Page 399 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 399


          1- Longueur, en milles, des voles ferrées de III province, au 31 docembre, 1935.
                  1-Rallway MUeage in the Province on the 31st December, 1935.

                    COMPAGNIES DE CHEMINS DE FER           Snllg..tntll.lI~  Totaux
                                                              -      -    Grand total
                          RAILWAY COMPANIES                 Sub-tota.\&  TCJt.als
         A  RÉSEAU PES CSE~8 DEl FEil N ....TIONAlJX CANADUN8 (C. N. H.) :
            CAliADlAN NJ..Tl()NAL RüLWAY SYBTEK (C. N. R.):
            1 -  Chen1Ïll de 1er du gouvernement canadien (C. G. H.) :
               Ca.nadian Gaveroment Railtlo'ay (C. G. H.) :
                  Intercolonial Ry... _. . .  . .            441.23
                  Lotbiniere & Megantie Rf'"  .               13.12
                  National Transcontinenta Ry  _  .          708.81
                  National Transcontinental Ry. BraDllh Un(>~ Co  .  .2.83
                  Quebee & Sllguell3Y Ry..                    66. TIl
            2- Canadian Natfo'~llïRy;'"
                  Canadian National Ry ..                     32.16
                  Grand Trunk Ry... < •••                    007.34
                  Quebec Oriental Ry     _..                 100.09
                  Atlantic Quebec & Western Ry  .            102.16
                  Quebec, Montreal clr Bouthern Ry•.......................  141.12
                  Stanstead, Bhefford & Chambly R.y. {Iouœ au C. N. R. ...  39.84
                  Montreal & Province Line Ry.  leased to C. N, R ..  18.22
                        TotaL    .                            .... .. '  940.93
            3 -  CaDadian Northern Ry :
                  Quebec & Lake St. John Ry  .            ..  241.33
                  James Bs.y & Ea5tern Ry  _ .            "   18.75
                  St. Charles & Huron River R)·.          ..  9.95
                  Canadian Northcm Qucbcc Ry.             ..  102.57
                  Chateaugua}' & Northern Ry. .  .  .     ..  42.98
                  Great Nortbern Ry.. ,           .       ..  185.57
                  Moullt Royal Tunnel & Terminal Co ..  ... ...  5.82
                  Canadian Northern Ontario Ry.           ..  70.89
                        Total. .. '                              ..  617.86
                              Grand totaL. .. _.                            2,897.57
                                                              . . . ..  . 1.
            4. -  Cenua.l Vermont Ry. (contrôlé parle C. N. R. etexploiM comme organi·
                  sation Bépa,rée.-Controlled by C. N. R. and o"{!erated sellarate\y)'  25.33
            (, -  Mopt1'e1lo1 & Sout.hern CounUes Ry. (contrôlé par Je G. N. li. et exploité  1
                  comme organisation séparée. 53.05 milles compris dQJlslasectïon deR
                  tramways.-Controlled by C. N. R. and operated separately, 53.05
                  miles included in tramways section) .......•.......•...........
         B -  RJf:8EAU nu CItEMm nE F.I!lN CAN.tDmN PJ..CIF'IQ1J'E (C. P. R) :
            CAlIiJ..DJA.'l PACIF'IC RA1LWA''r B-YSTE:!d. (C. P. R.):
            l-Atlantic & North Western Ry.                    95.38
                  International R:y •••..                     SO.Q5
                        Total. •........... _.                      176.33
            2 -  Monuee.J &: Atlantic Ry. (South·EBStern Ry.) ...  102.40
                  St. Lawn:nee & Lake Champlain Jet. Ry.      60.57
                        Tota.l.......... ..  . ....                 163.03
            3 - Joliette & Brandon Ry. (Montreal & Lac Maskinongé).  11.15
            4 -  Québec, M{mullal, Ottawa & Oooidental. ...         136.71
            5 - Laurentian Ry.•....                                  15.17
            6 - St. Eustache ny.  .                                   6.02
            7-North Shore Ry.                                       205.52
            8 -  Ontario &- Quebec Ry  •.  .. .                      71.li6
            9 -  Montréal & Ottawa (VaudreUll & Prescott)            28.45
            10 -  Oxford Mduntain Ry  .                              57.89
            ll-Ottawa Northern & Western:
                   Ottawa & Gatineau Valley Ry.               80.85
                   Pont.iac & Pacifie Jet. Ry..               77.87
                        TotaL. .....                                158.72
            12 -'(!al & Wetltern Ry. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . ..  66.93
            13 -  GJengary & Stonnont Ry ...•...... , . . .  .  .     4.72
            14 - Lake Teroisca.mingue Colonisation Ry  ,   .         46.33
            ~g=~Il~~J~~~Jcl~i~:R;.~~.~~::::::::: :::::.::::::::::::::::::: .. '  2.44
            17 -  Chemin de fer de colomsation du nord.-Northeln COlonUlation Ry  .  58.17
            18-St. Maurice Valley R;f....  ..        .    .          27.27
            19 -  CII.Dll.dian Pacifie Ry  . . ..  . . . .  .  .      8.64
            ~=~~~:t~ltrai'R~: '(é!piOité·8éPa·ré~~i.:;..opere.teiI'SepamteiY)':.· .. :: ..295:46 .
                   BQflton & Mame Ry.; MB8l3aWlp1 Valley R)·  < 'j~~36_·_();l__I·  "
                        Total.            .                 .. '  'j_33_1._50_
                              Grand t.otal  '   .
   394   395   396   397   398   399   400   401   402   403   404