Page 283 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 283
grandes Québec. de province la dans cultures Quebec. of ProvInce the in Crops Field ACRES) (ni SOWN ACREB)-AREA {EN 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 62,500 63,BOO 58,200 ,'i2,(lOo 39,220 58,700 58,2f\6 57,000 6J,000 1,674,400 l,û79,800 1,718,000 1,735,500 1,657,452 1,899,800 l,82û,042 1,74û,000 140,9
des of RNSEMENCÉES H)27 1,782,000 125,000 159,000 117,000 162,000 1,23Ô,OOO 85,UOO 23,000 ..071.... [ QUANTITÉS 1,049,000 50,609,000 3,OB8,OOO 214,000 5f\9,OOO 230,000 3,737,000 629,000 3,]71,000 27,000 11,175,000 ,~,WB,OOO 6,778,000 680,000 53,000 {rom
rendement Yield and 1926 54,000 1,856,000 124,000 12,500 14,600 38,000 154,000 30,400 115,000 2,.JOQ 159,000 34,000 4,153,000 88,000 22,200 ••867.2•• 1,094,000 41:l,741,OOO 2,914,000 lIJ9,OOO 593,UOU 256,000 3,511,000 927,000 3,1O,'),UOO 28,000 14,070,000 '1,940,000 15'607'000 700,000 43,000 ---- Ott!
et 5--Acreage SllPEJll<'WJE8 1925 68,000 1,856,000 124,000 13,000 15,000 40,000 152,000 31,000 "1:~ 151'0,000 34,000 4,112,000 \;10,000 22,000 6,828,700 ---- 1,1OO,UUO 54,010,000 2,976,000 238,000 620,000 252,00U 3,406,000 828,000 3,108,000 N,OOO 10,082,000 3,682,000 6,703,000 828,000 46,000 ,
Superficie 1 . 1 1 ---- --_. figl1res. urlricole,
. . (b~~!'h.). " " " " (e~,)... (t~p-~) . " 8Iuti8!Ù]1/,~
5 - wh{lat.. . . . . , husking . ~1~:e~ei~..,' . beeis cloWJT. uorn --- --- whcl1t .... husking grains l'loyer and corn la. de
CULl'URES---CROPS Spring . Gats .Bar]~y rye. . ..... Sp:rîTlg . .. Beans . .. Peas . .Buckwheat for Corn . Potatoes.. , . . 'l'urnips, and . Hoy . FoddeT . Alfa]fa. (b?,is.) .. Sprilig . .Onts..... .. · .Dr.r\IJ;r rye ... · .Spring " .. Peltl'l " · .llEaU$ " .Buekwheat " for .Corn " .. .Mixed
printemps. . . Sarrasin grains.... ,.... rl:.i~~.':'~~~::~fI... terre.... Pommes betteraves. de • . fOUITagf!r. . T01'AL., printemps .... méJu.ngé<; Pomme:! betteraves (tonne,,) fourrager Chiffres du Extrait
Blé du Avoine . . . . Seigle. Fèves, Pois..... .. à Mais Navets, trèflll et Ji"oîn Mals Luzerne du HM Avoine "'g, Seigle .. l'oi.. Fèves SflrtMin grains il, Mais GmÎDB Lin Navets, trèfle et Foin :Maïs J.llzerne (1)