Page 420 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 420


            5-  Part de la province de Québec dans le commecce extérieur de la Puissance
             5-Ouota of the ProvInce of Quebec in the External Trade of the Dominion

                                  ,                       '1  Augmento.Hon  1
                                         ,                 ou diminution  Augmentat.ioll
                        Va.leur dE:lS irn-    1 Pa.rt dl' la pro-  sur l'aDnée pré-I  011 dlmi~ution
            ANNÉES       por1.ations et  Valeur des im-  "ince de Qu6bee  céciente du ('otn~  BUT l'a.nDl'C pré·
                       do~ e"portatir1TIs  portations et  dallS Le corn-  1  tnerC6 global  cMent.e du corn·
         TERMINÉES LE   de la pro~-illœ  dflE export.'l.ti<HlB'  Hler<::e gluoul  de ltl. prOYlll('I'!  meTte ,l:(lobal
                      I .  de Québ"  1  du Cam""  :  du Canada  1  de Québee  l'  du Canada
            :31 MARS
                          Va.lue of   Value (If  QUota of   lncrease or  [urrea;o,e or
         YEARS ENDING    It  lti; and  1  Imparti; and  Province of  Dcerease over  DeClT'ilSe over
                          nE~ 'orts  El<porU fmm  Que/:Jec- iu  Prevbus Ye:<IT  Pre...iOlJ!i Ye.<:\T
         THE 318'1' MARCE 1_'_'_Offi_'i_'_OVince  Domi.nion of  1  of the Total  of th.. Total
                          of Ql1ebcr             DominÎQn    Trade of   Trooe of
                                                            Provine.. of  Dominion
                            •          •                 1-'-1-- ·
        1936              432,223,723  1,34.1,700,31] 1  32.2  46,mO,053  1.H,770,201
        1935.             385,613,670  1,189,990,110  :12.4   29,45o,5481  170.559,352
        1934              356,157,122  1,011),430,758  34.9   40,099,329  1.32,333,217
        1933           1 ,  316,057,793  887,007,541  3.'5 6  --fj4.ê37,877  -278,971,880
        1932              380,69i:i,670  1,166,069,421 1  32.6  1  -142,(134,844  -557,771,322
        1931              523,330,514  1,723,840.743  30.3  -152,701,122  --fj69,370,909
        1930.             676,031,636  2,393,211,652  28.2   -62,104,4561  -2f}1,363,514
        1929              738,130,OU:!  2,054,575,166  27_8   70.210.116  295,162,403
        1921i .           6G7,92fi,976  2,359,412,763  28.3  1  -11,116,4% 1  00,\,147,116
        1927              079,102,472  2,298.465,647  29.5     2,439,743  42,436,778
         192il            676.662,72fl  2,256,028,869 1  29.9  94,679,929 '  377,734,689
        1925 ..        1  581,982,800  l,87g,29l,18() 1  30.9  -31,767,1291  -73,835,mu.
