Page 470 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 470

         Les de\!."( tableaux suivants sont une réca.-  The two following tables oontain 8 reeapitu-
        pitulation depuis 1932 des affairel:) d'asourancea  lation sinee 1932 of the insurance businea3 of
        de toua genres transigées dans la province de  every kind tmnsacted by aIl companies in the
        Québec par toutes les compagnies. Le tableau  Province of Quebee. In Table 5 statiStiCB of
        5 groupe l'assurance sur la. vie et funéraire  life and fnneml insurance given together
        auxquelles on a ioint les sociétés de aeeo1lJ"l3  with  figures  relating  to Mutual Benefit
        mutuels. Tous les autres genres d'assurance  AEsociations. AlI the other kinds o[ insurance
        sont réunis dana le tableau fi,      a·re classified in Table 6.

                   .5 - Opérations d'assurance-vie daDsla province depuis 1932.
                 5-Life Insurance Business Tnmsacted in the Province stnce 1932.
                                                               PrimES   Dfbou!'5és
                                                    ASSll1'8nce  nette8   aux
                                            AnJloos  en vigueur  /:Io1Wl"ntes
                                              -       -          -        -
                                                                ~et    DÎBblll'96lDefl.t3
                                             y,=    In.surBnoe  PreIllÎUOlB  PoIiey-RaIders
                                                    in Force
                                                      •         •         •
        Assurance-vie•.  · . Life Insurn.nfw  11135  1,730,216,659  ,"j2,36~,088  41.831,:;03
                                             1934  1,726,137,114  54.001,888  44.023,720
                                             HI33  1,737.486,502  54,340,76-5  50,081,306
                                             19    1,803,008,600  56.604,045  43.444,460
        Funéraire...    · . FunerfLl. .      1935    4,808,263   16&,521
                                             1934    3,879,211   144,440  Hl
                                             1933    3,632,69~   122,006  (Il
                                           ,  1932   3,607,173   124,424  (I
        Secours mutuels...  · ,Mutua.l Bt'nefit..  Hl35  12O,515,{/53  3,679,893  3,768,456
                                             193~  (2) 114,932,870  3,287,496  3,269,730
                                             1933   26,351,131  1,467,136  1,049,794
                                             1932   31,911,814  1,651,240  1,312,9CMJ
           \1) Partie eu argent p:uotic en service~ et ventes.~Partli'in cash and partly in undertaking services.
           (.2) AVlYlt 1934, comprend ssutement le.!! !lod.étés pmvincial~ et ..ll.tm_prov nciales. -  Prcvioua ta 1934, includ.erl
        (IIÙY prov1ncial Bnd extrlL-'provineial soeieties.
               6- Opérations d'assurance autre que vie dans la pro'Vince depuis 1931.
            6---Insurance Bu~iness Other than LUe Transacted in the Province sio(."e 1932.
                                                  Primes   Primes
                                                  nettes   Det~es .  Perœ.s nettes  %
                GENRES D'ASSURANCES              ~UlJcrit6/0  avqUllleJ!  "'.."""'"
                                                   -        -        -      -
                KINDB OF INSURANCE         Years   ~et      Net   Net Lœaes
                                                 PremiuDUi  PrtJmiuDl9  Ineurred  Ratio
                                                  Written  Earned
        AllcideDt.. .  . .Aclliclent..     1935    817,837  812,246  303,630  37.37
                                           1034 • 793,681  • 782,933  • 339,364  43.81
                                           1933    756,464  774,554  396,238  51.16
                                           1932    804,060  830,280  4ao,992  51.95
        Aeeident <Ilt mnlu.dic .  . .AllciJent IWJ <':iÏckl."""-"I.  19a5  357,555  353,081  214,246  60."
                                           1934    314,,336  316,524  169,772  53."
                                           1932    334,814  339,201  196,073  57.80
                                           1932    349,975  352,194  225,951  64.10
        AutoIDobile..  . .Automobile ..    1935   3,300,286  3,340,684  2.016,flM  1\2.16
                                          1 ~:~   3,291,151  3,365,047  1,983,973  58.96
                                           1932   4,066,990  4,186,019  2,112,617  .'lO.41
        Aviation. .    . .•Aircraft.     '1  1935   22.061  22,347   -2,002
                                           1934     22,123   22,739  14,100  '·&2:01
                                           1933     26,513   22,319   8,300  37.19
                                                                       325 ........
                                           1932     16,143  19,558   -
        Bétail. . . .  . .. Livestock...   193':'   4,413    4,320   -1,300  ....
                                           1934     4,021    3,885    4,145  ÏOO.69
                                           1933     2,222    2,095    1,300  62.06
                                           1932 ... .      .. . ...  ... ... " .. .... ....
        Bris de glaoœ. .  . .. Plate I!"IR&I ..  1935       147,866  101,339  68.54
                                          1        15',413\  153,019  111,855  73,10
                                         '1  1934  124.951  142,061  97,040  68.31
                                           1932    131,954  110,454  87,319  19.06
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