Page 475 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 475

ASSURANCES-INSURANCE                          435
               11- Causes des incendies survenus dans la province de Québec, en 1935.
                      11 - Causes of Fiees in the Province of Quebec. in 1935.
                                                          RédamatiollP de moinsl
                                             Incendies lo.pport/'s  de $215.00  Perte~
                                                            ClllimB for LOSlles  totales
                                           ___Fi_-_,,_,_Reported  under 825.00  1
                       CAUSES                             1                 Total
                                            Kombre  Pertes  1 No~bre 1 M()~lI.Dt  Lœses
                                            Number  Lo~e9  NUlhber 1  Amount
         --------------------- ----- ---,--------~
         Cheminées défectueuses ou Defective  or  overheated
           surchauffées.  .,  '.  crnmney13....  748  .$  287,148  842  $  11,514  $  298,663
         Conflagration.  .  Conflagra.tion....  ô    13,653   2        15    13,668
         Electricité..  , .EIl'clTicity  ,  , .'  303  362,40fl  233  3,051  365,456
         ExploirloD.........  . .E:r;plo$on  ,..  92  94,278  64      696    94,974-
         Feu che~ le voisin.... ".... Exposure-Adjoioing,.....  533  599,602  112  1,542  691,144
         Feull: d'Mtifice, pétards, etc.FUeworks, tire crackers, etc.  11  821  13  140  37,120
         ~;itt~~tm:ei·~ti :a;.tifi~i~i)· ..~~~tl~~i~~al'~~ ~rtiild~ù: .  Jt  n:88i 1  10~  l,o~g  14,100
         Cendres, chllJbons chauds.. Hot Il8hea or coals. . . . . . . .  230  79,726  974  8,811  88,537
         Graisse chaude, huile, cire Hot grease, 00, wo.:t: {igni-
           (ignition de). . . .. . . . . ..  tian of)  ,'  ,  130  36,556  138  1,7'97  38,354
         Fers chauds (comprenant Hot irons (inc1uding elec-  1
           appareils électriques)  trical devices)  ,  74  29,054  653  4,725  33,778
         Origine criminelle... ,  Incendiarism.  as  66,668   lj      88     66,756
         Foudre......  .. .. Lightning        171   108,263  160     2,281  110,544
         Al1umettcl;I  et  fumeUl"s Mat che s 0. n d sm 0 k-
           imprudents.............  in@".... _.... ,..........  993  353,190  5,52.5  49,736  402,926
         Dive1'8  (camell  connues }"li.lOf'l1o.nooUB (t a use s
           mais non clQssifiées) . . ..  known but not dllollsified)  95  52,839  161  1,374  M,212
         Chandelles, lampes, etc... ,Open lightB, candies, etc.  181  57,153  'l'  436  4,489  {l1,M2
         Pétrole et se!:! dérivés.. .. .Petroleurn and its products  181  119,518  137  1,821  1  121,.339
         Débris divers,  , .. R.ubbmh and litter.,..  .:;  3,202  8    92     3,294
         Etincelles caus~cspar com- SpllJks arising from com-
          bUlltion.,. ,  , . . ..  bu..'ltion................  7  1,609  50  422  2,03
         Etincelles  de  cheminéea Sparks from ohimuC'1IS (on
           (SUl" le toit),. . .. ..".,  roof).,  :."..  99 1  235,890  77  982  236,872
         Ignition spontanée  Spontaneous i@;llÎtion."...  45  69,028  37  384  69,412
         Tuyaux (vapeur et eau Plpe$ (l;jteam and hot wa-,
         p~t:s~dfL'r~a~~:'bo;rlI~'St~:';~,' . f~~~~,' .hùil~s 1  41  S,098  14  386  8,484
                                             l}g~  4,~:~~~  1,:t~   1~:~~  4,~n:~~~
         In~~~u~~~~~',~~.~~c.~.~:U~k~~~~~~e~.~~ .d.e.f~~.~: :
               TOTAl...       ....      , ... 1-~•.~..~.:-I-~7~.2=.~.,829-:':-I'-::11~....-:o:-I---12G--...~.-I~---2-.-....--..~.-
         Il -- Pertes causées par l'incendie dans la province, par classes de propriétés. en 1935.
            U-Fire Losses ln the Province according to various Kinds of Properties, in 1935.
