Page 422 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 422

COMMERCE DE DETAIIr-RETAIL TR.4DE,                  383

                      6- R~sumé du commerce de dêtnil, 1930, par comtés.

                   6-Summ.ary of Retail Merchandise Trnde, 1930, by Counties.

                                             Pçrsonuel à templl rmtieT  1  Stocks en
                                     Kombre   Fllil-time Emp]o~'ees  Velites  ma!1:Min à la.
                                                                        fin de l'année
              CO:\-lTÉB             magasiIml--·"'==-"-'-'----1         (prix coûtant)
                            Population          1       Sala.ires
                                      -    HommAfl Femmes  et
                              1931                       gages    Net.
              COUNT1..ES             Number  -    -       -       Sales  StO<lkonH3.Dd
                                                                        End of Yea,r
                                       of               SaJarÎes
                                     Stores  Male  Female  and Wages  l'  1930  Cat. cost)
                                                          •        •        •
        Abitibi,. ,            23,692  207    87    18    91,000  2,105,200  595,000
        Argenteuil. .          18,97fi       14,)   3.   141,700  2,70.>1,4(10  692,200
        Arthabsska.            27,159  274   144    '0   144,000  3,194,100  951,900
                                       240 l'
        Bagot. '" ..           16,914  216    45     7    2\1,400  1,090,800·  383,300
        B~uce..... "           44,793  425   149          126,600  3,269,100  1,062,000
        t\eauhIl.rDois ..      2.':>,163  288  31.';'  '"  319,100  5,129,900  1,150,100
        Bellechasse..          22,000  220    20     8    12,100  1.097,700  463,100
        Berthier.....          19,501}  245   8,'   15    64,600  1,978,400  504,ijOU
        Bona.enture            32,432  301  1  94   '35          1,800,900  684,600
        Brome  .. ,            12,433  149    57    15    83,600 1  1,294,000  343,500
        Chambly..              26,801  32~   300    47   292,000  4,122,300  649,300
        Champlain..            59,935  600   ~m    128   317,100  3,836,700  1,612,600
        Charlevoix......•.     22,940 1  227  96    21    84,700  1,595.000  M7,OOO
        Châteauguay..          13,12."        98    22    77,100           381,400
                                                                 1,374,700 1
                                       170 1
        Chicoutimi. _  ' .  . ..  .')5,724  436  430  117  479,900  7,058,900  1,783,'JOO
        Compton.. ,        .   21,917  247   109    22    92,500  2,261,500  7W,200
        Deux-:P>lontltgneEt----Two Jl.fb  14,21\4-  141  S2  9  73,500  1,[041,600  402,900
        Dorchester...          27,994  239    55          30,600  1,1:198,600  553,500
        Drummond.              26,179  253   191    63    208.300  3,799,700  826,800
        Frontenac.             25,681  26.    85    20    79,900  1,B38,9oo  567,600
                                                    '" 1
        Gal'lpê.               45,61 ï  399  177    44    154,400  3,1.'){),700  1,239,200
        lIull  .               63,870  790   .s29  152    830,700  10,638,500  2,078.900
        Huntingdon.      .. ··1  12,345  136  99    22    {/3,WO  1.720,.Wi  497,2QO
        Iberv:i\lQ  .     ..    9,402   8-"   52     4    41,00J  917,500  21-1,200
        Joliette  .       '1   27,58li  361  30(;   75    2~2,OOO  4,760,600  1,106,900
        KamOllraska ..         23,954  245    50    17    .35,400  1,235,700  514,100
        Labelle            .   20,14(1  222   77    11    M,OOO  1,688,400  722,300
        Lac-St-Jean-Lake t3t. Johu..  fjO,2C;3  422  102  30  179,3011  3,69Cl,400  l'M?:~08
        Laprairie  .           13,491  129    69    10    tiO,!jQO  1,461,OQ{l
        L'Asilomption.         15,32"  183    74    15    62,800  1,461,200  358,000
        Lévis  .               35,65fi  413  341    86    325.800  4,664,100  1,085,700
        L'Islet  .             19,4f}<  178   41     9    25,mJ(1  8.j2,200  413,400
        Lotbiuiére ..          2::1,034  271  :l5    E-   21,000  1,355,000  425,700
        Maskitlong~.           16,03B  185    5,1   17    44,700  1,074,200  340,200
        MatRne  .              45.272  455   100    44    92,(iOfI  3,280,400  1,115,200
        Mégantio  .            35,492  347   187    84   210,3CKI  3,537,100  1,010,400
        Mis.*quoi. .           19,636  245   211    45    230.400  4,022,500  862,500
        Monte9.Jm.             13,Bn,5  174   58    17    .'19,900  958,300  2B3,tlO{)
        Montmagny. . .. . . . . . .. . .... 1  20,239  227  70  21  503,100  1,329,500  52tl,400
        Montmoreney. , '" . ,•...... "1  16,9.55  173  49  22  43.800  921,800  328,300
        Montréal & Jésus, I1e&-hl's..  1,020,018  13,72~  30,010  13,280  43,700,5{Ill  407,&';8,000  5B,()lJ3,500
        Napierville.            7,&10   77    40    10    40,400  729,500  274,100
        Nicolet.               28,673  32!i   54    17    35,{I00  1,687,200  577,300
        Papineau.              29,246  370   181>   52    173,S()(I  3,51'>;,."100  1,018,100
        Pontiac ...            21,241  190    71    22    70,900  1,524,200  445,500
        Portneuf.              35,890  472   140    43    117,600  2,515,900  844.800
        Québec...              170.915  2,062  4,040  1,470  4,856,500  50,287,400  9,908.900
        Richelieu..            21,483  284   161    79    173,700  2,979,200  741,700
        :Richmond..            24,95(\  268  203    46    11'Il,7oo  3,554,000  823,300            33,151  332   159    45    151,900  2,898,500  2,119,700
        Rouville....           13,775  200    96    12    72,500  1,294,800  375,800
        Saguenay..             21,754  169   178    14    210,600  2,684,000  1,216,700
        Shetiord. , ..         28,262  325   211    I)}  217,600  3,999,Wa  1,109,400
        Sherhrooke ..          37,3~f,  485  782   264  1,027,000  II,699,200  2,161,800
        Soulanges. _.           9,09fl  139   58     7    40,lOU  907,500  300,300
        8tan.stead.....        25,l1R  306   278    83    320,100  5,248,000  1,247,300
        St-Hyll.cinr.he..•....  25,851-  301  316   83   322,200  4,6&8,600  1,W4,800
        St-Jean-St. John.      17,641l  264  262    76    295,100  3,858,900  877,900
        St-1.fllurice  .       6\l,095  830  982   420  1,2[,6,300  14,473,700  2,93{1,WO
        Témi8Camingue.         20,609  24/i  135    3J   lOO,GOU  3,411,200  859,400
        Témis<:ouata.          50,2'94  558  234    79    204,4ClO  4,634,400  1,479,500
        Terrebonne.            38,611  522   253    7(1   256,400  5,231,700  1,303,500
        Vaudreuil..            12,015  155    81    15    62,500  1,211,700  364,500
        Ve:rchêres, .          12,60:1  153   38    10    36,600  935,500  259,200
        Wolfe .....            Iti,9Jl  163   (lc,   8    41,300  1,079,200  422700
        YamMka.                16,B.20  100   40    17    39,2lJO  1,201,400  506;600
                             2,874,255 ...... -:::.-~I                   m,MI,no
        -------'----'-                                  S9.n8.28D 1 651,U8,SOD
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