Page 273 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 273

234                             FINANCES

             13 -  Revenus et dépenses des corporatIons municipales de la province. (Fin). (1)
          13 -  Revenue and Expendlture of Municipal CorporatioDs of the Province. (Cone!.). (1)

                              RevellllS-Revenue             D6pellS\!9-Expenditure
             ANN1!:ES  générales,
               -        spéciales  Aut.r,,"           Ser,,;ce de  Autre>
             YEARS      et autres  revenus             la dette  dép"...e.
                          -          -       Total      -         -         Total
                        Special    Ot.hor              Debt      Other
                       and ather  Rcvf:nUl)            Serv'ice  ExpeDditures
                           MUNICIPALj"['ÉS DE CIT1!:-eIl'Y MUNICIPAUT!ES
          1936.. • ••• t  ~ ••••  $  ]8,317,4.25 Il S 51,822,624  21.81 \'057  $  29.920,421  S 5],731,478
          1935, ...........  • 27,818,95û  lR,280,271  46,099,227  22,303,272  ,  2'J,626,320  5],929.592
          1934. ...........  27,426,750  18.018,740  45,445.'\90  21,866,373  29,269,343  51.135,716
          1933......• , ....  5/l.219.459  107,!i92,9(j~) ,  2,890,817  4(!.014 ,208  , ,  H7,645,092  5,173,945
          1982.. , ..• , ... , .  5û.187,861  110,3'11,123  3,412,960  29,650.5.51  136,96!!,9 J7  3.322,476
          1931 .... ........  52.138,776  93.440.470  3,719,805  38,430,930  107,447,1l38  3.429,288
          1930... .........  52,5HL233  80.033,502  4.265.163  36,290.362  1l7,6\)7,2ô2  3.727,274
          1929 .... , .......  48,952,790  87.:136,374  2,010,503  24,320,021  109,765,144  4,224,502
          1928 (2) .........  46,974,357  62,183,649  2.289,150  24,278,334  85,168,218  2,010,504
          1927 ............  4a,234,466  ,\9,0 Hl,227  2,036,854  43.765,262  48,349,627  2,275,658
          J926 ..... .......  41,039,108  45,656,153  1,575,603  W,840.476  46.463,520  906,968
                          MUNICIPALIT(.;S DE VILLE-TOWN MUNICI1'ALiTlES
          19~6............ 1  3,400,578 ' 1  2,072,332  S  5,5iI2,9JO  S  2,R20,615  $  3,333,279  S  6,162,894
          1935.. ,. _......•  3.651,.'i22 ,  2,004,5!J6  5,6f>6,118  2,971,999  3,331,685  6,309,684
          1934 ............  3,452,079 '  1,902,987  S,aM.066  3,042,260  2,921,372  6,963,632
          1933.. ..........  4,683.212  3,545,603  431,942  2,665,073  5,542,372  453.812
          1932............  4,741,282  6,351,088  416,t.l37  2,812,071  7,251,586  445,650
          1931. ........ _..  296  5..t40,r,20  422,140  2,587,357  7,231,320  366,370
          1930........... ,  4'312'  1  4,.774,288  4,58,413  2,470,617  6,848,302  490.677
          1929............  4,001,554  4,239',614  413,5;)6  2,,'26,J82  6,352,475  370,067
          1928 (2) .........  4,430,232  4,708.35.5  651.364  2,290,612  6,936,569  462.770
          1927........... ,  4,715.268  3,612.291  695,223  4,485,298  3,931,072  636,412
          1926.. , .........  4,470,341  3,817,239  462,358  4,278,538  3,767,759  703,641
          1936............ S  3,564,439  S  1,:863.545  S  5,432,98! l, S  1,318,907  1  3,984,407  $  5,303,314
          1935.......•..•.  3,006.537  1,957,733  1  5,564,270  1,~:19,707  4.232,94.9  5,572,656
          1934. ·....... .  3,5<16.589  1,626,697 ,  6,173,286  1,480.078  3,446,314  4,927,292
          1933........... ,  4,,613,879  2,8n6,350 :  1,153,429  4,020,2H  3,392,456  1,250.9R8
          1982............  4,737,613  6,18!l,723  1,163,227  4,205.1121  6,702,921  1,121,021
          1931.. ..........  6.602,178  8,820,218  1.170,643  4,749.0,2,1  9.710,4·18  l,l3~,567
          1930............  6.000.237  Il,985.155  1,151,052  6,385,346  (;,587,646  1,169.452
          1929.. .. ........  (;.017.911  5,782,779  1,172,919  0,357.072  5,444,030  1,112,501
          1928., ..........  0.075.440  4,5(j3,061  1,110,823  ,0;,923,447  4,Mn,826  1,156,0,0;7
          11127 ...........  fi,2f,lj,767  4,937,852  1,074,332  5,f)8S,58~j  4,242,a411  1.138,017
          1926 .. ·....... .  6,972,9W  ~,JSI,894  1,0,0;1,,0;77  5,678.554  3,617;142  1,080,715
                      ,                             :
          1936............  10,546  S  3,680  S  14.22r. s  133  S  13,065  S  13.198
          193,0;............  n,OU7   3,267    l:l,174     162      11,839    12,001
          It.l34 ............  10,130  1,76,0;  11,895     266      9,763     10,020
           1033 ......... ' ..  13,130  1,012   4,03a    12,115     3,8,'H     2,209
          }n3.2......... , ..  15,231  980     l:l,'lû2  14,1;88    10,150    4,835
          1931. ...........  24,,'j()U  34.618  4,671     14.719    35,631    13,439
          1930......•....•  22,.570   1,(),18   2,106     15,983    4,977      4.764
          1929 .............  24.352   fi57     3,:328    19,(1,,3  6.578      2.106
          1928........ , ..  24,000   (j,03S    2.334     12,534    l(\,7S7    3,081
           1927...........  19,866    7.529     2,401.3   2Ü',312   7,152      2.374
           1926. ..........  18.594   7.~52     l,53!!    22,918    1,!l97     2,-t69
             (1) Voir Dote l, page 233.--8.. note l, Ila!!:e 233.
             (2) De 1.928 à 19~3. QQ.D:lles C?it6~ et villc~, le::! p~ief!1cnt.~8ont divi~fs en d6peo~esd 'ad!llinistratio-n g~nêr:nleet autres
           dépen;;ee au heu de paiements ordtnnlros et 'Jxlro.u,dIDam'...--·From 1928 ta 1933, !fi the ollH" and lowns, tb.e payment.
           are divided illto geneTS] ooruinÏBtrnlion cxpcudltures and other ex[)CndituTea iflsteacl. or ordjml.ry and e.xtrnordina.ry
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