        1924       ..  ... . 1  613,749,929  1,952.130.104  31.4  72,297,039  218,213,678
        1923              541,452,840  1,733,916,486 '  :U.2  56,959,954  232,185,145
        1922              4M,492.RR6  1,501,731,34]  32.2   -344,481,320  -948,855,660
        1921              828,974,200  2,450,581,001  33.1:1  -t}7,94'J,108  9fl,-tOO.169
        1920              896,923,704  2,351,180,832  38.1    36,546,840  ]62,709,84-2
        1919              860,376,864  2,188,478,990  39.3   -\l2,SSO,362  -361,225,380
        1918           1  953,257, 226  1  2.."i49.702,370  37.4  132,120,852  524,040,392
        1917.             821,136,374  2,025,661,978  40.5   380,408,612  1  738,lùO,774
        1916              440,667,762  1,287,501,204  34.2   128,696,372  l'  370,102,787
        1915           1  311,971,390  917,398,417  34.0     -39,974,742  -157,232,805
        HU'!           1  351,946,132  1,07~.631,222  32.7    27,269,189 1  26,355,633
         1913.            324,676,~  1,048,275,fi89  31.0     41,120,597  218,1&1,763
        1912              283,.556,346  s:ro,120,82tl  34.2   23.900,112  S7,396,013
        1911              259,656,234  742,724,813  34.9      17.759'0181  73,M2,o21
        1910              241.897,21fi  669,082.192  36.2     24,986,608  120,565,630
         1900 .           216,910,608  548,516,56:2  39.5    -36,072,13l:i  ~67,393,2{)9
         1908             252,982,143  015,909,831  41.1      61.004-,946  173,596.763
        1907.             101,917,797  442,313, 068 1  43.4  -27,748,154  -88,08J.014
        1906              21\l,665,951  530,398.082  41. 4-   35,286,:87  76,961,807
        1905              184,379,164-  453,438,275  40.1     -7,410,285  -1,528.818
        19!>!             191,789,449  454-,965,093  42.2      -837,449   4,tWO,523
        190:!.            192,526,898  450,324,570 1  42.8    27,935,696  1  43M5.902
        1902              164,691,~U2  406,708,008  40.5       2.728,1771  34,268,606
        1901              161,963,025  372,410,002 1  .J,3.5  12,857,501  16,550,&31
        1900.             149,105,524  355,889,231  41.9      14,708,302  51,585,935
        18'J').           134,397,222  304,303,296 '  44.2     6,520,019  18,566,589
         1898             127,877,203  285,lS31j,707  014.7   21.232.037  44,761,177
        1897              106,645,166  241,ü7fi,530  44.2      6,915,450  19,399,826
        1896           1   99,729,716  221,675.704 1  45.0     5,499,179 1  11.686,329
        189t'.             ~,2.10.537  209,989,375  44.1=1               - :~:~~;:~~
        1891.             105,114,086  224,750,480  47.8     - ~:~~;~~ 1
        1893.             109,628,996  229,BOl,4M 1  47.7      8,622,;;14  2,286,814
        1892           1  101,000,482  227,314,610  44.4-     10,~22,92~ 1  18,310,347
        1891               'J0,373.5,').t  209,0Cl4-.323  43.2  .:139,8.1"  3,012,383
        1800.              89,833,7HI  2Q5,991,940  43.6       1,856,401  9,682,8:{,'l
        1889.              81,977,318  196,300,107 1  41.8     3.239,25.;  1  éi,452,013
        1888 ..            78,738,Ori3  190,8.'"17,091  41. 3  -5,392,407  -3,760,358
         1887.             84,130,460  1!l4,fl17,452 i  43.2   5,265,935  13,430,532
        1885           1   78,864,525  181,1&1,920  43.5      -1,800,189  -5,7<;0,236
        18&0; .            !iO,7OO,714  186,987,156  1  43.2  -4,,295,336  -8,228,026
         18M ..            85,056,050  195,195,182 ,  43.6    -5,341,932  -24,120,518
        1883               \)0,397,982  2tO,315,700 !  41. 2'  ?,740,42Û  1  6,104,406
        1882.          1   80,657,562  212.911,294  40.7      -:! WB 021  25,1().3,147
         1881              85,75.3,583  187,808,147  47.3     15:756:301 !  31,761,902
        1880.              72,997,282  150,040,245 1  48.8    14,IlM,048  1  6,551,057
         1879 ..       i       234    149,480,1R8 ,  39.4     -9,542,3&8 '  20,001,341
        1878.              58,1:113,  1  159,r>30,529  1  40.4-  --4,216,005  Z82,481
         1877.         1   72,671,627  159,268,048  42_9      -1,361,853  -2,{l71,457
         Hl7fi             74,033,480  172,239,003 '  43.0   -17,673,li31  -22,016,205
        1875.              ~K),370,554­  194,2[)5,710  46.05  -6,667,704  -16,281,270
        1874.              98,374,715  210,536,9SO 1  46. i    -314,475     83,915
        1873   .  .  .  .  ..  .... , .  1·  08,689,191  1  210,453,064  46.9  9,127,0341  26,868,432
        1S72               gg,,j62.157j  183,584,632  48.8    10,432,331  31.SS6,976
        1871               79,129,82ij  151,697,650  52.2      ~,!56,010  19,224.370
         1870 ..           69,973,756  132,473,286  52.8      12,205,311 J  13,061,772
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