Page 259 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 259
Le tableau suivant indique la valeur des The following table shows the value of prop-
biens et llétendue des dettes des municipalités ertv and extent of indebtedneEB of the city
de cité, en 1934. Au tableau 15. le lecteur D1~icipalitiesin 1934. The reader will find iD
trouvera. une l'écapitulation depuis 1924 de Table 15; a summary of assets and liabilities
l'actif et du passif de toutes les municipalités, oC aU municip.tlities since 1924. They are first
d'abord réunies, puis groupées par genres. given in total, then grouped by kinds.
14 - BUan des cités de la province, en 1934.
14-Balance Sheet of the CJtles of the Province. in 1934.
Aetif-Aa~ets Paallif-Liabilities
COtnl'W àe Comptp. de Compte dl' Compte de
ee.pital revenu ~e.pitl\l 1 reveuu
- - Total - Total
Capital Revenue Capital Revenue
Aecount AecoWit Account Acoount
Arvida., .. _ 149,612 47,~l>l 107,563 1 45.034 1 aO,068
Cap-de--Ifto-M ·a·dei~ir;e. • 1,149,547 • 114,G:;4 • 1,264,201 S 1,104,059 97,894 l,201,Y~
Chicoutimi. .... 2,845,084 270,043 3,115,127 1,803,190 602,218 2,405,408
Granby.... .... 1,264,052 76,904 1,340,956 977,854 23,241 1,001,105
Graud'Mére 2,1)03,946 114,215 3,018,161 2,292,949 68,702 2,361,651
HulL . 5,382,032 f\70,ü47 6,062,079 6,108,423 355,232 6,453,655
Joliette . 2,005,646 133,353 2,138,999 1,;;115,U76 18,207 1,333,283
LacliiD•.... 6,614,321 B40,9l3 7,455,234 6,479,297 563,493 7,042,790
Lévis...... 1,836,778 216,876 2,053,654 1,35G,233 123,76Q 1,480,002
Longueuil. 1,851,340 1 160,800 2,012,200 1,839,189 35,119 1,874.308
Montr~nl.. 273,763,984 86,317,455 360,141,44Q 299,949,342 ,]5",158.565 355,107,907
Outremont. " . 7,433,30~ 639,U7 8,012,410 7,607,9S2 4~7,127 8,0-\5,109
Québeo.... _ .... 36,4S0,354 7,692,853 44,173,207 35,112,698 7,579,929 42/192,627
Riviêre-du-L oup......... 216,879 2,109,374 405 2t,717 1,585,182
&laberry-de-- Valle;},'fl.eld.. . . . . ),892,695 133,864 ),626,989 1,47G,M3 1 5,331 1,481,974
."1 .
Shawinigan Fll.llii. . . . 4,506,814 410,892 4,917,766 4,222,510 498,814 4,721,324
Sherbrooke. 11,21'1,94Q 648,918 11,921.887 8,017,802 629,723 8,647,525
Borel . . ,.. 1'293' 986 195,741 1,489,727 1,3:n,~UU 135,799 t,407,599
St-Hyacinth e ..... , . 2,542,120 1 277,239 2,819,359 1.632,508 13,846 1,646,354
St-Jean-Bt. John... 2,500,993 224469 2"2"'Il2 1 2,156,515 25,012 2,181,.'i27
St-Lambert. " ..... 287,356 5,697,861 5,316,8~11 452,166 5,769,057
Th\!tfort:l M ine"............. l "410"0'1 114,165 1 234613 481,087 G5,514 646,601
T1'ois-Ri"iêr e.!-Three Ri~. 9,791,5:14 ~,211,lHO 1:ÙX)3:173 11,058,057 3,085,043 14,144,000
Verdun..... 11,382,00-\ 968,504 12,3fi1,468 1 11,10-1,299 1,296,948 12,401,247
Westmount. " .... ! 12,308,208 1,007,940 13,316,148112,503,066 1,007,940 13,511,006
To 'f'.\L .. 409,198,3891104,o5o,667 513,249,056 426,t06,879 72,346,383 499,253,262
15 - Bilan des corporations municipales de la province, 1924-34. (1)
15-Balance Sheet of Munlc1pal Corporations of the ProvInce. 1924-34. (1)
Aetlf-As5f'tlI Pass.if-T,iabiHties
Compte Compt~ Compte Compte
de capital de rovenu de capital de revenu
Total Total
Capital Revenu Capit."I.l Revenue
Aooount Account Ace.onnt Account
--- • • • •
1934. " . 492,522,618 11l5'9~8,Q48 608,470,666 488,802,888 89,389,557 578,192,445
1933 ... 200,033,259 48,388,136 110,524,118 448,945,513 408,161,G25 131,784,610 539,946,235
1932.. 2G6,67G,572 41,658,899 95,025,506 403,360,977 1 392,222,534 105,453,872 497,676,406
1931. . , 208,208,330 40,348,804 83,229,468 331,786,602 362,132,334 82,680,750 444,813,084
1930•.. 259,558,025 36,158,600 75,408,981 372,125,606 323,395,745 83,731,661 409,127,406
19'29, •. ~51,OI2,l)24 34,502,282 08,753,805 361,27\l,011 293,557.500 95,.";04,753 38?062,253
1928.. 265,068,800 33,003,908 56,975,765 355,<)48,473 278,662,794 81,606,314 3W,26~,108
H127. 207,511,047 25,d49,533 64,147,303 297,307,943 260,213,799 41,528,072 301,741,871
1926... 207,367,749 23,317,823 58,590.991 289,276,503 246,330,140 41,3G1,022 287.691,162
H125.. 203,345,809 20,533,017 55,096,465 279,875,2fH 231,152,242 46,360,971 277,513,213
1924.. HI6,181,679 18,4fiO,72ü .'iO,928,171 265,569,570 230,238,227 38,720,667 268,964,894
(1) Par Mute des moàificatIons apportées à Ill. forlnnll;l de rapport, les chiffre!! de 1934 ne peuvent être comparés
à ceux des ann~lI anterieures. De 1924 à 1933, les eu-têtes des colonnes ci-dessus doivent se lire comme suit: Meubles
et immeublesa' Fonds d'amortissement: En caisse, Arrérages de taxes, etc.: Actif total; BonI> non rachetéai Autres
eWpnl.l:lts et dtee; Passif wta], Owing ta mooilkation" În tnfJ Q.uestionnaire for tlielle reports, the figures for 1934
cannot he compared with tbose of previom: years. From 1924 to 1933, the headings for the above (lOIUllUifl should bt:l
rea.d as follows: Movables and Immovables; Sinking Fundj Cllsh on Rand, Tax Arrears, etc.; Total .Aaset8; Bonde
Unredeemed; Othex Loan.a and Debu; Tata! LiRbilities.