Page 268 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 268

234                            FINANCES

                     22 - Recettes des corporations scolaires, par comtés. (1)
                      22-Recelpts of School Corporations, by Coundes. (1)
           co MTÉB-cOUNTIES   1928-29  1929-30  1930-31  1931-<12  lOO2-a3  1933-34.  1  H'M-35
          Abitib L ... .. ....  ....  163,580  ]82,518  190,711  172,572  168,411  151.447  131,000
          Argen teuil. ..  .. " .. .....  122,134  129,821  156,272  137,635  215,964  159,658  125,571
          Arthab wa.         ,  98,738  115,852  178,540  189,460  112,842  115,554  92,0401
          Bagot .......  ..... ........  87,681  98,853  92,965  M,102  76,671  77,400  55,016
          Beauce ...  ....     219,602  202,143  197,585  164,326  147,158  124,301  115,173
          Beauh arnoÎS..  ..... ....  159,047  195,837  201,665  247,659  188,886  204,973  159,639
         BeJJech asse... ...... .......  83m8  84,,427  89,553  95,393  62,469  00,319  4.8,035
         Berthi er., ..  ... .. ...  86,016  92,512  104,618  108,049  103,365  97,827  71,299
         Bouav enture . .....  132,026  151,7&Q  149,199  156,955  116,698  110,541  116,861
          Brome             :1  87,229  93,281  94,868  97,243  89,800  80,761  72,14(
          Cham blY::::..       594,288  367,527  367,243  325,886  310,245  347,570  .375,8IU
         Cham plain...  . .... ..  688,385  623,824  556,188  165,397  184,901  157,964  Hl,3S1
         Charle voix...  ........  112,481  107,970  134,481  102,456  93,248  125,747  91,152
          CMte auguay..        100,010  l:l8,914  103,842  130,859  139,033  120,781  83,828
         Chicou timî. ..    1  703,812  837,247  646,257  576,039  462,569  460,733  413,303
         Comp ton....•...•..........  236,832  297,099  233,161  253,864  189,910  183,368  156.522
          Deux- Montagnes-Two Mt!!...  85,150  83,961  79,234  81,229  154,729  79,424  6a,391
          Dorcb ester•.... ...  108,009  122,853  117,347  105,084  103,204  93,960  64,170
          Deum mond....  ......  218,768  266,186  202.375  234,631  190,707  196,306  184,582
          F\-=" Dac .•..  .....  178,791  178,132  180,1.65  138,604  114,692  108,413  89,657
          Gaspé      ...       181,717  172,736  158,496 ..  ....
          Gaspé- N~fii-N~th .  ...... .. .... ..... .. ........  '·53:369  'S2:40Î  .. 4'5',836  .. 31]:598
          Gaspé ~Slld-Soutb.  ..... .. ... ... .. ........ ..........  105,331  M,600  70,450  98,983
         Gatine au .. .... . ... .......  ..         182,840  159,564  200,336  13(),655
          Hull.    ..... ........  '" 490,MÎ  .443',i;5~ . •• '5'73',538  256,883  537,558  267,962  239,922
          Hunti ngdo·n:.·.·    104,477  100,538  86,479  101,839  82,447  IU,201  61.918
          Ibervil le....................  64,958  55,093  sa,065  10,041  52.122  47,519  41,919
          Ileil-de- la-blad.-Magda\en lBI..  21,472  27,492  23,039  27,187  22,833  1  22,34.3  18,152
          J!l<X1ues -Cartier, ..••..•..  1,935,179  1,687,827  2,310,513  2,084,007  2,313,813  1,806,195  1,222.968
         Joliett e............ ..... ....  166,405  288,979  196,959  116,410  162,520  153,898  lU,Btl3
          Kamo ura.ska.•.. " . ......  81,911  84,749  85,671  82,552  64,751  59,004  40,739
          Labell  e... , .................  123,912  141,533  139,169  103,381  92,780  1l9,008  SO,tlM
          Lae-St- Jean-Lake St. J olw..  000,639  639,683  531,301  258,709  121,492  125,163  112,111
          Lapra irie.....•. ... .. ....  61,858  65,481  58,050  59,011  54.,463  59,392 ....
