Page 267 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 267

         Les corporations scolaires doivent Uan..s-  The school corporations are obliged ta make
        mettre au gouvernement un rapport annuel de  an annual report ta the Gavernment conccrn-
        leurs opérations financières. Si ce rapport n'est  ing theLl' financial transactions.."'''hen the
        pas transmis dans le délai déterminé, la. loi  information iB not forwarded within the proper
        autorise l'inspecteur d}écoles du district à aller  de)ay, the !lchool inspcctor of the district is
        auprès du secrétaire-trffiorier retardataire et  authorized by law to calI upon the secretary-
        Bes frais de déplacement Bont remboursables  treasurer at fault and his travelling expenses
        par la corporation. Ces rapports sont compiléB  are borne by the Bchool cOl"poration. These
        d'apres des forinulell uniformes par le Bureau  statements are compiled on uniiorm formulas
        des StaüBtiques. Us indiquent les recettes et les  by the Bureau of StatiBtics. They show receipts
        paiements ainsi que le bilan détlJ.illé des corpo-  and dishursements and the balance sheet of
        rations. Les eotisations imposées sur la pro-  the corporations. The ordinary revenue ia
        priété et la rétribution mensuelle exigible pour  .mt1de up from the taxes levied on property and
        tout ema.nt d'âge scolaire constituent le revenu  from the montWy fee payable for all children
        ordinaire. Certaines municipalités imposent  of school age. In certain municipaJitie5 a special
        en outre une cotisation spéciale. On a aussi  assessment is added to the annual tax. RecourBe
        recours à. l'empl'unt à long ou à court terme  is often had to long or short term loans to meet
        pour BOlder le coû.t des constructions et des  the cost, of building and repaira. The credit
        réparations. Cependant, le crédit de ces corpo-  of the .school corporations bas Ilot, howeverr
        mtioM n'est pas compromis comme le démon-  been impaired as mBY be noted by the foUowing
        trent les états suiv.mts.            statements.
          En 1935, il y avait 1,511 corporations scolai-  In 1935, there were 1,5II Catholic and 348
        reaeatholiques et 348 corporations protestantes.  Protestant Echool cOJporations,

               20 -  Valeur des propriétés imposables et montant des cotisations perçues.
                 26-Value of Taxable Property and Amount of SchooI Taxes Collected.

                                  Personnes           Montll.nt perçu sur-Atnount colleeted on
                       SubvBntioD3  payant Ja  ll':valuation
                          du      rêtribution  del'l propri~tés  Cotisations
            ANN~EB     gouvernement  meIlBu.elJe  impOf!ables  ordinaires  .li.étribut.ion
              -           -         -         -      et tJpéoiales  mensuelle  Arr<-ragea.
            YEARS      Go'\"erIllnent  Persons  Vo.lue of  -      -        -
                         Grants    Po.ying  Taxable   O.l'dinar;y  Monthly  Arreo.Tl3
                                  Mon~hly   Property  and Speew.l  Fee.\!
                     .. ,           Fe~              AB.\Ieasmetzt  - ,  5.5,lall'
        1934-35...        1,137,8&?  141,982  $2,309,574,801  , 16,072,912  2,929,476
        1933-34.          1,218,936  144,406  2,331,226,858  16,972,154  550,203  2,496,084
        1932-:t'l ..  ..  1,487,116  144,094  2,343,050,929  17,023,846  536,569  2,062,807
        1931-32..         1,269,210  159,104  2,374,m6.89of  16,410,027  572,800  1,85.';,063
        1930-31.          1,429,033  135,186  2,401,282,343  16,947,446  M9,740  1,816,732
        1929-30 ..        1,467,502  134,230  2,362,714,987  Hi,961,428  506,135  1,712,254
        1928-29. , ..     1,189,019  138,223  2,020,750,724  15,938,544  503,984  1,753,107
        1927_28., .       1,126,324  136,319  1,914,782,627  14,876,794  502,716  1,749,742
        1926-27 ...       1,077,073  134,974  1,848,811;,192  14,51>6.424  478,346  1,642,951;
        1925~26 ..         993,509  139,218  1,793,647,490  13,942,382  530,768  1,l:lU5,124
                         21 -État financier des corporations scolaIres.
                        21-Finalldal Statement of SchooJ Corporations.
                         Recette!                      BnJ.anc(l       1
            ANN:éEB     ordinaires  Emprunt.\!  Paiernent.'3  en cai6i!e  Actif  PSSf!if
              -       1   -                   -         -        -         -
            YEAR8       Ordi/l.!!1"Y  L""",  PlI.ymenta  Cash on  ~~eta  I..iAbi]jti01l
                         ReeeiptB                      Hand
                                .. - ---
        1934-35. ..      25,417,977  S 10,349,930  34,018,081  $  1.749,826  $125,7Q3,492  :1 g8,388,871
        1933-34.       • 24.,326,334  8,745,938  • 31.700,836  1,315,430  122,500,113  89,890,489
        1932~3....       22,149,210  9,424,047  30,366,423  1,208,833  120,540,247  83,681,752
        lQ31-32..        24,295,228  14,639,753  37,907,l12  1,027,869  117,005,308  83,019,732
        1930-31-         25,983,6Kl  l.'i,:'Ili3,756  40, 13tl,574  1,400,&:itl  109,840,231  78,253,280
        1929-30...       24,353,644  10,309,877  33,230,636  1,432,8&') .  103,171,036  72,682,411
        1928-29..  ......  22,355,IQO  8,190,070  27,300,928  1,184,332  97,337,187  69,603,268
        1927-28.. ... ...  21,092,71B  8,P9S,618  2S,694,138  1.397,106  92,741,079  66,953,266
        1926-27.... ........  20,401,016  Il,177,806  30,140,739  1,438,083  S9,OO4,().U  64,238,167
        1925-26 ... ... ......  19.657,380  6,790,193  25,394,015  1,053,558  83,923,195  57,574,015
           E:rlrBÏt de l'Blat finatlci8f' des corporanorw 8co.!airf'8 Québec.-Extract frorn the Finatlcial 8lateme.nt of 8chool
        Corparatl~, Quebeo.                 '
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