Page 473 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 473

ASSURANCE&-INSURANCE                          433

                         PRIMES                              PREMIUMS
            Les  tableaux fluivnnts  répartissent par  The following tables are a statement, by
          provinces, lee montants perçus en pri.meB et les  provinces, of premiums reeeived and losses
          réclama.tions encourues par les compagnies  incurred, by tire insurance companies author-
          d'BB8urance-feu autorisées de faire affaires en  ized to transact business Wlder perm:it of the
          vertu d'un permis de la Puissance.    Dominion.

                     8 - Montant net des primes souscrites, par province, en 1935.
                    8-Net Amount of Pr"emiums Wcltten, by Provinces, ln 1935.
                                           Com~p,gDiea  Compagnies  Compagnies
                                           cana aunes  britanniques  étrangères
                      PROVINCES               -          -         -        Total
                                            Co.Dll,dian  British  1  Foreign
                                            Compaoies  CompaniElll  Compallies
          Ile-du·P.-Edouard, . .... P. Edward 161and.  35,947  i  152,846  67,272  1  256,060
          N.-E;coose ......  . N. Scotia  1 • 327,808  • 823,120  • 736,977  • 1,887,905
          N .-Brurl8wiok. .                   236,412   807,890   603,541   1,647,849
          Québec.... .,.                     1,499,814  4,301,770  4,667,439  10,469,023
          Ontario..                          3,425,217  6,234,617  4,918,653  14,578,487
          M"rritooo.....                      837,332  1,112,440   959,388  1  2,009,160
          SJi8katchewan.                     1,036,145  976,9Z7    912,454.  2,925,526
          Alberta.........                    895,014  1,195,436  1,136,939  1  3,227,389
          Col.-Brit..alllniQue ..  : . : : :Briti~b 'C~i~~lbi~'  633,919  1,822,773  1,517,917  3,914,609
          yukon    .                    . .    3,079      8,177    11,222    22,478
          Non repart:.iea.                          1       4       9,760    26,142
                                        ...   ~ ---c=-:cc',,·3,,'cc_
                CANADA .•                    _,tI9,nS  17,443,350  15,541,561  41.924,131
               9 - Montant net des réclamations encourues, par provinces, en ~934 et 1935.
                  9--Net Amount of Losses Incurred, by Provinces, ïn 1934 and 1935.
                      PROVINCES                                             Total
                                            Cane.d.iu.n  British  Foreign
                                           Companiea  Compe.nioo  Companie!!

          Ile-du-P.-Edouard. ..... P. Edward IslilIld.  16,258  52,871  15,055  84,184
          N.-E~Ol!ee.....  . . .N. Seotia.  • 152,442  • 376,382  • 317,805  * 846,629
          N.-BrWUlwick .                      80,944    266,039   180,182    527,165
          Québec....                          917,316  2,344,517  2,173,137  5,434,1)70
          Ontario ...                        1,383,S33  2,528,741  2,327,3M  6,239,938
          Manitoba...                         337,393   315.334   30S,714    961,441
          Saskatchewan: ~.                    345,741   280,249   301,281    927,211
          Alberta.........                    258,962   300,683   366,438    986,083
          Colombie-Brit ..  ..... : :B~i~hC~i~bi~::'  215,976  141,900  501,347  1,458,413
          Yukon........                         622       2,992      761      4,375
          Non répM(iea.  ..... Not Be~rated..  '::  33  1  ~ 1,663   116  ------
                                                                            - 1,514
                CJI.N"ADA .•             .  1,709,520  7,267,2:15  8,492,201  17,468,955
                                           li  17,493  $  60,624  1  $  22,495  $  100,612
                                              76,688   J~i:~~    2Jg~:ii~  4J~;:i!i
                                             1,144,591  2,026,493  1  1,703,704  4,874,788
                                              266,727   2Q5,243   236,007    797,077
                                              230,648   308,609   269,698   808,955
                                              218,222   397,358   348,505   964,085
                                              188,261   634,275  1  566,068  1  1,388,604
                                               4,560     1,039      2,082     7,690
                                               5,684       35     -  1,114    1,605
                                            1,120,112 - •.,....,.,-1--..-....... I----cUC-,...=....--,--
                CAKAOA ...
   468   469   470   471   472   473   474   475   476   477   478