          L'Asso mption. ... ....  ....  80,170  7\l,216  110,630  92,126  92,395  101,371  .. (;C),839
          Laval  ..  ...  . ....  ..  285,872  234,994  2513,730  242,888  400,110  244,048  200,005
          Laviol ·~ü~.  ......              ..       359,727  324,739  310,231  260,101
          Lévig.  .....  . ......  '152',782 ,.' '174',600  . ·179:882  158,791  170,424  1ll2,650  130,850
          L'!slet       ....    80,502  75,311  68,4ga  77,423  66,314  58,746  50,477
          Lotbim :ê~ë:": ......  120,409  126,951  103,609  85,032  91,991  78,115  M,504
          MMki  nong~.  ......  61,873  56,269  59,101  70,651  63,588  63,616  41,065
         1Ü ,.        1  128,421  164,889  161,607  144,404  142,112  U3,Nd  84,828
          Matap édia....  .... !  147,128     159,309  125,491  106,173  104,064  82,945
          Mégan tic ....  .... '.  246,310  ~~~:~~i  253,373  276.564  198,573  190,653  161,613
          Mi.ssiaq  uoL ..  ...  155,611  157,523'  168,912  114,814  179,192  197,253  177,305
          ::.\Iontc ll./m.•     SO,969  76,686  88,582  77,020  72,635  92,427  50,352
          Montm  agny..        113,141  120,064  103,348  89,153  71,784  68,996  59,359
          Montm  orency ........  ...  81,329  133,516  109,276  87,062  87,348  71,112  66,305
          Montr         ..   11,330,405 15,743,779 20,781,382 21,397,645 14,831,315 11,286,315  9,118,555
          Napie ::llie~i~i.t~.. : : .. ....  38,398  31,652  31,232  32,253  ,28,M3  28,326  70,8.'U
          Nioole t ..•.  ....  .. ...  129,540  128,811  121,247  119,034.  107,572  94,111  73,304
          Papin eau..  . ......  222,484  247,642  351,508  296,762  208.010  200,854  157,863
          Pontis.  c...  ... ... . ....  133,813  143,511  154,229  131.217  124,847  116,828  ',)3,417
         Port.ue uL ......... "  256,949  216,116  274,338  250,841  216,032  229,517  158.639
          Québe c, ciU-CiB';..... : :  1,304.790  1,674,407  2,562,271  1,603,297  1,707,176  1,3ôD,049  1,200,920
          Québe  r;, comté- 'ount;y.  182,200  195,284  185,083  198,498  193,367  214,772  179,197
          Richel  leu ..••...  137,636  160,135  140,680  124,841  100,448  90,377  'Mi,lnO
          Richrn ond .... .... .... ...  327,352  268,389  299,630  251,395  211,212  243,706  1.00,860
          Rimou.s Id....... ....  127,024  141,172  127,389  106,757  115,794  85,534  18,068
         Rivièr e-du-Loup. .... ...  .... ...... ... ....... .. ........  141,305  132.630  297,411  123,143
         Rober val. . ....... .....  .... 77j5ô  ...  ...  204,616  154,057  164,3.31  125,041
         Rouvill ,.. .. .... .....  ....  ,iÙ',358  9'5'.849  74,143  81,761  70,617  54.441
         Saguen ay...  . ..     48,533  63,190  56.975  56,334  43,386  55,660  32.215
         ShelJo rd...... ... .... .. ....  206,218  297,790  252,869  192,917  202',929  203,100  157,133
         Sherbr ooke.. ........ ...  307,992  314.261  440,162  370,233  371,829  546,171  286,890
         Soulan  ges••...  .. ...  59,308  65,111  50,078  46,728  48,066  45.690  39,518
         Stallllt ead•...... ....  ..  431,436  298,295  274,85&  259.875  202,124:  224,083  20.5,248
         St-Hy acinthe..•.. ... ... ...  135,633  133,298  211,799  223,296  134,088  14.7.046  13.5,872
         SW.. n-Bt.John.. ..... .....  19l,510  262,886  150,971  1&7,444  146,144  155,589  128,363
         St-Ma mica....•.. ....  946,884  2,028,109  2,361.090  854,690,  806,397  ,.027,25'[  783,836
         Témis camingue ........  235,474  254,091  184,203  167'2261  199,212  162,716  143,618
         Tému. ()Ouata...... .... ...  259,106  279,059  312,713  94,198  67,268  66,079  59,036
         . Tetteb onne...... ..  ...  286,253  287,223  288,3661  290,771  287,454  297,529  228,807
         Vaudr (mil.• .... ..... ...  1 ..  85,341  90,646  89,160  76,480  105.606  64,520
          Verch ères... ........ ......  ·1  77,759  124,336  86.82  89.75  71,185  93.9001  55,284
         Weiltm ount.•. .. ...... ....  1,061,830  I,OS2,571 1 1,309,240  1,710,210  1,430,905  1,394.046  1,056,452
         Wolfe      .... .....  126,683  138,183  IM,994 1  118,891  95,251  90,085  71,169
          Yama ~b:::::: ... .... .....  71,571  73,315  11,800  71,051 1 53,219  4 488  41,921
                                                                     5 '
               TOTAI,•••••. .......  28,545,260 3".66315211411537.440138,934.982131.513~57 n,u72.272  1  21,041,496
            (1) Oomprend let> :recettes ordinaires, 6Xtraordirmires et la balanee en caÎBse au comro..encement de l'alUlée.-
          Incuding ordirutry and extraoniinary reooipts and cll.Sb on hand at the beginnin.ll: of the yel1r.
            (2) Revenue, en lU34--35.-Re'o,<,nue, in 1934-3.1.
   263   264   265   266   267   268   269   270   271   272   273