Page 401 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 401


                     TRAMWAYS                             TRAMWAYS
           Il y a sept. compagnies de tramways élec-  There are seven electrical tmmways in oper-
         triques organisées dans les villea de Montréal,  ation in the ctties of :Montreal, Quebee, Hull,
         Québec, HulI 1 Lévis et Shawinigan Falls. Le  Levis and Shawinigan Falls. The total capital
         capital total des eOl'porations était d'environ  of these c.()rporations at the end of 1934,
         859 1 000,000 à la fin de l'année 1934. Les recettes  amounted to nearly 559,000.000. The revenue
         des compagnies dérivent surtout des trans-  of these companies is derived mostly From
         portl5 et de la publicité dans les voitures et les  transporting passengers and from the advertise-
         gal'es.                              ments dispIayed in cars and stations.

                8 - Voyalteurs et marchandises transportés par les tramways, en 1935.
                     8-Passen~ers and FreilJtht Carried by Tramways, in 1935.
                                                   MiU&!     Voyageurs  tralLBportées
                                                 parcourus   tnl.IJ.&portœ  (en tonnes)
                 CO).-IPAG~IES----eOMPANIES         -          -           -
                                                   "Mil&!    Passengers  Freight Carded
                                                  Covered     Carried    (in tons)
         LeV1ll Tramwa)ffl 0nc:ny.....               5-10,971  1,472,543     7,5Q5
         Hull Electrio C0Cfcany . .. . ....          639.511   2,01l'J,983   1,503
         Montreu.i Tramways  mpany....             31,167,025  195,890,771   17,730
         Montreal and Soutbern Concties..  :::::1    914,792   2,085,408     21,766
         Quebec Couet}·............... , ........ : : ..  ... ...  133,594  376,465 ... .............
         ~ebec Railway L. H. & P. Company ...      2,986,925  13,082,347
         S awinigan Fa& TerminaL ...........  ... .....  ......... .... .... ............ .'
              TOTA.L...                   . ...    36y382,118  215,907,517  41,604
                9 -  Capital des compagnies de tramways dans la province, en 1934.
                    9--Capital of Tram.way Companies in the Province, in 1934.

                                              l,  Actionil  ObligatioDB  1  Capital total
                 COMPAGNIE8--COMPANIES             -           -
                                                  Stocks      Bonds    TotaL Capital
         Hull Electrie Corc:ny.. . .....       $  292,000.00  .ï" (ùi,ooo:oo'  , .$  292,000.00
         Levis Tramways  mëany.....               500,000.00            1,115,000.00
         Montreal Tramways  ompany ......        7.000,000.00  48,623,100.00  55,623,100.00
         Montreal and Southern Coueues...         500,000.00 ...         500,000.00
         Quehec County.................•.......   100,000.00              100,000.00
         ~ehee Rai1w:tlsL. H. & P. Company....                     ...
         S ll.winigan F  Terminal. ...........  ..•.. 300,000.00  144,159. 9'  ..... 444',i59:99'
              TOTAL... .......... .. ...   ...   8,692,000.00  49,382,259.99  58,074,259.99
                10 - Revenu des compagnies de tramways dans la province, en 1935.
                   16--Revenue of Tramway Companies in the Province, in 1935.

                                                 Revenua     Dépenses  Revenua netl!
                                                  bruts    d'exploitation  d'opération
                 COMPAG~IF.8----eO},'IPANIES       -           -          -
                                                  GrOl!~    <g:erating  N,t Operating
                                                 Revenll~     xpenses   Revenues
        Hull Eleetric COmpa.ny..............   $    172,641  •  15~,177  $  17,404
        Levis Tramways Com<fo';ny ..........  ...   100,712     OQ,524       7,188
        :Moutrea! Tramways  ompo.ny.....          12,319,153   7.686,775  4,632,318
        Montreal and Southern Counties..            287,585     339,102    - 51,516
        Quebec County........................        66,808     66,133  1     675
        ~ebec Railw~L. H. & P. Company ...          786,974     733,704     47,270
        S al\inigan F  Terminal............  .......  89,599    67,043      22,556
              TOTAL......        .........        13,123,412  9,147,458   4,676,015
                                              ,                      1
           StatiBnqv.8~ dell tramwuYII ~19d,illu.e8, 1935, Ottawa.--8tatilltiç, 0/ Eledric RailwaYII, l'J35, Ottawa.
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