Page 274 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 274

                   BILAN                           BALANCE SHJ>ET
     Le tableau suivant indique 1& valeur des  Tbe followlng table sbows tbe value of prop-
    biens et l'étendue des dettes des municipalités  erty and extent of indebteciness of the city
    de cité, en 1930. Au tableau 15, le lecteur  municipalities in 1936. The reader will find in
    trouvera une récapitulation depuis 1926 de  Table 15, a summary of n.ssets and IiD.bilities
    l'actif et du passif de toutes les municipalités,  oC all municipalities Bince 1926. They are firat
    d'abord réunies, puis groupées par genres.  given in total, then grouped by kinds.
                      14 -  Bilan des cités de la provInce, en 1936.
                 14---Balllnce Sbeet of the Cltles of the Province, in 1936.
                                 Actil-Allacts   lities
           CITÉS        Compte de  Compte de      Compte d.  Compte d.
                          capital  revenu           c..pitnl  revenu
           CITTES          -        -      Tota]     -        -       Tot..l
                         Capital  Revenue           C..pital  Rovenue
                         Aocount  Account          Amouot   Amount
    Arvid          .    S  483,302  il  126,846  li  010,148  S  547,055  S  18,002  li  565,657
    Cap-d<>-la-Madeleine.  .  .  1,202.073  128.734  1,330.807  972.8~5  78,631  1.051.516
    Chicoutimi       .   2,815,274.  370.935  3,186.209  1,610,4.57  1120,694  2,591,151
    Drummonrlville     .  1,301,638  126,308  1.427,946  1,31.2,222  180,900  1,502,122
    Graobr,         .     1,169,078  72,139  1.241,217  711,536  29,670  141,206
    Grand Môre  '. ".' ..  ..  3,085,020  144.,759  3,229,770  2,430,974  83,719  2.514,753
    Hull          ,    .  5,333,077  759,241  6,092,918  6,229,697  355,627  6,585,324
    Joliette.......  .  ,  ..  2,145,017  184,098  2,329,115  1,421,206  45,535  1,466,741
    Lncbine    ,      .  7,362,895  591,407  7,954,302  7,140,596  682,130  7,822,726
    Lévis           .     1,801,436  224,405  2,025,841  1,145,000  145,891  1,290,891
    Longueuil    ,        2,098,216  129,861  2,228,077  2,073,3,10'  15!l,520  2,231,8,59
    Montré..!........  . ..  285,17.,).353  87,581,627  372,756,980  318,S.~8,288  42,182,107  361,020,395
    Outremont........ . ..  . ..  7,805,267  746,191  8,551,458  7,883,650  637,000  8,520,650
    Québeo        .      41,.103,009  8,03t,5M  50,040,.573  3<l.077,094  8,936,935  45,014,029
    It,';ère-du-Loup  .  1,934,9:'12  368,214  2,303,206  1,8119,337  144,718  2,034,055
    S..laberry-de-Valleyfield. .. .  1,661,825  16~,008  1,725,433  1,551,374  33,814  1.585,248
    Shawioig..n F..lls.,  .  0,063,077  353,709  50417,776  4,825,859  297,190  5,123,0411
    Sherbrooh     .      11,908,351  650,737  12,559,088  8.333,932  492,011  8,825,943
    Sore!...... . .. . . . . . . .  _  1,292,707  147,651  1,440,358  1,337,300  77,861  1,415,161
    St-Hyacinthe. . . . . . . .  .  2,851,808  3M,584  3,216,392  1,713,291  141,892  1,855.183
    St-Jean-St. Joho, . . .. .  .  2,430,770  237,848  2,668,618  2,039,699  113,036  2,152,735
    St-Lambert.... '.' . . . . .. .  .  4,738.559  6;:\4,068  5,373.527  4,091,352  382,174  5,373,526
    Thetford Mines     .  1,133.888  127,094  1,260,982  421,589  1I0,SIl3  512,472
    Troi.>-Riviêr...-Three River•...  9,963,110  2,944,177  12,897,287  12,8;32,130  2,508,221  15,360,357
    Verdun..............  .. ....  12,048,439  1,027.148  13,076,182  12,048,439  1,085,347  13,083,786
    Westmount       '.   13,120,373  1,029,397  14,149,770  13,190,543  959,227  14.149,770
        T01'AL. , •..•....•..  U1,21S.994  107,873,995  53',093,989  453,649,U1  61,340,864  &14,998,305
            15 -  Bilan des co.-po.-atlons municipales de la p.-ovlnce. 1926-36. (1)
         15-Balance Sbeet of Municipal Corpomtions of tbe Province, 1926-36. (1)
      ANNÉES         Compte       Compte            Compto  Compte
        -           de capit..1  de revenu         de capital  dEI revenu
       YEARS           -            -      Total     -        -       Totnl
                     Capital      Revenu            Capital  Revenue
                     Account      Account          Aocouot  Accouot
                       1            S       S        1        li       S
    1936.... ... ....  523,169,085  119,163,883  642,332,968  516,844,828  79,036,017  595,880,845
    1035....... ....  498,702,212  115.817.253  614,519,405  491,963,130  81),207,372  581,170,502
    1934 .. ..... ....  492,522,618  115,948,048  608,470,666  488,802,888  89.389,557  518,192,445
    1933..........  290,03,3.2511  48,388,136  110.524,118  448,945,5l3  408,161,625  131,784,610  531),946,235
    11132..... ......  266,676,572  41,658,899  95,025,506  403,S60,!!77  392,222,5.14  105,453,872  497,676,406
    1931. .......  208,208,3.30  40,348,804  83,229,468  331,786,602  362,132,33'1  82,680,750  444,813,084
    1930.. ....... ..  259,558,025  36,11)8,600  76,408,081  372,125,606  323,:105,745  8.5,731.661  409,127,406
    1929.. ...... ...  251.012.924  34,602,282  68,763.805  3,;4,279,011  293,5:57,560  05,5<»,753  389,062,253
    1928.. .........  265,068,800  33,003.908  5fl,075,7fi5  355,048,473  278,662,704  81,(;00,314  360,269,108
    1927.. ....  207.511,D47  25.649,533  64,147,363  297,307,9431' 260.213,799  41,528,072  301,741.871
    19%0 ... .. ......  207,367.749  23.317,823  58,590,991  289,276,563  240,336,140  41,361,022  287,691,162
       (1) Par Buite des modification. apporté.> /1 la forlllul~ de rapport, le. chiffres de 1934 00 peuvent être comparés
    Aceug des années antkrieureg. De 192.~ fl H):tl. le'i" en-tête."J <les colonDc5 ci-dessus doivent xe lire suit: Meubles
    et immeubleBj Fonds d'amorti~:o;cmcnt; En cais~c. Arr~ru.g('s de taxes, etc.: Actir total; Hons noD rachet..é3: Autres
    emprunta et oette,,: Passif total.---OwinJ,! ta mo<lilkatioLlJl in thv quc"tionDaire for th.o. report... the figures for 1934
    cannat be with th",e of previotl, ye~r>. From 1925 to 1933, lbe henclings lor the ..bove oolumllB should b.
    read 38 follows: lvlovables and Immovablc!\; HinkinSf Fund; Cash on Hand, Ta.\': An-ears, etc.; Tot&l Assete:; Bonda
    Unredeemed; Other Lo..n.. aod Dellt..; Total l.iabilitieB.
   269   270   271   272   273   274   275   276   277   278   279