Page 286 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 286

<o.  '"  o                     '"  g  "1  "  ~  ":

                           19.50118.10  .             •
                      1935  27.00  24.80  15.00  15.50  16.20  21.70  . 27.30  10.10  88.60  193.00  1.45  8.70  2.32  .  1,1I8  11:1,3n7  2,OOB  6'  464  121  1,866  ·t',79's.  49  8,902  3,OB7  42,337  2,161  242

                      1934  2B.70  25.00  16.513  J6.60  15.60  22.80  28. no  9.30  91:1.W  263.00  1.37  8.91  .;~.:  20,757  2,023  62  52·1  120  2,011  .'!':7YO'"  34  6,798  3,471  57,433  1,836  2:10  67'$121~'$0.1~~
                                    ..,..    ~
                           1                            59  93  24
                      1933  16.BO  26.10  23.80  16.10  16.30  14.90  23.00  26.00  8.40  101.00  2Hi.00  0.n7  10.62  2,OS  ,____  noLLARS)  16,379  1,625  471  1.743  1,44:~  9,5.'51  3,073  30,7ÛO  1,357  172
          Quêbec.          1        .  1        OF'  B!l50 2  67  41)8  Sil  25  2R!:;

          de  Quebec.  1932  18.aO  29.40  25.70  "15.80  16.601  Hi.50  23,90  30.40  9.90  87.00  264.001  1.40  .9.75  2.50  'T'TlOUSANDB  $  18,369  1,557  1,341  ï,:%;"  7,22n  3,24B  34,343  1,325  70,1821
          province  of  1931  20.30  2J:L50  25.30  15.50  16.40  20.10  2-1.60  27.30  24.60  13.20  115.60  257.70  1.65  1O.G2  3.61  1 ,  (IN  614  17,n·Jo  1,371  GO  412  213  1,308  lû8  1,397  32  8,617  2,85!i  (1)40,20.1  1,642  267  (l)n...s!

          la  Province  ACRE             1   1  caops  $                   1     Ottawa.
          dans  the  in  PER  1930  1B.OU  26.60  23.50  17.70  14.60  17.30  23.20  21.60  26.10  9.60  81..10  182.80  1.50  8.47  2.18  1  FIELD  998  $  23,79B  2,391  232  1,161'  1,040  2,654  tl77  2,439  110  12,3.16  5,420  62,ü35  3,600  388  ....... ._------  ,<:jI<1./ùtic8,

          ~randes cultures  Crops  .Field  yn;Ln  1  1'29  ~~~II  26.00  22.80  15.80  15.00  17.10  21.00  22.nO  26.40  12.10  YS.OO  206.1°  1  1.46  10.07  1.91  1  OF VALUE  1,622  $  36,081  3,758  255  1,.')90  1,058  3,635  1,019  3,374  ~  19,749  5,333  71,251'  4,301  53n  153....  Allricultuml  {lI

          des  of  ACRE-AVER.!\QE  1928  1G.30  23.50  21.90  15.10  14.50  15.30  22.60  21.60  24.30  7.90  79.70  163.20  1.45  7.99  2.18  ""__ ,___  -TOTAL  J~~I--;,~-I  $  30,773  3,111  272  1,1&.1  813  4,277  876  2,S92  ~  1:l,."m41  4,106  62,092  3,9651  535  I-~~I  Bulletin.
          totale  Value  L  1927  28.40  2'1.70  17.50  15.80  16.10  23.50  21.10  27.10  11.40  37.50  11l2.00  1.GO  B.OO  2.32  DOI.L....Ill'l)  35,932  3,304  338  1,474  513  3,849  006  2,9MI  00  18,569  3,3!iil  G7,50!}  3,244  415  144,773  ---..  ]~fonlhly

          valeur  Total  A MOYEN  1  17.10117.211  11.20  1.35  7.96  1.15  DE  1$  1,915  2,972  316  1,494  694  3,441  1,307  2,670  G.  2,816  3,150  323  1  from

          et  and     1926  26.80  23.50  15.00  15.60  17.50  22.80  3U.5O  27.00  1:12.30  145.30  >.lILLTBnA  31,83-1  20,548  M,7H  139,2&1
          J'acre  Acre                8.80  1.63  9.20  2.10  (EN  r $  326  753  67  322  Ottawll.-Extract

          à  per  RENDEMENT  1925  17.50  29.10  N.OO  18.30  15.50  16.80  23.00  26.70  27.50  70.40  108.30  ~___  2,0\}4  32,946  3,006  1,037  3,636  1,176  2,673  3!i,G92  3,BR2  58,517  3,726  158,2&3
          moyen       1    (bush.).[  ". . .  (cwt.).  ""'[  (tons).  "..  ....  RÉCOLTEB  ·l'~  . . 1  · · ·  rJgrr.nle,

          Rendement  6-·Avero~e Yield  whelit  grains  beetfl  cJover  ______  DES TOTALE  whcat.  rye ..  .  ,.  .  husking.  grains.. .  ,  .  '  b~t.B  clover.  {~nrI\....  figurea.  8tatÎst'iqlu  la  de

                      CULTURES---<OROPS  (bois.)  "  (qtx)  "Alfalfa  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Bu/ldin
          6 -              .Spriug  .Oata  .. Barley  .. Springrye  .. Pellll  .Reans  .. Buckwhcat .• Cornforhllsking  .. Mixcd  .. :Flax!lCed  ..  .... Turnips,  HaYll.nd "FodderNrn  VALEUR  Spring  OnU! ...• , , .  .llarlcy...  . .Spring  Peas  . .. Bell.IlS. , ••••  .. Buokwhell.t  for  Com  Mixed  .FlaJU<eed  Potll,toes  Turnips,

                           duprintempl:!  MAlllàgrains  GraiIl.'llUéIa.nJ!,"éll  terre  de  betteraVee (tnnnes) Foinett.rMe  Mafsfourrll.g(!r  printemps.  '  Orge.""...  . . . . .  .  , . . . . .•. Sarrasin grll.wJl.  à  m~I(mgés. .  .  .  . .  .  ' .  ,  .. l'ommel3 betteraves terre'.  tle  Navets, trèfle.. ,.  et  fourrager.  . . . .  TOT.l-L.

                           Blé  Avoine  Orge  Seigle  Pois  Fèves  Sar'l'asin  Lin  POllllIlell  Navcts,  Luzerne  Blé du  Avoine  Seigle.  Pok .. ,..  }<'èves... ..  Mat':!  Grail1:l  Lin,  Foin  :Maill  Luzerne,
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