Page 223 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 223

190                       ADMINISTRATION

         On a classé sous cette rubrique les causes ju-  Classed under this heading are cases tried
       gées en vertu de ln Loi des convictions som-  under the Act for Summary Convictions,
       maires qui consistent surtout en infractions aux  which deal more po.rticularly with infractions
       lois provinciales et aUl[ règlements municipaux,  of provincial statutes and municipal by-Iawa.

                  27-Convictions sotnmaires, par proYin~es, en 1940 et 1941.
                  27-Summary Convictions, by Provinces, in 1940 and 1941,

                                       1940                      1941
             PROVH/CES               Honune.  Femmes           Hommes   Femmes
                              Total    -        -       Total    -        -
                                      Male    Femo.le            Ma.]e   Fernale
       U",rlu-P.-É .... P. E.l.. ......  1.237  1,181  56  1,664   1,508     96
       N.-f:co••e ..... N. Soot;a ......  9,138  8,682  456  10,204  9,724  530
       N.-Brunswick ................  6,213  5,969  244   7,703   7,324     379
       Québeo ......................  93,965  89,424  4,541  152,330  145,423  6,907 ................. , ...  207,160  252,200  14,906  288,874  273,715  15.159
       Manitoba ...................  31,018  29,394  1,624  32,481  30,918  ],503
       88skat<:hewan .. _.............  9,276  8,936  340  10,499  10,098   401
       Alberto......................  14,702  13,923  779  15,434  14,974   460
       Col..Brit ...... B. C ......... ,  23,190  21,482  1.708  28.090  26,286  1,810
       YukQJl & Terr ...............  204  182     22      221      213       8
           CAJofADA ..............  456,109  431,]73  24,7]6  547,556  520,243  27,3U
         Les eauses sommaires .i ugées dans la provi nce,  Summary cases judged in the Province, in
       en 1941, comprennent 8,292 cas d'iVresse et  1941, jncluded 8,292 cases of drunkenness and
       73,367 violations des règlements sur la circula-  73,367 breaches of t.raffic by-laws.  26,304
       ti·on.  En plus, 26,304 personnes furent appré-
       hendées pour infraction aux lois défendant le  persons were a.pprehended for offences against
       jeu.  Un grand nombre d'a.ccusés furent aUBsi  gll.mbling acts.  A large number of persol11l
       traduits devant les magistrats pour vagabon-  were lliso brought bcfore magistrates for
       dage (3,272) ou pour eonduite déréglée (5,053).  vagrancy (3,272) 01' disol'derly conduet (5,053).

               28-Convictions sommaires dana la province de Québec, 1919-41.
                28-Summary Convictiona in the Province of Quebec, 1919-41.

                                Convictions- ConvictioDs       Sentence.
              ANNÉES                                   Option   n~e SiR.Oe  SunÎs.
                                     Homme.   Fenunes  d'nmende  option   etc.
              YEARS          Toto.l
                                      Mal.    Feroat.  Option 01  Comroitted  Deferred,
                                                       n Fine   without   etc.
       1941 .......... , .............  152,330  145,423  ô,907  129.488  1,474  21,368
       1940........  ...........  93,905  89,424  4.541  75,007   1,546   17,413
       1939 ............. ...........  91,607  86,894  4,713  74,050  1,888  15,669
       1938 ........................  89,443  83,025  6,418  72,576  1,611  15,356
       1937.........•......... , ....  99,404  92,655  6,749  79,068  1,618  18,728
       1936........................  111,254  105.959  6,295  87,194  1,368  22,702
       1936.............. , ... , .....  118,499  112,347  6,162  101,636  2,322  14,541
       1934................ , .......  116,313  109,669  6,644  100,888  l,.592  12,833
       1933.............. , .........  117,433  1\0,741  6,692  99,562  1,962  15,909
       1932....... , ...... , ....  112,132  101i,916  6,217  89,779  1,981  20,372
       1931. .......................  99,381  94,490  4,891  79,971  2,160  17,260
       1930............... , ...  60,098  65,941  Uli7  46,528    1,637   12,'133
       1929............... , ........  51,099  47.490  3,609  42,617  1,089  7,393
       1928........................  29.302  26.902  2,400  24,667  938   3,697
       1927........................  28,732  26,633  2,099  24,462  982   3,288
       1926... .. .. . ~ .... ...........  24,428  22,075  2,353  20,144  1,492  2,792
       1925....................... ,  25,364  23,317  2,047  21,100  1,023  3,241
       1924....... ,,', ...... , .... , .
       1923............. .. .........  27,M3  26,010  2,553  23,649  1,265  2,649
       1922........................  31,441  29,048  2,393  26,469  1,242  4,730
       1921 ....... , ................  45,042  41,989  3,063  39,836  1,087  4,120
       1920. ........ ................
       1919..... ........ ...........  30,881  .26,708  4,173  26,636  678  4,567
       Extrait de S/a/i,H'1ue. de la criminaliU, OttawR.  E.tmct lrom SLatiJIlico of Crimin<lJ and o/!IeT, Ottawa.
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