Page 476 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 476

          Les sociétés de secours mutuels détentrices  IV!utuai  benefit  associations  holding  [l.
        d'un permis de la province sont soumises à  Provincial license are subject ta Government
        l'inspection  du p;ouvernement  comme  les  inspection in the silme wny as insurance
        compagnies d'a.'lsura,nce.           compnnies.

                   13 ~ État financier des sociétés de secours mutuels, en 1935.
                J3--Financial Statement of Mutual Benefit Associations, in 1935.

                                                     8ociété5-Societie_'  1
                                                 l;lJJ;t.ra-provin.  1
                 OPÉRATIONS--STATE~IE~S             ('iale  provinciales  Total
                                                   Extra-    Provincial
        Âdif............. " .... •...... A<lSe/8 ......••••.......•...  •  ID,OU,STS  •  4,973,053  •  84,984,928
         Cotisations non reçues.... ..'  Asse!;lSments Dot reeeived.  33,857  18,944  52,801
          Immeubles et prêts sur.......  Real estate and lOll.n!:l on .  1,518,921  1,457,867  2,976,788
         Obligations,actions,débentures  Bonds, lltocks, debenturel"  27,271,485  2,886,588  30,158,073
         ~>\xgent en baDQue et en cail;lSe.  Cash in baTIk and on band.  550,999  381,302  932,301 actif.        Other as.~et~. ,       636,014    228,352    R04,966'if.. . .  .•..  .  .. Lia.bilitie9. ...........  271,661  ......  n9,989
         Réclamations non ajul!lté~.  C1aims not adjusted  256,418  20,863  277,281
         A(ltre~ pa.!38if.    Other liabilitîes.      17,243     25,465     42,708
        Rr.c.eUe~... _................  .Rcràpt~...............  3.488,958  1,623.700  5,W,G58
          Coti.aatîOIlB, honorairef', etc.  AB~Ci!!lments, dne~, etG.  2,164,266  1,027,618  3,191,884
          Intérêt et loyers.  Inter~t lLnd rent.    1,274,980   211,674   1,486,634
         Antres recettes _..  Other receipts.         49,732    384,408    434,140
        Dibcurllé8• ... , _....... ..  . Di8bursetwmta..  2,489,334  1,4S1,23S  3.92O,6t9
         Bénéfices payés.......  Benefits paid ..... : : : : .  1,931,994  708,010  2,640,004
          81l.1lLires. eommissions.  Sll.laries, conuniSBions.  277,881  99,652  377,533
          ConveDtion générll.le.  General convention.  42,630  ....... 023',57i  42,630
          Autres dépenses.    Other eJ:penses.       231J,879              860,452
                 14 -  Rêsumé des opérations des sociétés de secours mutuels.
                 14-Summary of Operations of Mutual Benefjt Associations.

                                                       DlLW la. province-In the Province
                       , Aetjf  Pa.'mif  Recettes  DéboUIsés Certificah en vigueur
                                                         D)               Réclama-
           ANN~ES       -      -       -      - in Foree  Re..-enu  tionsplLyoos
              -                                                      (2)    -
            YEARS      ~~ets  LiabiLities  Receipts  Di.9bllrse-  Nombre  Montant  Revenue  Claims
                                             ments    -      -             Paid
                                                   1 Nllmber  1 Amount
                        •       •      •      •              •       •      •
        1935.         3D,Oll,8it):  273,661  3,488,9.58  2,489,384  35,327 26,771,159  691,010  625,584
        1934..        28,844,781 1  217,193  3.603,471  2,393,625  28,768 24,451,274  635,992  612,192
        1933.         28,970,847,  246,556  3,i88,137  2,5H,079  29,159 25,100,904  730,698  660,580
        1932...          ·1         ...     ..     ....           ..'     ...
        1931.         26.069. 753  245,035  4,076.370  2,645,119  '3'1',044 .23,403',924  760:569  ii':Ù)~Ô73
        1930.         25,8.52,445  1  271,954  4,350,119  2,802,189  28,926 27,995,465  782,562  599,998
        1929.         25,58fJ,692  315,086  4,192,292  3,097,773  32,089 28,'143,196  771,244  641,803
        1928 ..       27,537,492  490,017  5,105,089 1  3,346,496  33,240 29,696,455  807,553  625,630
        1927.         27'018' 816  398.604  5.581,509  3,3HI,876  33,905 3O'208'&iÔ  830,457  583,908
        1926,         24,824,535  1  354,993,  4,923,5H  1  3,064,203  34,053 30,145,199  1  842,070  .'175,501
                                       . .
        1935           4':".0531 • 46,328  1.523. 70011.4.Jl.235  42,554  5,299,079 1 •  708,011
        1934.          4,354,821 1  195,006  1,408,496  1,297,519  39,152  2,450,860  903,359  650,716
        1933.          4,652,381  36,690  1,127,895  1,010,151  43,697  1,250,227  736,438  389,214
        1932,.              ...  ".  .......... -..  ••.• '42:598 . '4,507~890
        1931.         . '4,298,181:  2i,É,5i  1,357,881:'  1,084,852  . 89'Ü,67i ,.. i&.i~827
        1930..         4,421,691  23,416  1,451,559·  1,111,291  43,281  6,105,352  930,448  813,788
        1929.          4,085,471  21,627  1,313,523,  1,016,063  l2û  6,017,833  847,558  753,946
        1028..         3.751,809  22,418  1,208,354.1  918,967  H'  6,421,223  809,647  649,230
        1927.          3,4-65,>"191  115,794  1,144, 652  1  871,730  47,919  1  6,502.102  763,471  598,582
        '926   ..... ....  3,200,870  2:?,.:508  1,025,21;16  816,951  46,991  6,343,653 1  740,302  569,913
           (1) Membres dan.! les cas des l'ociéttis provinciale:3.-Number of memberO! for provmcial socie~ies.
           (2) Cotisaf.iollS et redevances dans le cas des sociétés provincie.les.-For provincîlLl soeieties tlle amount giV-ell
        is for fl.SSeSl3menU; and dnes.
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