118     14"17;;    14,5e3
          IU:l9 ......•.....  10,818  5,731    16,549      149     15,802  1  lG,OIl
          IO~8" ....        !),8:W    3,1347   gJg~        241      14,0:;1   14,292
          llKl7. , ..........  Il.2S5  1,939        1      IIl5    1I,ô85     11,850
          [036.. , .. , ......  10,546  3,680  14,2213     133  i   13,065    13,198
          1935... , ........  9,907   3.267    ]3,174      ]62      Il.839    12,001
          1934. ...........  - ____~_'____-    11,895      266      ;1,763    10,029
          193".... ", •....  13,130   1,013     4,033    12,115     3,851     2,29~
          1!J.12...........  15,231    980     1:{..1ü2  14,088    10,150     4,8:J;,
          1931. ,.         24,500    34,618     -J.1l71  1'J,719   35,631     1~,4;JH
            (1) Voil' not e (1), page 248.       (1) Sec (DOI,-Ilote (1), page 248.
            (2) n" 1931 à. 1933, dan$lp3 et villes, les paiement.  (2) From 1931 Lo 1933, !ft tbe citie" anrl lown.,
          sOnt diVIsés en dépenses d'Rdminj~trati(jn g6nérule el  p;).ymeuta a..rn dividcd ioto genernl adminb.tral ion tIXpCJI-
          au1.I'CS dêpenses au lieu de paiemenlS ordina.ires et extra-  dilurcs and olIJl~.t eÀ.pendiLures imdrad uf orùÎuury a.nd
          otdiL1ah  .                          extraordlnarv  pp.yment~.
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