Page 272 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 272

238                            FINANCES

                      .u - Passif des corporations scolaires, 1928-29 à 1934..35.
                     ~6-LlabUilie. of School CorporatIon., 19~8·~9 10 1934,·35.

           COMTI!:B-COUNTIES  l, 1930-31  1931-32 111932-33  1933-3411gM-3.5
                                                                    (1)     (1)
         Abitibi....           357,137  343,977  34-9,881   342,190  3Bl,772  347,357
         Argenteuil.. .        41,868  78,417  104,277  102,598  139,703  151,989  109,606
         Artbabaska..          100,821  105,651  169,900  198,935  188,015  178,002  170.632
         Eagot.... . .         65,573  62,022  64,142  79,363  69,997  69,257  63,153
         Beauce                101,207  103,439î  112,909  102.195'  107,694  128,609  100,488
         Beauharno~..          292.516  26213581  268.076  346,896  358,507  371,462  376,960
         Bellechasse.          22.222  21,984  37,142'  46,356  40,490  38,474  42,115
         Berthier.......  ...  66,899  61,339  82,812  78.507  101,973  96,222  90,091
         Bonaventure..         33,218  40,332  46,827  53,679  65,803  85,484  71,153
         Brome....       . .. '.1  21,644  22,439  28,307  38,8lO, 1  29,202  34,326  24,264
         Chambly....           811,519  1  831,463  849,862  848,760  870,156  929,042  1,099,652
         Champlain..          1,647,288 1  l,6!l8,578  1,500,084  496,458  470,511  473,265  414,747
         Charlevoix.....       229.192  215,273  210'4091  210,493  199,662  191,188  209,Q05
         Châteauguay...        61,392  66,695  72,683  90,496  115,046  116,288  115,185
         Chicoutimi....       1,629,882  1,924,586  1,969,947  1,938,886  1,879,253  1,998,865  2,014,808
         Compton...................  214,151  212.987  219,420  226,007  226,551  235,092  229,017
         Deux-Montagnes-Two Mta.,.  69,853  70,987  14,342  76,050  110,782  100,529  95,434
         DorchelJter....       20,970  27,04.1  34,098  55,483  54,282  63,180  53,336
         Drummond..            313,454  305,209  319,487  378,247  370,416  367,761  333.449
         Frontenac..           135,402  131,624  170,166  14.1,959  133,125  147,766  114,709
         g::iN~;d":N~~th::.  . 179:~~  172,281 ....1.6:.,016 .... S'Ù04' .. 80',688 .... 75',9Î2 ..... 74:4Î4
         GMpé-8ud-South.                       .. _..  94,824  94.046  110,707  101,741
         Gatineau.  .       .".....  .               200,697  203,370  216,822  217.803
         Bull. . .. . . . . .  908,126 .. 925,657  826,863  731,083  146,607  812,769  94.5,450
         Huntingdon..          22,120  15,544  19,737  39,812  33,039  28,738  :16,310
         Iberville............  ......  41,412  41,097  47,022  68,777  67,055  61,451  61,321
         lles-de-Ia-Mad.-MagdaJenlsl.  8,049  3,754  3,096  6,954  6,592  4,008  7,735
         Jacques--Cartier........  '1,  5,276,253  5,030,012  5,824,238  5,423,674  4,596,198  6,054,193  6,555,OU
         Joliette.... _'..     275,971  274,143  296,877  283,904  279,066  274,070  219,421
         Kamourl\3ka..     ': 1  15,883  21,675  30,114  30,532  30,451  36,125  1'01,069
         Labelle               134,667  125,145  137,787  149,809  138,341  126,503  132,237
         Lac-8W-ea'n:"':i~ke ·~Ù: iohr:.:·  572,533  639,179  764,541  337.785  341,448  318,526  (,"",G,809
         Lapraine...... .      68,34-7  68,501  66,613  69,122  65,350  64,177
         L'A8somption. .       70,629  86,46Q  81,5i3  80,440  76,839  82,299  110,103
         LavaL    ,            802,392  818,395  823,550  831,200  920,881  517,022  1,019,0'74
         L&violette.        . . . .. . . . ..  ..  . . ..  1,079,879  1,070.707  1,123,950  1,065,324
         Lévis.....            IM,359'  162,827  206,883  212,091  210.484  277,505  243,935
         L'blet. ,.' .'        76,233  16,563  88,277  95,462  93,949  86,040  77,851
