Page 284 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 284

,.  'èl  ....  '"  CO  [:1  ..,  ~       :;:  OC

                      1935  62,500  1,674,400  140,900  6,100  4,))00  18,1300  147,000  . '122,500'  2,SOO  127,000  37,Boo  3,506,200  50,800  11,100  1 5,922,800  1,130,000  45,1Gl,OüO  3,493,000  112,000  287,000  72,800  3,V,7,OOO  ..........  3,246,000  25,200  Il,338,000  7,30B,000  5,037,000  515,500  25,700

                      1934  63,BOO  l,û79,800  132,600  5,500  4,400  Hl,lUU  145,200  "ùi3',fioo'  2,300  143,400  38,800  3,535,800  52,400  7,600  J 5,850.300  1,245,000  48,262,000  3,310,000  91,000  317,000  68,600  ;j:j7,OIJU  ., . . . . ....  3,432,000  21,400  14,214,000  10,204,000  4,8405,OOD  1 467,000  18,000

                      1933  58,200  1,718,000  130,Boo  5,100  3,QOO  18,900  135,400  109,200  l,BOO  133,100  36,400  3,384,000  44,200  5,700  5,784,700  979,000  44,880,000  3,117,000  82,000  308,000  59,000  3,121,000  .......  2,838,000  l!i,OOO  13,411,000  7,M7,OOO  3,270,000  470,000,  15,300

                                                1            98.000.  36,000  ...  14,(j()()  33,500
          Québec.     1932  1,735,500  1l6,900  3,455,100  ) 5,882,180  ._-_.  052,000  51.024,000  2,938,000  320,000  2,794,000  ..........  3,010,000  11,475,000  8,778,OUO  4,837,(0)  497,000
          de  Quebec.  1931  39,220  1,657,452  96,7û2  5,563  5,834  17,270  115,7(;7  6,712  100,0\;12  1.208  140,100  25,7(;2  3,7.55,093  44,146  8,864  6.015,985  798,000  47.223,000  2,449,000  85,000  282,000  117,000  2,358,000  lR3,OUO  2,687,000  16,000  16,897,000  6,MO,OOO  16'197,600  469,000  32,000  Ottawa.
          province  of  ACRES)  (ni  1930  58,700  1,899,800  156,700  17,500  24,100  38,200  156,900  31,400  143,700  1i,,1oo  1G5,800  59,300  4,500,000  70,800  14,200  1  1,050,000  3,678,000  309,000  556,000  116,000  3,635,000  677,000  3,752.000  51,000  6,771.000  600,000  31,000  Slt:Uùtics,
          la  ProvInce  SOWN                    J 7.342,600  YIELD  50,635,000  13,491,000  10,810.000
          dans        1929  58,2f\6  l,82û,042  IM,OW  10,954  16,731  34,800  l!i9,707  32,U55  134,5(0  2/HUi  1G2,411  40,437  4,300,727  F.7,879  24,078  J 7,051,1OS  995,000  47,475,000  3,512,UUO  173,000  539,000  28<>,000  3,4!J5,OOO  733,000  3,552,000  86,000  15,4-2\-1,000  8,333,000  6,aOfl.WO  885,000  40,000  Agricnltural
          cultures  the  in  ACREB)-AREA  1928  57,000  1,74û,000  128,000  12,000  14,000  35,000  WQ,OOO  29,UOO  11g,OOO  2,000  164,000  34,000  4,278,000  F.3,000  23,000  &,898,000  RÉCOLTÉEB-TOTAL  ----  ~2g,1I()(l  41,031,000  2,803,000  181,000  508,000  214,000  3,ljI9,OOO  626,000  Z,802,OOO  16,000  13,071,000  5,549,000  6,2O::f,OOO

          grandes  Crops  Field  {EN  6J,000  12,:.l00  14,300  36,000  29,(lOO  2,100  34,000  MonJhly

          des  of  RNSEMENCÉES  H)27  1,782,000  125,000  159,000  117,000  162,000  1,23Ô,OOO  85,UOO  23,000  ..071....  [  QUANTITÉS  1,049,000  50,609,000  3,OB8,OOO  214,000  5f\9,OOO  230,000  3,737,000  629,000  3,]71,000  27,000  11,175,000  ,~,WB,OOO  6,778,000  680,000  53,000  {rom
          rendement  Yield  and  1926  54,000  1,856,000  124,000  12,500  14,600  38,000  154,000  30,400  115,000  2,.JOQ  159,000  34,000  4,153,000  88,000  22,200  ••867.2••  1,094,000  41:l,741,OOO  2,914,000  lIJ9,OOO  593,UOU  256,000  3,511,000  927,000  3,1O,'),UOO  28,000  14,070,000  '1,940,000  15'607'000  700,000  43,000  ----  Ott!

          et  5--Acreage  SllPEJll<'WJE8  1925  68,000  1,856,000  124,000  13,000  15,000  40,000  152,000  31,000  "1:~  151'0,000  34,000  4,112,000  \;10,000  22,000  6,828,700  ----  1,1OO,UUO  54,010,000  2,976,000  238,000  620,000  252,00U  3,406,000  828,000  3,108,000  N,OOO  10,082,000  3,682,000  6,703,000  828,000  46,000  ,
          Superficie     1              .  1  1        ----                 --_.  figl1res.  urlricole,

                                  .     .                (b~~!'h.).  "  "  "  "  (e~,)...  (t~p-~) .  "  8Iuti8!Ù]1/,~
          5 -              wh{lat..  .  .  .  .  ,  husking .  ~1~:e~ei~..,'  .  beeis  cloWJT.  uorn  --- ---  whcl1t  ....  husking  grains  l'loyer  and corn  la.  de
                      CULl'URES---CROPS  Spring  .  Gats  .Bar]~y rye. . ..... Sp:rîTlg  . .. Beans  . .. Peas  . .Buckwheat  for  Corn  .  Potatoes.. ,  . . 'l'urnips,  and  . Hoy  . FoddeT  .  Alfa]fa.  (b?,is.) .. Sprilig  . .Onts.....  ..  · .Dr.r\IJ;r rye ... · .Spring  "  .. Peltl'l  "  · .llEaU$  "  .Buekwheat  "  for  .Corn  "  ..  .Mixed

                           printemps. .  .  Sarrasin grains.... ,....  rl:.i~~.':'~~~::~fI...  terre.... Pommes betteraves. de  •  . fOUITagf!r.  . T01'AL.,  printemps  ....  méJu.ngé<; Pomme:! betteraves (tonne,,)  fourrager  Chiffres  du  Extrait
                           Blé du  Avoine  . . . . Seigle.  Fèves,  Pois..... ..  à  Mais  Navets, trèflll  et  Ji"oîn  Mals  Luzerne  du  HM  Avoine  "'g,  Seigle ..  l'oi..  Fèves  SflrtMin grains  il,  Mais  GmÎDB  Lin  Navets, trèfle  et  Foin  :Maïs  J.llzerne  (1)
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