Page 481 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 481


             19 - Résumé des opérations comparées des Caisses populaires, de 1931 à 1935.
          ll)-Comparative Summary of Operations of Co-Operative People's Banks, from 1931
                                           to 1935.

                  DÉSIGNATION            1931     1932     1933    1934     1935

              RecettcB      RcC'ciptB        ctsl s   cts $
         En cwsse le 1er jour de C8I:!h on first dRY of
         C~~~:rc~~~,....... ~::',: :cà~i~t~·dk.·.·.··::::  8g~:~t~~  7~~:g~e:~t  6~g:~5~:~g  6~~:rM:~  i~~:g~ji
         E])~rgne... .  .  SIl.VÏDgS  il1,604,832.48 8,578,836.14 7,127,428.47 7,522,689.12 9,297,287.63
         Prêts remis....  .  I.oans refunded..  3,400,013.72 2,SM,183.31 2,340,815.88 2,113,367.61 2,417,586.32
         Béné6.œs.....  . .Profit~....  ..  597,611.05  533,748.54  453,817.32  444,930.35  475,696.64
         ~~~~~~....   .:~~~i~. '.  ...  ..'231',3Si:80  384.410:36 .. 243',752:95 .. ÏS8,4Si33  ~:~~~: gg
               TOTAL..            . ..... 16.760,256.6913.173,134.6610,841,857.1811,034.322.37 U,430,691.0J

         Capito.lrenlÎB...•....Capitalrefunded.. ••.  128,393.22  141,115.67  121,717.69  118,434.80  88,133.99
         EPll.rgn~8 rElIll1l!es .•.. Sll.ving:, refunded ....• 11,966,213.091 9,426,960.86 7,502,888.81 7,171,414.88 8,535,890.43
         Prêts et plscemenb...Loans and investments 2,998,046.28 2,157,886.75 1.682,551.46 2,141,800.70 2,803,747,69
         Ddi~::~.~~~~1~.~t.G=~.e~~.c.ns.~,.~~~~  503,511.87  439,857.21  552,010.65  300,341.s4  265,083.41
         Dividendes    Dividend~.. . . . . .. . . . .  105,954. 18  96,709.11  8-1,281.49  84,219.86  82,973,14
         Intérêts sur épargnes .Interest on Ilavings . . .  293,345.17  255,275.34  221,024.61  214,949.19  197,449,30
         Emprunt;;! remboursés. LOBIIS reiOlbursed. . . .  . .:..........   82,399.99
         En caisse le dernier Casb on last day Ofl
           jour de l'année. .. ..  year  ,......  764,m2.s8i  656,029.72  677,384.46 1,003,161.6°11,375,013,o8
               TOTAL.   . . . . . . .  .  16,760,256.69113,171,834'"118,841,857.18 11,034,322.37 13,430,691.03
                                    b) -  BILAN-BTATEMENT
               ""if         ASile/il  18    ct.'>1 $  cts $   ,t,         •     ,"
         Prêtll en eour".. ..... LonnE! uW'efunded.... 9,762,338.75 1 8,605,i39.79 7,667,919.39 7,934,001,54 8,287,076.53
         Cfli"l8e ...... , .. ..... Casb .............. ,.  764,793.00i  656,029.72  67S,758.55 1,003,161.60 1,375,013.08
         FraÙ! génhaux. .... ,General eXpeMefI... ,.  98,373.45  89,027.99  76,029.85  97,940.11  103,754.07
                " .... .....Sunmies.......... ,..  157,320.17  112,400.73  113,595.S4  112,693.15  277,910,54
         Div8l'Il.. "
               TO'l'AL. ......... ... . " .... ... . 10,782,825.37 9,462,89'.23 8.536,403.13 9,U7,796.40 10,14S,75.f.22
              Pas8iJ       Liabilv",,~
         Capital:social. ..... Capital stocK..  1,716,049.47 1,619,670.40 1,483,323,59 1,514,069.71 1,557,075,70
         EI1u.,rgnes., ... .. . ... Su.Yi.ngs....... ...  7,436.861.32 6,189,794.00 5,586,812.14 6,089.712.64: 6,865,477.05
         Dn'Idendes ......... .. Dividelllh........... ,  2.],118.60  21,953.74  19,379.75  19,928.32  18,301.3&
         Intl>nlt Ilur épargnes . Interellt on saving!'! . ,  40,159.05  13,6'1'5,28  11,707.05  9,813.72  8,27;),10
         Divers............ .Sundries..  ...  143,393.34  288,670.86  121,072. '1'0  142,238.54  139,407.21
         PatrinlOine, ......  FundB.  .. 1,090,612.33 1,094,486,50 1,109,640.94 1,172,099.52 1,228,532.97
         T.~   d'entrée et  Entranœ tax  'a:nd
          bénéfic6B..  . ...  profih ....... , ...  272,631.26  234,(}47.36  ~4.466.06  199,933.95  226,666.81
               TOTAL...... ...       . 10,782,825.37 9,462,19'.23 8,536,403.13 9 1147.796.40110,.043,7".22
                        20 - Mouvement progressif des Caisses populaires.
                          26--Progress of Co-Operatlve People's Banks.
                  DÊSIG~ATION           1931     !'t132   1933     1934     1935

         Nombredll     Numberof                        1
          Caisse<:'.. . .. ....  Banb  .... , ..  174  168   162      184      202
          SociHaire5,. ..  . ..  Members.. "  43,641  40,933  36,470  38,811  43,045
          Dépooants. .  ..  Depo'3itorll  .  43,207  40,201  37,683  39,723  42,856
          Emprunteurs..  Borrowers  .     13,240   12,363   10,784   11,230  11,9S7
         Prêts coœentù!  .LoaIIB granted
          Nombre......  NUIDber   ' .. '.1  16,203  13,283  11,407   11,295  12,175
          Montant   , . ..  Amount  , ,  .  S 2,998,046  :5 2,157,886  "$ 1,6&2,551  $ 2,141,801  S 2,S03,748
         Profits réalisés...  . ,Profits realized  ,  S  594,235  S  531,765  $  452.220  3:  441,876  :5  472,543
   476   477   478   479   480   481   482   483   484   485   486