                                       -                  Réclamations de moins
                                           i  Incendies rapPOTt~s  Claims for LOSSflfj  Portes
                                                              de $25.00
                                           ,  Pires Reported  under $25.00  totales
            PROPRIÉTÉS-KINDS OF PROPERTY                                   Total
                                           1Nombre  Pertes  Kombre  Mouto.nt  Lot!!let'l
                                           i  -      -      -      -
                                           1Number  L08fles  Number  Amount
         Automobilell........ , , .. . .Automobiles... ,.  23  2,967         2,967
         Maison... appartements ... AElI.rtment bouse,;,' ...... '.'  --  123  • 101,745  281  •  .2',893' • 104,638
         Eglises, presbyt,èJ'(':s, cha- C urcJl€6,  pJ'esb~oteries  1 0'
          pelles." ..... ' ..  chapels         33    12,658  \fj      240    12,808
         Clubs et camps.......... Clubhous1J5 and camp",  33  29,547  10  125  29,672
         Maisons privées ........ , . Dwellings. . . ...  .  'r  4.260  2,700,2Z.j  9,982  9S,243  2,798,468
         Maisonsprh·éesetmaga.,<rirul Dwellings and stores. .  ..  432  603,7f31  567  a.l66  {l09,927
         Fermes et gro.n(l:Ofl, ....... Farms and barns. . . .  . . '1  460  410,036  332  4.249  414.285
         Fabriquell et manufactures.Factories & Illanufactures.  124  723,800  15  206  724,007
         Fonderies et atelier"...... Foundries & machine !!hops  29  51,991  8  104  52,095
         Garages.. ,." ........... Garagell ............... i  58  41,579  15  215  41,794
         Stations de gaaolÎne .... , .. Gaso1ine ~tations. ... ..  5  1,916  5  82  1,998
         Elevateurs, .. ".,." .... Elevll.tora. .......  . .. ,.~'  1  424  ......  424
         Hôtels f't maisons de pens.Hotds & boardins: hOUSCll.  96  7n.808  ]·12  1,75.1  81,621
         Hôpitaux ct sanatoria ..... H08pitalll and sane,ioria ...  13  38,680  6  89  38.769
         Buanderies.ateliersdetén- Laundries,  ('l",nnillg  and
          turerie et netto~rage, '.  dYf'inf!: shoo,s.  10  21,3G4  10  144  21,508
         Moulins.,.....  ...  Mills........   28     72,7iR   6       83    72,861
         Divers.....      \-1isre1IaufJou.!l........  231  775,327  106  1,387  770,714
         Bureall~ ct b"a"fiqùes.·...... Offices and bank b\lildi~:  21  2fI.216  19  271  29,4S7
         Prisonllet a.<siles.  . ,PrisolLS, jaiis and 1l(j;IUIIllii .  2  ~1,20,'j  1  0.45  8-3,20.5
         MOlllins i'J. b("ljs...  . .Planing and saw mi 1" ....  12  52,994  1  2  52,996
         Imv.riUleurB.....  .. Printere ........  -,  33,966  3       31    33,998
         Edifice!' publics. ....  .Public building!!., ...  Hi  45,211  Il  200  45,411
         RestaUl"snts et cafés, .. , .. Restaurants and efl.f6.~. , ...  3.5  36,Z."!l  24  245  36,534
         Ecoles, eoUèges. cOllvents Schaols, coIJeges,  COI"'''llt'l
          et aco.démiell. . . . . .. . .  and academies. '.. .. .  ."i~  251,403  27  271  251,674
         Eellriell et  . .Stables and sheds.  60  P5,553  22  1  2&.'1  95,&38
         Batell.ux et yll-Chtol.  .Boats and yachts.  1  2,021               2.021
         Marcbandises ............ MerchandÎBE'. .., .. , ....  2Q  1  51.841".  "lô'  'ln'  52,021
         :\-lo.gasin..~ (gros et détail). ,Stores (wllOlct4ale & J'ptaH)  305  737,673  220  2.531  740,212
        Théâtre~........... ,., ..Theatres............... 1  5  12,472  3  35  12,507
        Entrepota   ........ War('bouse~, st,orlll!;e and
                           ''''gbt ,h,d, _  _ ___ 1  39  14.),990  7  104   14fl,093
        Cours (bois et charbon)  <0 Yards «('oal Rno wo~~~::::  18  1  38,322  - ----  38,322
                                            8,'"               1
              TOTAL..                           1  1,284.829  11....  128,11&  7.404.,965
   470   471   472   473   474   475   476   477   478   479   480