         Lotbiniêre.. . .      58,583  59,092  57,989  60,543  50,836  46.704  46,028
         l\Iaskinongé..        34,095,  29,757  32,133  53,678  44,247  49,000  38,292
         MatlUle... _..        98,612  117,885  124,377  144,953  134,281  155,822  140,019
         Matapédia..           143.603  148,243  150,875  158.2431  154,140  161,377  14-3,712
         Mégantic. '. . .      312,050  293,628  320,540  320,013  312,746  299,015  200,268
         Mû;sÎ8quoi...         250,689  251,8381  255,144  251,330  257,477  308,642  283-,7&5
         Montcalm..... .       59,748  64,384:  57,364  69,768  67,564.  75,221  78,190
         Montmagny......       166,948  177,7331'  166,786  144,139  131,929  147,701  134,504
         Montmorency....  . ..•• ,  96,061  148,664  146,220,  147,098  148,635  140,945  141,248
         Montréal, cité-City..  37,491,074 38,546,115 42,178,079 46,158,870 46,&75,628 48,726,316  54,628,241
         Napierville...        25,578  23,101  19.709  18,309  17,755  18,234  77,012
         ~icolet.... .         102,341  103,896  105/.06  110,479  100,928  ·99.890  8D,812
         Papineau..            126,025  120,981  209,737  190,234  180,187  199,056  189,026
         Pontiac....           54,987  75,997  81,620  91,847  90,322  108,627  ()~,447
         Pùrtneuf  _.          281,601  268,&30  326,349  360,368  341,384  337,246  33\),289
         Québec, cité-Cit,v   5,119,652  5,474,634,  6,093,557  6,368,l09  6.750,266  8,274,821  8,261,334
         Québec·, c.omté-êounu·.  350,484  342,4121  356,8-17  354,875  358.822  374,749  425,744
         Richelieu.. .         226,795  342,591  335,137  3.54,502  364,800  400,260  433,654-
         Richmond..         1  235,31G  165,483  247.238  2513,164  249,171  282,446  214,160
         Rimouski........      72,438 1  99,579  105,135  123,247  112,203  128,014  120,496
         Rivière-du-Loup..                           304,607  300,682  309,055  348,688
         RobervaL ..... ,.  ....      .   ,          416,172 1  402,661  387,006  382,2B4
         Rouville.. . .        66:528  60,662  61,688  58,561  sn,374  58,903  52,354
         SAguenay..            47,934  23,376  29,780  66,172  58,131  S4,724  43,700
         Shefford....          249,628  308,062'  304,198  304,748  303,074  322,916  288,471
         Sherbrooke....        692,365  701,393  830,845  888,002  872,977  USO,175  1,021.215
         Soulanges...          18,278  19,205,  22,457  23,077  20,825  19,190  16,313
         8tanstead.....        275,320  299,395  291.084  327,316  299,041  155,763  300,404
         St-H~racinthe....     214,405  203,743  260,637  312,511.1  317,083[  807,279  300,117
         St-Jean-St. John.     240,594  332,685  322,284  367,684  344,941  332,278  311,703
         St-:Mn.urice, . . . .  3,188,894  3,701,255  3,904,849  3,944,334  4,llO,969  4,461,774  4,810,909
         TémisC(l,ming\le  . .  191,492  251,412  250,124  242,969  302,000  335,812,  330,200
         TémÎ8couat.a-.. .     345,061  3j3,204  362,662  62,803  60,127  M,U8  69,O\lO
         Terrebonne. _.        542,369  530,917  543,74.5  54-6,585  526,777  563,447  531,664
         Vaudreuil....         132,412  99,921  102,078  98'1671  93,045  97,180  100,750
         Verchêrea... ..       52,704 1  SO,891  78,450  66,664  62,106  69,012  54,574
         Weatmount..          3,058,609  3,200,017  3,233,71{)  4,014,061  4,015,769  4,440,486  3,736,085
         Wolfe.........  ..    85,947  95,165  97,792  113,286  111'4731  112,284.  37,040
         Yamaska......      1  24,799  46,622 1  29,581  34'461 1  33,307  29,454  32,692
               TOTJ.L..      69,4103,26872,112----:Wj7à,253,280 83,619:732 "8J,981,lSi1 89,690,4'9  16,388,.n
            (1) y compris le compte de réserve pour fond~ d'amort_ment.-Including re~rve for siJliûng fund.
            (2) InolUfl Uovec Napiervilte.-Included with NaDierville.  •
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