Page 426 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 426

COMMERCE DE DBTAlL-RETAlL TRADE                     387

       dan. la province de Québec. en 1930 (Suite).
       ln the Province of Quebec, in 1930 (Cont,inued).

            Personnel à temps entier  Personnel à temps partiel      St<leks en  ~-'l
                                                           Ventes nettes magMin A la 'EJ5
             Full-Time Emp]oyee'l      PaIt-Time Employees    _     fin de j'année .0 ~
                                                            Ket Sll,les  (prix~ùtnnt) ~Z
                          Salaires                  ,tg  ireB       StookOll"Hand .t~
        Hommes   Femmes   etgp,g81l  HOllin,,:.,!!!  Fernmea  ..~  (1930)  End o,",,vear ~'5
         "al.    Female   Salaries  Male   Female   "'La  riee     1  (at cost)  Z rLl
                         a.nd WlLl,!;es           -_·'-"-_1
                                         ----_.-.                   -~---
                             •                         •                 •
            124      23    188,300     14       2 i    {,OOO  1,(~38"mo  1,371,700  45
            193      30    2fi.-),!/(IO  67     8     1 4,700                 '"
            530      93    822,700     56       5     1 6,300  8,450,900  3,095,400  47
             38    ... B37'  55,700    37             , 3,500  574,400  159,2ÜO  48
            M8            1,084,100    Où       72     2,900  12,401.400  4.\l76,800  49
            232      883   980,000     27      12<    5 5,200  2,037,000  575,000  30
             31      151   159,100      1       36  1  9,600  110,800  41,100  51
             4        4     13,600                                            52
             4        7     12,800    .. ·1     3     ,  ROO  103,600  32,800  5::1
             41      469   330,600              73     1,500  2,693,200  453,fiOO  54
            498      172   685,900    1~ 71     4'    8 2,400  3.611,100  847,000  55
             38            122,200              8      3,600                  56
            310      ::\29  712,600    26       .53   3 3,900  4.193,300  1,37R,700  :')7
             4       32     29,100       ,      4      1,100  2R9,100  130,000  58
             6        1     9,800                       200    80,000   43,600  59
             11       4     25,700                            206,.'}OO  71,800  60
            007      971   000,600    ,~ 1      4,;   6 &,700 .. 6.000  10,254,900 (  3,433,500  61
           3,219    3,025  6,397,600  70&1     m  i         S1,105,900 , 19.093,900  fl2
           1,138          1,284,700    74             1 9,300  14,030.2'OU  :3,498,800  63
             6       "' 1   6,400  i                          12fl,7oo  47,4Ot)  64
               1                ,
            618      22    600,100     41       2     24,100  7,578.400  1,U94,9Où  65
            205       3    217,400     12              n,IOO  2,963.400  \iR5,8oo  66
             3              3,500      12             11,400   80,200   6,100
            1S6       0    215,500    114              3,000  l,!:I95,6oo  200,400  "
             80      11    103,800     Il              3,200  :;7r.,:mO  173,700  P,!)
            102      la    }2.1,IOO    Hi              3.600  ,i.'iI'\,4OU  80,900  70
             63       3     65,200     19         1   11,500  408,4-00  7,';,700  71
             j)5      5    140,500      -t       .1     900   485,900   n,iJOO  72
             73      1'"   104,200      3  .  . . .     600   851 ,~OO  277,300  73
           2,569 -~13,fJ27.400-- 306-1-'-~'-1-
       -                                              .3.....-  29.757,30°1- 9,1l2,_  74
            913      142 ,  1.434,700  40             17,800  12,5RSAOO  :1,771,000  75
             27             30,300      4       21      500   320.600  113,900  75
             ,.4     31    103,800     13       ,     10,900  1,1140.400  493,300  11
            225      46    349,700                            ,'~11::l,!JOO  17B,200  78
            246            370,000     3·3            21>,900  2.139,200  257,900  79
                     '"                         ,
            148      38    215.200     23             10,200  1,7.50,400  40-1-,400  80
             22      12     45,300      3               400   335,500  285,700  ."lI
             10             6,ÜOO       2               '00    34.200   4,400  S2
             78       9    110.000      3               400   -l....13,ïOO  lli2,900  ~,
             7        , 7   11,000                             8l::i,200  HI,SOO  '"
             1              2,000                              15,200   2,400  S5
             M        4     08.400      1       2       300'  allo,900  25.'),600  86
            L17       5    155,700     L3              ",100  9,''iS;l:iLlO  26\::1,600  87
            67       10 ~   81,100 i    9              1,:;00  1,177,)~nO  139,800  88
            HiS 1    36    244,700     10       2 1   .4,200  2.~9i,700  533,000  89
            419  1   971   775,900     15       3-     5_,fj_OO_I __'_"_82_'_800  1 __8fj_S,-_,o~  90
       -   2,5561    494 i  4,005,600  16.      18    13,200  30,181,500 1  7,758,600  91
       ---------,--                         ------
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