Page 269 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 269
~ l;I.:) o "';:1 ..... <: ~ ~ t"il ~
cts . ·8.2.'>().00 25.000.00 6,000.00 , . .'. .
AutorÎ..::!.ées .btllt par Statutory 5,000.000. 00 12,500,000.00 , 17.,539,250.00 year ending
1939. ,,,,pita.! 1 1 Il 1 1
1939. De Capital ct.. ,1 ,
juin June, voter TobeVoted 30''-,450:00 . 503,000.'00' l2.800.00 4,755.000.00 , 5,$18,250.00 P-rOOJ'naJ 01 Qu.eb<>c. {or tbe
30 30th A ..... . , . . ,
le $ cts
finissant Ending Year Extraordinaires Extraardinary Autorisées Btotut par Stat~':__1 .~')()O,000.00 5,3~il,500.~O.1····· ............ , 601,387.00 7.427,887.00 of/M Flz;pomdtture
l'année Fiscal DBPENSES-EXPENDITURES 1------------_·_------ I $ ct. ï 1.508.200.00............... 1 oflM
pour the for Total 7,700,742.28 3,2IH.9W.29 707,035. 00 ;;87..100.00 3,100,82(\.98 5,011,010.53 1.734,800.00 3,71'13.570.00 385.800.00 2,130.1-42.48 3.244,Ollü.00 L290,üOO.00 4,115.QOO.00 .1.P4.2,000.00 2,047,100.00 62.600.00 49,554,354.61 8.timatcs
Québec, Quebec S cts From
de of Ordinaire-Ordinary Aut.ori.9ée, par .staLut 7.360.808.29 3,264,910.29 35U,580. 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,846,745.98 1.2H.570.00 184,30S.00 97.955.00 1,335,000.00 153.,000.00 396.583.33 572,500.00 127.000.00 641.780.00 75,150.00 50,000.00 0,000.00 18.m,487.S91 l039.-EnrlWt
province Province I~~ot~_~a~~=- Il ets
la the voter 399,935.99 356,455.00 ·';87,400. 00 251.080.00 3.76U.HO.53 1.550,S85.00 2,O:J,'\,676.05 2.383,570.00 232,200.00 1,733,859.15 2,672,195,00 l,16Q,500.00 3.473,220.00 5,842,000.00 1,133.050.00 2,807. ~OO. 00 53,GOO. 00 30.840,866.72 6D~~nL le 30 juin
de of A
dépenses Expenditure 1 S . .. . . . , . . . . . ,.. . . .. ,.... and Trade ..,.. ,. . . . . . . . . . , . . . p01l11'auné<l
des expend.iture. other expenditure , . . . . .• Gene.ral... Secretllry......... , AfJairs, Works . . . . . . . . . . . .. F'i.he,ieo. ,........... Road...................... Forests.......... . . '.' .scn~c,,". Qu.!bee.
budget Estimated Public and fund'..... other 8illking Trcn,ury, service Commerce.,...... . . . and Agricu!ture and Coloni>ation ,M..eel1anc[lIls .--------.----- pro"':..c. d~
du the SERVICE lnt. " Legislation Civil Attorney Provincial He~lt.h... ,Education ". i)-111niC'.ipal ,.. Public , .....•.... Mine_' Lànd.
Sommaire of d"p"IlI!e., !lutres d·amortis.eOlenL..... dé civiL , pronDee , publique, indus-- pulJlic•............. Lahour... , , uwc.r•.......... àe< dtpe'..... <ÙJ 14
10 - lo-Summary publique: et lntér~u Ttéso~. autres , Gouv"rnement général. la ae municipa'1e~1 commerce et pêehe'ies ior"!.' et Colo~üsati?u Budot:i· du
1 Detw Fon(is Législation. Procureur Secrétaire Santé lustn,ction Affairel:S trie TTIlVllux Travail et Mines Agrioulture Voirie Terres Sen~ces E.rtrut 103ll. June.
... .8 2 Ô 1-3 C ci Z __, l Il III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Xl XII XlII XIV XV XVI
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